Men carry FRIDGE on their moped after winning it in raffle

  • Two men balanced a fridge on a motorbike to get it home from a party
  • They had won the mystery prize in the raffle with their friends
  • The men, from Sisaket in Thailand, managed to get themselves and the new fridge home safely

Two men delighted with their raffle winning were determined to get it home themselves.

Thammarat Thumphat and Ritti Kiatmongkol, who live in Sisaket in Thailand, took home their prize of an enormous fridge via their motorbike.

They both went to a party on Thursday night with some friends, where they paid 20 Thai bahts (45 pence) to buy the raffle tickets.

Thammarat Thumphat and Ritti Kiatmongkol placed the fridge between them to take it home from the party where they won it

Balancing act: Both men and the fridge managed to get home safely after the party they had attended

Balancing act: Both men and the fridge managed to get home safely after the party they had attended

The men were chosen as the mystery prize winner as their tickets were pulled out of a hat, and the huge purple fridge was given to them.

However, the new owners were then faced with getting their fridgehome.

Unfortunately, the gigantic appliance would not fit inside a taxi, so they decided to take matters in their own hands and carried it home themselves.

The unbelievable footage shows Thammarat holding onto the refrigerator while Ritti drives the motorcycle.

The men, from Sisaket in Thailand, went to the Red Cross foundation party night with friends and won the mystery prize, which turned out to be a fridge

The men, from Sisaket in Thailand, went to the Red Cross foundation party night with friends and won the mystery prize, which turned out to be a fridge

Pramote Boonta, a friend of the raffle winners, said: ‘Five of us all went to the Red Cross foundation for a party night and we bought a pair of tickets each to share.

‘We were happy when we won but didn’t know how to take home the fridge. I suggested a taxi, but the fridge was too big. 

‘Then we decided to go back on our motorcycles like you can see in the pictures.’

Both Thammarat and Ritti got home safely with their new fridge.