Michael Burdon funeral after Tanja Ebert suspected murder

The family of missing German woman Tanja Ebert say they have not given up hope of finding her alive as her husband was buried on Friday, two weeks after he killed himself while being interviewed by police.

Michael Burdon, 41, shot himself at Oulnina Park in outback South Australia on August 16, as police searched the couple’s property, eight days after his wife Tanja, 23, disappeared.

The well-liked farmer, who is suspected of killing his wife and leaving her body somewhere on the vast outback property, was buried on Friday as both families promised to make the couple’s two children their priority.

Michael Burdon, pictured right, laid to rest after shooting himself as police searched his property for his missing wife Tanja Ebert, pictured

Police resumed their search of Oulnina Park on Wednesday - days before the man was laid to rest by family

Police resumed their search of Oulnina Park on Wednesday – days before the man was laid to rest by family

Michael Burdon, 41, shot himself at Oulnina Park on August 16, eight days after his wife Tanja Ebert, 23, disappeared during an argument

Michael Burdon, 41, shot himself at Oulnina Park on August 16, eight days after his wife Tanja Ebert, 23, disappeared during an argument

Ms Ebert’s family flew out from Germany and held a media conference on Friday, where their statement was read out by a translator.

‘It is very hard not knowing what has happened with Tanja, we do not feel hopeless, it is our hope to find Tanja alive and well,’ the family said in a statement.

The family stood with tears in their eyes as a translator read their words, first in their native German and then in English.

‘We also grieve for Michael Burdon – his family are in our thoughts and our hearts. We are devastated for them.

‘We knew Michael as a wonderful father, a good friend and sociable person. 

‘We worry about Tanja and Michael’s two young sons who are true victims of this tragedy.’ 

Mr Burdon’s family also released a statement ahead of the grazier’s burial.

‘Michael’s sudden and shocking death has devastated our family,’ the family said.

‘We loved Michael very much, and our primary focus is now the care and support of his two young boys.

‘We are still trying to come to terms with the tragic events of the past three weeks.’

Police resumed searching the vast, isolated property on Wednesday and expect to continue their search through Saturday – and are not ruling out further searches until the young mother’s body is found.

'We loved Michael very much, and our primary focus is now the care and support of his two young boys,'  family said in a statement - the young family pictured shortly before Tanja's disappearance

‘We loved Michael very much, and our primary focus is now the care and support of his two young boys,’  family said in a statement – the young family pictured shortly before Tanja’s disappearance

Ms Ebert and Mr Burdon at their wedding - in happier times - the couple leave behind two children

Ms Ebert and Mr Burdon at their wedding – in happier times – the couple leave behind two children

Their search has been focused in recent days on abandoned mines and wells on the property.

Earlier searches of the massive sheep station were called off after investigators were unable to find clues of her whereabouts.

Ms Ebert went missing on August 8, allegedly following an argument with her husband Mr Burdon.

Police are requesting anyone with dashcam footage from Roseworthy to Mannahill between 7pm and midnight on August 8 to hand it in.

Mr Burdon and Tanja Ebert in happier times - their families are both in Australia mourning the father's death and mother's disappearance

Mr Burdon and Tanja Ebert in happier times – their families are both in Australia mourning the father’s death and mother’s disappearance

'It is very hard not knowing what has happened with Tanja, we do not feel hopeless, it is our hope to find Tanja alive and well,' Ms Ebert's family said in a statement

‘It is very hard not knowing what has happened with Tanja, we do not feel hopeless, it is our hope to find Tanja alive and well,’ Ms Ebert’s family said in a statement

They are also appealing for anyone with information or knowledge of Ms Ebert’s disappearance to come forward.

‘It’s actually quite rare for people to commit a murder and not to tell somebody,’ said Mr Bray.

On August 18, police officers dug up multiple ‘key areas of interest’ on the family’s property at Oulnina Park Station, north of Adelaide. 

 Ms Ebert’s family thanked South Australian Police for helping them stay in Adelaide as the search for their daughter continues.

‘By helping to bring us to SA have ensured we are not suffering alone,’ they said. 

Police are keen to find the young mother’s ‘final resting place’ so they can bring the murder investigation to a close. 

Police are requesting anyone with dashcam footage from Roseworthy to Mannahill between 7pm and midnight on August 8 to hand it in as they continue to work towards finding the missing mother

Police are requesting anyone with dashcam footage from Roseworthy to Mannahill between 7pm and midnight on August 8 to hand it in as they continue to work towards finding the missing mother






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