Michigancop loses pay for Facebook post on NFL protests

A top Michigan police woman will lose five days of pay for sharing a Facebook post in September that called NFL players who kneel during the national anthem ‘anti-American degenerates.’

Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue has been under fire since September 24 when she shared a meme on her personal Facebook page that called NFL players who kneel during the national anthem ‘millionaire ingrates who hate America.’ 

She has apologized, especially to black lawmakers, but hasn’t publicly explained why she shared it.

Governor Rick Snyder confirmed the penalty Thursday at the end of press release that announced many steps to ‘review the culture of state government.’ 

 Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue will lose five days of pay for sharing a Facebook post in September that called NFL players who kneel during the national anthem ‘anti-American degenerates’

Etue has been under fire since September 24 when she shared a meme on her personal Facebook page that called NFL players who kneel during the national anthem 'millionaire ingrates who hate America.'

Etue has been under fire since September 24 when she shared a meme on her personal Facebook page that called NFL players who kneel during the national anthem ‘millionaire ingrates who hate America.’

Hundreds of athletes have expressed they are taking a knee during the pre-game national anthem as a symbolic protest against racial oppression and incidents of police brutality against blacks.

The controversial message on her personal Facebook page caused outrage, as some have called for her to be fired – which Snyder had already said he would not do. 

The full message reads: ‘Dear NFL: we do not support millionaire ingrates who hate America and disrespect our Armed Forces and Veterans.

‘Who wins a football game has ZERO impact on our lives. Who fights for and defends our nation has EVERY impact on our lives.

‘We stand with the Heroes, not a bunch of rich, entitled, arrogant, ungrateful, anti-American degenerates. Signed, We the People.’  

Etue, who is white, makes $165,000 a year so she'll lose just under two percent of her pay. She still must work during the five days. She is pictured giving a briefing in 2016

Etue, who is white, makes $165,000 a year so she’ll lose just under two percent of her pay. She still must work during the five days. She is pictured giving a briefing in 2016

She has apologized, especially to black lawmakers, but hasn't publicly explained why she shared it

She has apologized, especially to black lawmakers, but hasn’t publicly explained why she shared it

Etue, who is white, makes $165,000 a year so she’ll lose just under two percent of her pay. She still must work during the five days.

‘Colonel Etue posted something on social media that was inappropriate.,’ the governor said. 

‘The colonel has served honorably as an enlisted trooper for 30 years, and I hope we can come together as Michiganders to move forward and find common ground, rather than rehash past mistakes.’ 

Immediately following the incident, Michigan ACLU Director Kary Moss wrote on Facebook: ‘It is the sworn duty of the State Police Director to uphold the Constitution which protects all people in this State and to demonstrate respect for those principles.

‘She undermines her own position and the trust of the community with these remarks and utter disregard of the people she represents.’ 

Hundreds of athletes have expressed they are taking a knee during the pre-game national anthem as a symbolic protest against racial oppression and incidents of police brutality against blacks. Pictured are the Dallas Cowboys taking a knee with their owner Jerry Jones on September 25

Hundreds of athletes have expressed they are taking a knee during the pre-game national anthem as a symbolic protest against racial oppression and incidents of police brutality against blacks. Pictured are the Dallas Cowboys taking a knee with their owner Jerry Jones on September 25

The Facebook post came at a sensitive time for state police. 

The department said it would stop high-speed pursuits in Detroit, except in cases of serious crime, after a white trooper who was inside his patrol car shot a black teenager with a Taser. 

The boy crashed an all-terrain vehicle and died. The trooper has resigned and is the subject of a criminal investigation.

In his statement Thursday, Snyder said he’s ordered a review of trooper recruit practices and the standards for admission. He also said his administration will develop ‘cultural awareness and sensitivity training guidelines’ within all state government.

The governor said a group will recommend policies on the private use of social media by state employees.

‘We are the best Michigan when we are a diverse Michigan, and I will continue taking actions to ensure all state departments are working to effectively serve all residents in an impartial and inclusive manner,’ Snyder said.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk