Michelle Wolf defends Samantha Bee slamming Ivanka Trump

Michelle Wolf, the comedian whose bashing of President Donald Trump’s spokeswoman at the White House Correspondents dinner made her a national sensation, has turned her blistering words toward Ivanka Trump.

Wolf defended comedian Samantha Bee, who called the first daughter a ‘feckless c***,’ and piled on to the criticism, saying Ivanka Trump was ‘useless.’

‘I mean, Ivanka is part of the Trump administration. She’s fair game. And she is useless. So I think it’s very fair to point out that she’s doing a terrible job,’ Wolf told the Daily Beast. 

Comedian Michelle Wolf, who criticized Trump’s spokesperson at the White House Correspondents dinner, called Ivanka Trump ‘useless’

The comedian said the first daughter is fair game because she works in the administration

The comedian said the first daughter is fair game because she works in the administration

Michelle Wolf defended Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a 'feckless c***'

Michelle Wolf defended Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a ‘feckless c***’

The comedian also bragged that if something was couched as a joke ‘you can say whatever you want.’

‘I really think that if you couch something in a joke, you can say whatever you want. I’m guessing the reason she had to apologize was because sponsors were pulling out.’

Bee lost at least two major sponsors for her TBS show ‘Full Frontal,’ which only had a handful as it’s a weekly program.

She apologized for her remarks about the first daughter, who she had criticized for not doing more about the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from the adults with whom they enter the U.S. illegally. 

‘I crossed the line. I regret it and I do apologize for it,’ Bee said on her show. ‘The problem is, a lot of women have heard that word at the worst time in their lives, and don’t want it reclaimed.

‘I don’t want to inflict more pain on them. I want this show to be challenging and to be honest.’

Wolf, however, seemed to back up Bee’s criticism, saying Ivanka Trump will ‘steal the children right out from under you.’ 

‘She’s one of those worst kind of girls. We’re all fooled by her because Eric and Don Jr. aren’t attractive, and then we pull that, Well, she’s just a little girl! She’s just a pretty little girl. And that’s why you shouldn’t underestimate women: they’ll look like a pretty little girl and they’ll steal the children right out from under you,’ the comedian said.

Bee’s remarks on the first daughter brought the fury of the White House upon her.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders called the comment ‘vile’ and President Donald Trump tweeted his anger at the remarks.

Trump, who was once caught on camera bragging to Billy Bush about how his fame entitles him to ‘grab’ women by the ‘p****,’ demanded to know why Bee was not fired in the wake of incident.

The president called it a ‘total double standard’ that TBS had not cancelled the show, a reference to the fact that Roseanne Barr had been fired days earlier for a racist tweet in which she compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape.

Bee was criticizing the Trump administration’s new policy on her show when she ended her segment with a vulgar plea to the president’s closest aide.

Michelle Wolf criticized the White House press corps as 'irresponsible' in the coverage of the Trump administration

Michelle Wolf criticized the White House press corps as ‘irresponsible’ in the coverage of the Trump administration

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was a target of Wolf's attacks at the White House Correspondents dinner

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was a target of Wolf’s attacks at the White House Correspondents dinner

After showing a photo of Ivanka and her toddler son Theodore, Bee said: ‘You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless c***.’

Wolf said incidents like Bee’s and the White House commenting on Roseanne Barr’s show being canceled was the administration’s way of distracting from other things. 

‘I think there’s a distraction method of Oh, if we talk about this part of something then people won’t focus on the actual part of substance,’ she said. 

She also talked about her responsibilities as a comedian.

‘I always think of it as: it’s my responsibility to write the jokes and say the jokes. How they’re interpreted—and all that aftermath—is completely out of my control. I can have said something with the very best intentions and people can take it completely out of context. I have no control over that, so all I can do is try to write the funniest joke possible that’s true to who I am and my point of view.’ 

She also unleashed her vitriol on the White House press corps, slamming them as ‘irresponsible’ in their coverage of the Trump administration.

‘I think in general their journalism has been very irresponsible. It certainly hasn’t served the people and it definitely has served Trump,’ she said. 


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