Memes capture difference between Election Day 2016 & 2017

A whole lot has changed since the US election last November, when liberals were happy, hopeful, and — as some of them see it — non-threatening.

But this year on Election Day, any of that sweet, cheerful innocence was gone, having given way to anger, outrage, and some serious determination.

To show just how they feel, voters have taken to Twitter to share a series of witty memes, showing before and after pictures that represent the difference between Election Day 2016 and Election Day 2017.

What a change! Lyz Lenz kicked off a series of funny memes showing how differently some voters feel about the election this year versus last year

Determined! Others have followed suit, using pictures to show how happy and positive they felt in 2016 — and how angry they are this year

Determined! Others have followed suit, using pictures to show how happy and positive they felt in 2016 — and how angry they are this year

We're in the Upside Down: Several people turned to the Netflix series Stranger Things for their memes

We’re in the Upside Down: Several people turned to the Netflix series Stranger Things for their memes

Leggo her Egos! Star Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven showed up in a few

Leggo her Egos! Star Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven showed up in a few

She's mad! This user picked images of Meryl Streep at the Democratic National Convention and as the witch in Into the Wood

She’s mad! This user picked images of Meryl Streep at the Democratic National Convention and as the witch in Into the Wood

Voteus Maximus! Another woman turned to eager First Year Hermione and butt-kicking Seventh Year Hermione for her meme

Voteus Maximus! Another woman turned to eager First Year Hermione and butt-kicking Seventh Year Hermione for her meme

Transformed: In 2016, this voter felt more like Reese Witherspoon as her peppy and ambitious Election character — but no more

Transformed: In 2016, this voter felt more like Reese Witherspoon as her peppy and ambitious Election character — but no more

Writer Lyz Lenz kicked off the meme thread on November 7, Election Day, in a tweet that’s earned over 43,000 likes so far.

‘Me on election day in 2016 v. Me on election day in 2017,’ she wrote.

Attached were two images of actress Sigourney Weaver: In the first, representing 2016, Sigourney is pictured in an image from the ’80s, smiling at the camera with big, bouncy hair and a pristine red jacket.

In the second, a still from the 1979 movie Alien, she’s pictured looking dirty an disheveled, holding a child on one hip and a fun in the other with a look on her face that says she means business.

The implication seems to be that last year, she didn’t have a care in the world and felt optimistic. This year, however, she is very angry and determined to get the outcome she wants.

Perfect example: This woman feels like she's fallen into the Handmaid's Tale

Perfect example: This woman feels like she’s fallen into the Handmaid’s Tale

When she's mad... Both the before and after for Charlize Theron came from the same character

When she’s mad… Both the before and after for Charlize Theron came from the same character

Vampire Slayer: Season 7 Buffy has come a long way from Season 1 Buffy 

Vampire Slayer: Season 7 Buffy has come a long way from Season 1 Buffy 

New you: Twitter users mostly turned to actors and actresses for the meme (like Jamie Lee Curtis)

New you: Twitter users mostly turned to actors and actresses for the meme (like Jamie Lee Curtis)

Take your poison: Democrats are feeling more like Christina Ricci as Wednesday Adams these days

Take your poison: Democrats are feeling more like Christina Ricci as Wednesday Adams these days

President Snow, they're coming for you! They're also more like the energized Katniss of the final Hunger Games flick

President Snow, they’re coming for you! They’re also more like the energized Katniss of the final Hunger Games flick

A bit crazy: Some feel like they've turned into raving Sirius Black in Azkaban

A bit crazy: Some feel like they’ve turned into raving Sirius Black in Azkaban

Others followed suit with similar memes, picking their own before and after images. One used emojis, picking the queen to represent how she felt in 2016 and the new zombie to represent her 2017 self.

Two Twitter users turned to Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. One used a still of her character Eleven in a blonde wig during season one, followed by a more grown-up version of the character in moody make-up in season two.

Another used a pretty red carpet shot of the actress for the ‘before’ picture and an angry still from the show — in which Eleven’s nose is bleeding while she channels her anger into making things move — as the ‘after’.

One used Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in the first and last Harry Potter movies, another used Taylor Swift music video stills, and a third turned to Robin Wright (first in The Princess Bride and then in Wonder Woman).

Leave Britney alone! Quite a few seem to understand exactly what Britney Spears was going through in 2007

Leave Britney alone! Quite a few seem to understand exactly what Britney Spears was going through in 2007

Makes sense: Many have shed their calm demeanor and turned into The Hulk

Makes sense: Many have shed their calm demeanor and turned into The Hulk

Not coping well? In fact, a lot are looking worse for wear a year later

Not coping well? In fact, a lot are looking worse for wear a year later

Viral: Some of the popular memes have been liked hundreds and even thousands of times

Viral: Some of the popular memes have been liked hundreds and even thousands of times

Gone nuts: Helena Bonham Carter was perfect subject for this man's meme

Gone nuts: Helena Bonham Carter was perfect subject for this man’s meme

So fitting: This meme with Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup and a Antiope in Wonder Woman

So fitting: This meme with Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup and a Antiope in Wonder Woman

No write-ins! This person probably ignored the Blank Space for write-in candidates and voted Democrat

No write-ins! This person probably ignored the Blank Space for write-in candidates and voted Democrat

Meryl Streep also got the meme treatment: One woman noted that in 2016, she felt like Meryl at the Democratic National Convention, jubilant and dressed in an American flag dress. 

This year, however, Meryl as the witch in Into the Woods better encapsulated how she felt.

A Buffy fan who used the Vampire Slayer to illustrate picked a sweet Season 1 image of Sarah Michelle Geller cheerleading for the 2016, and the star training an army of slayers in Season 7 for 2017. 

Yet another Twitter user picked out two pictures of Elizabeth Olsen for her meme, with the star as a smiling Peggy on Mad Men for 2016 and as an exhausted Offred in Handmaid’s Tale for 2017. 

Other memes used Reese Witherspoon, Mark Ruffalo, Christina Ricci, Jennifer Lawrence, and Charlize Theron.