Men respond to #MeToo hashtag with #HowIWillChange message

The #MeToo campaign has seen millions of women around the world sharing often-harrowing stories of abuse, assault and harassment in order to try and shed a light on just how many people suffer this kind of treatment on a daily basis. 

But while the focus has remained mostly on the shocking accounts being shared as a result of the campaign – which was sparked by actress Alyssa Milano in the wake of the mounting allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein – one man has started another social media storm in an attempt to show the positive effect the #MeToo testimonials have had on guys around the world. 

Taking to Twitter, Australian journalist Benjamin Law, 35, told his fellow males, ‘it’s our turn’, before launching the hashtag #HowIWillChange and inviting them to share their own stories about how they plan to respond to the viral movement.  

Stand up! Charmed actress Alyssa Milano, 44, shared this tweet Sunday night that took over the internet by storm amassing over 67,000 responses and 25,000 retweets

Taking notes! Australian journalist and activist Benjamin Law responded with #HowIWillChange urging men to learn from the movement, pictured above in feminist sweater

Taking notes! Australian journalist and activist Benjamin Law responded with #HowIWillChange urging men to learn from the movement, pictured above in feminist sweater

Our turn: He shared his message with the hopes that the #MeToo stories would be an impetus for behavioral change

Our turn: He shared his message with the hopes that the #MeToo stories would be an impetus for behavioral change

And men around the world have been sending in their responses and though the changes may be incremental, they hope it will lead to substantial change – from cutting off locker room talk, calling out harassment, and ending victim blaming. 

His motivation came after Charmed star Alyssa, 44, took to Twitter on Sunday to rally women to share their harassment experiences in the wake of the Weinstein scandal – prompting a colossal response. 

‘If all the woman who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘me too,’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem,’ she tweeted. 

While millions responded to her cry, writer Benjamin called on his fellow men to share how they will change in response to the movement.

‘Guys, it’s out turn. After yesterday’s endless #MeToo stories of women being abused, assaulted and harassed, today we say #HowIWillChange,’ he tweeted. 

His message amassed over 2,000 retweets and over 6,000 likes, and sparked a series of eye-opening yet uplifting responses.

‘#HowIWillChange I will never stay quiet and ignore harassment and abuse. Men need to take action and stand up for others,’ one user wrote. 

‘I will never blame a victim, and I will never stand and watch as a man makes unwanted advances on a woman #HowIWillChange,’ another user Michael wrote.

‘#HowIWillChange means acknowledging MY OWN capacity for harmful behavior, and taking responsibility for unlearning that toxicity,’ one man added. 

Smack talk: John said he would no longer tolerate locker room talk and call it out instead of ignoring it as he usually did in the past 

Smack talk: John said he would no longer tolerate locker room talk and call it out instead of ignoring it as he usually did in the past 

Never stay quiet: One Twitter user learned from the movement to stand up for others

Never stay quiet: One Twitter user learned from the movement to stand up for others

Blame game: Michael learned to never blame the victim and to intervene the next time he sees suspicious advances in his surroundings 

Blame game: Michael learned to never blame the victim and to intervene the next time he sees suspicious advances in his surroundings 

Preach! One user was very reflective with the movement, and said it made him reflect on his own behaviors to unlearn the bad 

Preach! One user was very reflective with the movement, and said it made him reflect on his own behaviors to unlearn the bad 

Listen up! Andrew shared that he would actively listen and undersatnd women moving forward

Listen up! Andrew shared that he would actively listen and undersatnd women moving forward

Sticks and stones: Grant learned that it was more important to speak up for wrongdoings in the community, which come at the cost of being mocked and bullied

Sticks and stones: Grant learned that it was more important to speak up for wrongdoings in the community, which come at the cost of being mocked and bullied

The responses ranged standing up against harassment and checking one’s own behavior. 

Benjamin encouraged his followers to acknowledge their privilege and speak out for the people suffering around them.

‘#HowIWillChange: Acknowledge that if all women I know has been sexually harassed, abused or assaulted, then I know perpetrators. Or am one,’ he tweeted. 

‘Recognize I don’t need to be a perpetrator to be a bad guy. Questioning harassment, not doing anything about it—all as bad.

But he warned men that sticking up for women isn’t something to flaunt, it’s a behavior adjustment that should be lived up to, without hopes for a reward.

‘I’ll do all this without expecting to be congratulated or praised since women do the heavy lifting every other f****** day,’ he added.

And he left a clap back comment for the men that vainly claim they are not a part of the problem. 

Check your space: Benjamin tweeted a thread of lessons for his followers including encouraging people to check themselves for predatory behavior

Check your space: Benjamin tweeted a thread of lessons for his followers including encouraging people to check themselves for predatory behavior

Recognize the signs: The writer warned that silence is just as harmful as harassment itself

Recognize the signs: The writer warned that silence is just as harmful as harassment itself

Solve the problem: To the  many who thought they were no 'part of the problem' he clarified saying they indeed were, and that ever man in responsible for their own actions

Solve the problem: To the  many who thought they were no ‘part of the problem’ he clarified saying they indeed were, and that ever man in responsible for their own actions

No complacency! This bad shared he would no longer be appeased with the status quo and will stand up and call out men for sexism and harassment in the future

No complacency! This bad shared he would no longer be appeased with the status quo and will stand up and call out men for sexism and harassment in the future

Street cop: One man said he would stand up against catcalling, one of the most normalized forms of daily harassment women face

Street cop: One man said he would stand up against catcalling, one of the most normalized forms of daily harassment women face

Family first: Jesse revealed that he would move forward by teaching his sons and grandson to be better and to respect and honor women, starting in the home

Family first: Jesse revealed that he would move forward by teaching his sons and grandson to be better and to respect and honor women, starting in the home

Learn first! Alex shared that he would learn as much as he can about women's issues in order to become more conscious of the daily struggles and issues women face

Learn first! Alex shared that he would learn as much as he can about women’s issues in order to become more conscious of the daily struggles and issues women face

‘Lots of fragile dudes in my mentions insisting they’re “not part of the problem”. You’re the definition of the problem. Die angry about it,’ he said in a follow-up tweet.

One powerful response under the fast-growing hashtag includes a parent’s perspective, with one father swearing he’ll teach his children to do better. 

#HowIWillChange I will keep showing my three sons and one grandson how to honor and respect women. Guys – meaningful change starts in the home,’ a man named Jesse wrote.

Another man’s tweet encapsulates the purpose and impact of the #MeToo movement, sharing that he learned a valuable lesson through the online trend, and its one he will carry with him.

‘HowIWillChange Learning more about women’s issues instead of expecting them to explain to me how they are impacted,’ Twitter user named Alex shared.