Men of Twitter baffled by curled hair Twitter meme

Hair care can say a lot about a person, as one cosmetology student pointed out on Wednesday in a shade-throwing tweet that spiraled into a viral sensation.  

Payton Hicks, 18, took to Twitter to enlighten her followers with her eye for hair style and throw cheating boyfriends under the bus with before and after photos that displayed the back of a girl’s head, highlighting two very different hair do’s. One photo revealed effortlessly flowy and beachy waves and the other tresses with crunchy ringlets that echo the starchy hairdo’s of high school dances.

She captioned her photo ‘you vs. the girl he cheats with,’ and in a matter of days her post amassed a whopping 24,000 retweets and over 102,000 likes.

Before and after: Payton Hicks, 18, shared this meme on Twitter comparing girls with two distinct approaches for curled tresses, and men of Twitter could not comprehend its meaning

Beauty guru: Payton, a cosmetology student, was doing her friends hair when she snapped the before and after shots that later took off on Twitter racking up over 102,000 likes

Beauty guru: Payton, a cosmetology student, was doing her friends hair when she snapped the before and after shots that later took off on Twitter racking up over 102,000 likes

Baffled boys: While the girls of Twitter were applauding the hair tip tweet, the men of Twitter were very vocal about their confusion and inability to connect the dots

Baffled boys: While the girls of Twitter were applauding the hair tip tweet, the men of Twitter were very vocal about their confusion and inability to connect the dots

Sweet surrender: One man had no trouble posting a hilarious confused meme rendition in response to Payton's hair comparison tweet that he couldn't understand

Sweet surrender: One man had no trouble posting a hilarious confused meme rendition in response to Payton’s hair comparison tweet that he couldn’t understand

Soon after the post hit a whole new level of virality when the men of Twitter were left in a state of utter confusion with the beauty tip tweet.

Payton, who’s currently studying cosmetology, said to Buzzfeed the photo series is a before and after comparison from when she styled her roommate’s hair for fun.

‘My method for curling clients’ hair is creating ugly ringlet-type curls that I then brush to make beachy beautiful waves,’ she said.

‘I was laughing and joking with [my roommate] about how bad they look before I brush them,’ she added. 

She then tweeted the joke about the ugly ringlet curles that left some Twitter users in stitches, and others with plenty of questions.  

One male Twitter user posted, ‘I am confused,’ and accompanied his tweet with a rendition of the famed meme that displays a blonde woman with a confused expression surrounded by math graphs and equations.

‘I have 0 understanding,’ a very honest Adam Pope wrote.

‘Wat does it mean’ a confused Lawrence Cimen added with a gif of a confused child.

‘I feel like I’m looking at the same hair,’ a user Wyatt admitted.  

Wild thoughts? One user wasn't far off and deduced the meme centered on the detail of curls

Wild thoughts? One user wasn’t far off and deduced the meme centered on the detail of curls

SOS: Another user raised his white flag to admit he needed help to decode the tweet

SOS: Another user raised his white flag to admit he needed help to decode the tweet

Get a clue: Users like Lawrence shared their own confused memes that went viral themselves

Get a clue: Users like Lawrence shared their own confused memes that went viral themselves

I spy? Twitter user Wyatt couldn't see in between the lines and see the difference in the tresses

I spy? Twitter user Wyatt couldn’t see in between the lines and see the difference in the tresses

Give up: Another man posted this photo of a desperately floored woman to say he's given up

Give up: Another man posted this photo of a desperately floored woman to say he’s given up

Some men began to guess at the hair comparison’s meaning with some wild conjectures.

One man tried to explain the tweet with the cryptic response, ‘The brown darker on the right.’ 

‘Is it because the right one is fake curls or something it looks like some fine pasta,’ another user hilariously concluded, describing the hair as either fake or food.

Going off the pasta reference another user uploaded his own before and after pic, replacing the blonde curls with different pasta noodles instead, to get his point across.

But most of Twitter fans pleaded for help. One even asked, ‘Can someone enlighten me?’

‘I need help with this,’ another simply said.

But the ladies of Twitter couldn’t be bothered and together cracked up at the mens’ confusion.

‘Your mcm doesn’t understand this,’ user Anna wrote explaining that ‘man crush Mondays’ were clueless to the interpreting the hair flick. 

Shot in the dark: Rob decided to go for a guess in a hilariously off-target statement

Shot in the dark: Rob decided to go for a guess in a hilariously off-target statement

Phone a friend: One user took to asking a girl friend the meaning of the meme which he understood to be the same person, but missed the underlying meaning

Phone a friend: One user took to asking a girl friend the meaning of the meme which he understood to be the same person, but missed the underlying meaning

Who run the world? One user Shelbs was left in stitches with the men of Twitter's confusion

Who run the world? One user Shelbs was left in stitches with the men of Twitter’s confusion

Ladies laugh: Another user named Jazmin said the boys' confusion made the post all the better

Ladies laugh: Another user named Jazmin said the boys’ confusion made the post all the better

Missed it: One woman created a shoddy graphic to display men's approach towards the joke

Missed it: One woman created a shoddy graphic to display men’s approach towards the joke

‘I feel like boys don’t understand this tweet and it makes me love it that much more,’ Jazmin Kelsey, 17, wrote.

‘All the boys in the replies so confused but us girls knowing what’s up is great,’ a New York user wrote, followed by crying emojis. 

But that doesn’t mean everyone was left in the dark. Some guys were right on target with their guesses.

‘Someone said boys don’t understand this pic… s*** girl on the right curls are too over done looking like she going to middle school dance,’ one man tweeted, in an on-point reference to the cringe-worthy crunchy curls.

 ‘The curls on the right are too tight and un-natural looking. The ones on the left look nice – See I know,’ Twitter user Hayden Cooper wrote, right on the ball.

While some boys finally got the joke, only one user named Michael nailed the punch line and named the missing link in the hair technique: a simply brush out to create a perfect curled look.

‘Right has been curled but needs to be brushed out?’ he wrote, followed by eye peeping emojis. 

Hair or pasta? Dylan of Twitter found the crunchy curls to look 'fake' and the beachy waves as 'some fine pasta' in a hilarious food comparison 

Hair or pasta? Dylan of Twitter found the crunchy curls to look ‘fake’ and the beachy waves as ‘some fine pasta’ in a hilarious food comparison 

Lookin' yummy: Move over hot dogs vs. legs, comparing hair to pasta types is the latest trend according to Twitter user Ian who reinterpreted the viral tweet in terms of food

Lookin’ yummy: Move over hot dogs vs. legs, comparing hair to pasta types is the latest trend according to Twitter user Ian who reinterpreted the viral tweet in terms of food

Smart one: One boy knew exactly what the tweet meant and proudly shared it online

Smart one: One boy knew exactly what the tweet meant and proudly shared it online

All in the details: Michael also knew the difference between the curls and even noted the subtle detail that the hair needed to be brushed out, an exact step that Payton takes in her routine

All in the details: Michael also knew the difference between the curls and even noted the subtle detail that the hair needed to be brushed out, an exact step that Payton takes in her routine