Miami dentist Ahmed Elkoussa is FIRED after he’s seen on video with his friend Xave Ramou ripping down posters of kidnapped and murdered Israelis

A Florida dentist was fired just hours after a video went viral showing him and a friend ripping down posters of kidnapped and murdered Israelis in Miami. 

Ahmed Elkoussa, a 31-year-old dentist, and ‘Instagram model’ Xave Ramoul were caught on camera ripping down posters of Israeli hostages in the Brickell neighborhood Tuesday. 

By Wednesday morning, Elkoussa was fired from his position at CG Smile, a dental office he was employed at in Miami.

‘We are very sad to see this situation upon waking up,’ the office wrote on Instagram. ‘Our office CG Smile is not in favor of any of the actions taken by Dr. Elkoussa. We do not support terrorist groups, actions or supporters.’

‘He has been removed from our staff, all of our social media pages and groups. CG Smile DOES NOT support terrorist groups actions or supporters,’ the post added.

Ahmed Elkoussa, a 31-year-old dentist, was fired from his position at CG Smile after he was caught on camera ripping down posters of Israeli hostages in Brickell on Tuesday 

Dental clinic CG Smile announced his termination Wednesday on Instagram after facing backlash, and condemned Elkoussa's disgraceful action

Dental clinic CG Smile announced his termination Wednesday on Instagram after facing backlash, and condemned Elkoussa’s disgraceful action

The dental practice’s owner, Juan Carlos Izquierdo, said his office has faced severe backlash since the acts of Elkoussa, which he condemned. 

‘I believe it’s not right. It’s against our position on the entire situation,’ Izquierdo said. ‘Later on, I got a call saying he wanted to explain and that after he explained, everything would be cleared, and I told him I don’t want to hear it,’ he said to NBC6.

Taty Guiribitey, who claimed to be the mother of the owner on Instagram, said her husband, the owner’s father, is Jewish, and they would never allow ‘anything against Israel.’ 

‘I am the mother of the owner of CG smile and my husband, his father is Jewish, we would never allow anything against Israel, especially now that our friends are experiencing a terrifying situation in Israel,’ she commented. 

‘As a member of a Jewish family, we open our doors to all ethnicities, but unfortunately we cannot predict the attitude of others. Our family will always assert our unwavering commitment to justice and truth.’ 

Many users applauded the decision to let Elkoussa go in the comments after calling for his termination. 

'He has been removed from our staff, all of our social media pages and groups. CG Smile DOES NOT support terrorist groups actions or supporters,' the post added

‘He has been removed from our staff, all of our social media pages and groups. CG Smile DOES NOT support terrorist groups actions or supporters,’ the post added 

The viral video shows Elkoussa with 'Instagram model' Xave Ramoul ripping down posters of Israeli hostages in Brickell, Miami

The viral video shows Elkoussa with ‘Instagram model’ Xave Ramoul ripping down posters of Israeli hostages in Brickell, Miami

Ramoul and Elkoussa appeared to have deleted their social media profiles in the wake of the video

Ramoul and Elkoussa appeared to have deleted their social media profiles in the wake of the video

In addition, many took to Yelp to give the dentist 1-star reviews, and call for his license to be revoked – claiming his repulsive actions show he is not fit to treat patients.

 ‘Doctors are supposed to take care of their patients. The Hippocratic oath literally says, “Never will I betray them or risk their wellbeing to satisfy my vanity. I will not hurt my fellow or put a knife to his flesh if I don’t know how, or give him an herb to soothe his pain, even if he begs for it in anguish, if it might take away his breath,”‘ a user noted.

‘Someone who supports a terrorist organization is going directly against this. His license should get suspended!’ 

Another warned potential customers, ‘Be careful, this is a terror-supporter who celebrates the Hamas massacre against 1,400 Israeli men, women, children and babies. He may be a dentist by day, but at night, he walks the streets of Miami, taking down photographer of the Israeli toddlers captured as pow by Hamas terrorists.’

‘He may be dangerous to patients, and may be a jihadist. Do not risk your life. Avoid this terror-supporting “doctor.” God knows how he may harm Jewish patients or those who do not subscribe to his genocidal views.’

‘Doctors who celebrate murder should be disbarred. Genocidal supporting psychopaths have no business being doctors, not pass themselves as humanists.’

Both men who appeared on video, ElKoussa and Ramoul, appeared to have deleted their social media since receiving backlash online after the video circulated. 

They have not commented publicly on the video or the dentist’s firing. 

The two men, are some of the people who have been spotted across the nation ripping down the flyers of hostages captured by Hamas. 

NYU Yazmeen Deyhimi student admitted to tearing down posters of Israeli hostages - blaming her exploits on 'misplaced anger' - as her accomplice is ID'ed as a Muslim Youth leader

NYU Yazmeen Deyhimi student admitted to tearing down posters of Israeli hostages – blaming her exploits on ‘misplaced anger’ – as her accomplice is ID’ed as a Muslim Youth leader

Deyhimi, a third year student at NYU who once worked for the Anti-Defamation League and a self-acclaimed 'activist,' confessed to tearing down the banners that were plastered outside NYU's Tisch Hall and tossing them in the trash

Deyhimi, a third year student at NYU who once worked for the Anti-Defamation League and a self-acclaimed ‘activist,’ confessed to tearing down the banners that were plastered outside NYU’s Tisch Hall and tossing them in the trash

Also this week, an NYU student admitted to tearing down posters of Israeli hostages – blaming her exploits on ‘misplaced anger’.

Yazmeen Deyhimi, a junior at NYU who once worked for the Anti-Defamation League and a self-acclaimed ‘activist,’ confessed to tearing down the flyers of hostages that were plastered outside NYU’s Tisch Hall on Monday and tossing them into the trash.

The now-viral video of their actions has sparked backlash, with many calling for the university to hold the three perpetrators accountable.

In a since-deleted Instagram post, Deyhimi ‘apologized,’ offering a bizarre explanation for the disgraceful act – claiming she was having a rough time finding her place as a ‘biracial brown woman’ during these ‘highly volatile’ times.

‘I have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a biracial brown woman, especially during these highly volatile times,’ Deyhimi shared. ‘I have felt more and more frustrated about the time we currently find ourselves in, and that misplaced anger into actions that are not an accurate representation of who I am as a person.’
