Men and women make out to determine who is best kisser

Worrying about whether or not you are considered a good kisser is something that almost everyone has gone through at some point in their lives. 

But a new social experiment video has suggested that there may well be no such thing as a ‘perfect’ technique – and that actually, determining whether a kiss is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is highly subjective, and varies depending on the person.

In a newly-released YouTube video created by, a group of strangers were asked to critique six people’s kissing techniques while blindfolded, and also asked to try and guess their gender at the same time. 


Pucker up: YouTube channel Cut has created a video featuring a group of strangers kissing each other blindfolded to see if they can determine who is the best kisser regardless of gender

Smooch: Featuring men and women, some of the group had never kissed someone from their own gender before

Smooch: Featuring men and women, some of the group had never kissed someone from their own gender before

Line up: The video sees five blindfolded people kiss the same six non-blindfolded people who they must score out of 10

Line up: The video sees five blindfolded people kiss the same six non-blindfolded people who they must score out of 10

Face to face: Some of the participants were able to guess the gender of the person kissing them based on facial hair stubble and by being able to feel 'some boobs'

Face to face: Some of the participants were able to guess the gender of the person kissing them based on facial hair stubble and by being able to feel ‘some boobs’

Each of the blindfolded participants was then asked to rate each kiss out of 10.  

At the start of the video, the producer off camera can be heard asking one participant, ‘Do you mind me asking your sexual orientation?’ 

When the guy says he’s straight, the producer then says, ‘So you know, today you’re not going to know the gender of everyone.’

The guy responds with: ‘If I’m wearing a blindfold I think it’ll be a little bit easier, if I could see like, a guy, I would be like squirming.’

When another male participant was asked if he felt nervous, he responded with: ‘Nah, except for the two guys part.’

The producer then asks a couple of the participants how they liked to be kissed and also asks if they have any restrictions.

While one woman said she doesn’t mind if the person she’s kissing touches her breast, another guy in the group revealed he would feel uncomfortable if someone touched his penis. 

Another woman says of her favorite technique: ‘I’m not a big fan of biting, but I guess like subtle biting [is good].’ 

The participants then put on their blindfolds while a line of six willing kissers came into shot, waiting their turn to pucker up and put their smooching prowess to the test.

One woman notes that the strangers she is about to kiss ‘smell good’, which she determines is a ‘good sign’.   

Each man and woman then had their chance to prove themselves as being the best kisser out of the group, with the blindfolded person offering comments, critiques, and even advice, about their unique styles, while also attempting to guess their gender.  

Big surprises: One woman scored all the women kissers highest even though she identified as straight 

Big surprises: One woman scored all the women kissers highest even though she identified as straight 

Guess who: Once the blindfolds were removed, the producers went through the scores and revealed the identity of the best kissers

Guess who: Once the blindfolds were removed, the producers went through the scores and revealed the identity of the best kissers

First timers: These straight men had never kissed someone from their own gender before 

First timers: These straight men had never kissed someone from their own gender before 

Personal taste: The video proved how subjective kissing is as two women voted the same man their best and worst kiss respectively 

Personal taste: The video proved how subjective kissing is as two women voted the same man their best and worst kiss respectively 

Some of the participants were able to guess the gender of the person kissing them based on facial hair stubble and by being able to feel ‘some boobs’ as they stood face to face. 

However the first woman in the line was wrongly identified by more than one blindfolded person, leading her to look somewhat put out as she made her way to the back of the line.  

Irrespective of gender, the experiment certainly proved that the ‘perfect’ kissing style’ doesn’t really exist, with almost every single person receiving a different score from each blindfolded kisser.

Indeed, one of the only things that almost all of the kiss recipients agreed on was that they weren’t a fan of one man’s rather ‘aggressive’ style, with one of the blindfolded women telling him: ‘You smell phenomenal, but [you were] a little over exuberant my friend.’

This enthusiasm went down well with one lady, however, who said: ‘That was aggressive… I like aggressive.’ 

Other critiques included a lack of variation and passion, while the kissers also offered positive notes such as, ‘It was good, they didn’t lead with the tongue,’ and, ‘I like that they grabbed my face.’ 

After all six in the line-up had been given a go, the participants went ‘one more round’, with one of the blindfolded women boldly telling them: ‘Don’t be afraid to slip me a little tongue guys, let’s keep this interesting.’

Once the blindfolds were removed, the producers went through the scores and revealed the identity of the best kissers. 

For one of the men who was in the line up and knew he would be kissing another man, he told the producers he had never kissed a man before so the experiment reaffirmed that he is ‘more attractive to girls’.

And while one straight woman found out her best kisses came from women, she said she wasn’t surprised as women tend to make more effort. 

Each person who had been blindfolded was then invited to kiss the person who they had voted their best kiss one final time, making out in front of the camera ‘ for however long you want’.