Mika Brzezinksi reveals Ivanka Trump tried to call her yesterday

Mika Brzezinski slammed Ivanka Trump again Thursday morning, and revealed that the president’s daughter tried to call her yesterday to speak off the record about the administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the border.

The Morning Joe co-host said she has been in regular contact with the first daughter throughout the first year of the Trump Administration, especially after events like the white supremacist marches in Charlottesville, when she thought Ivanka could have stepped up and been a voice of reason with her father.

‘I was always very sad about sort of the fact that she didn’t step up,’ Brzezinski said.  

Mika Brzezinski (left) slammed Ivanka Trump (right, on Wednesday) again Thursday morning, and revealed that the president’s daughter tried to call her yesterday to speak off the record about the administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the border

Eventually, she ‘stopped communicating’ with Ivanka because ‘nothing seemed to be sticking’. 

‘Everything she said she wanted to do? Never happened. Not one bit,’ Brzezinski said, referring to Ivanka’s pledges to be an advocate for women during her father’s administration. 

So on Friday, instead of reaching out to Ivanka in private, Brzezinski took to her Instagram and posted a comment, urging her to speak out publicly against her father’s ‘awful and horrifying’ policy.

Brzezsinki said she finally got a reaction from Ivanka on Wednesday, when the first daughter called her as it was announced that the president would be signing an executive order to end the policy. 

Last week, Ivanka posted a picture of her on an outing with her daughter Arabella. Many found the picture in poor taste considering the thousands of children being separated from their families at the U.S. border under Trump's Administration 

Last week, Ivanka posted a picture of her on an outing with her daughter Arabella. Many found the picture in poor taste considering the thousands of children being separated from their families at the U.S. border under Trump’s Administration 

Brzezinski commented on the picture, urging Ivanka to take a public stance against her father's 'awful and horrifying' policy

Brzezinski commented on the picture, urging Ivanka to take a public stance against her father’s ‘awful and horrifying’ policy

While children will no longer be separated from their families at the border, the administration has now said when the more than 2,000 children already in government care will be reunited with their families.  

‘I’ve been speaking to her, posting comments on her Instagram, so I can be sure that she reads them. Letting her know that we really need to hear from her – as his spokesperson on families and mothers and babies – to tell the world that she believes this policy is wrong. That somebody does need to step up to this president, somebody does need to come forward and tell him that this is inhumane. Please, be the person….

‘And I tried to communicate with her on her Instagram. She did not erase [the comment], but she did not respond. And then yesterday she called. I guess maybe she was making calls, making the rounds to talk about this executive order. But the question still is – where are the girls? Where are the toddlers? What about these thousands of children?’ Brzezinski said.  

Brzezinski said she did not answer Ivanka’s call, because she ‘lost trust’ in the first daughter.  

She said she did text back though, laying out specific ground rules for a conversation, that she said would need to be on the record. 

‘I wanted to talk to her, but I wanted to make it very clear the parameters of this conversation would be very clear and that I wasn’t going to be just trusting any more. That I’ve lost trust. 

A Mission Police Dept. officer (left), and a U.S. Border Patrol agent watch over a group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas

A Mission Police Dept. officer (left), and a U.S. Border Patrol agent watch over a group of Central American asylum seekers before taking them into custody on June 12, 2018 near McAllen, Texas

‘I said unless you can tell me where the little girls and toddlers are, and the intention of this administration is to reunite these families right away, now, that there’s nothing to talk about,’ Brzezinski said.  

 Ivanka allegedly declined to speak on the record. Brzezinski wouldn’t say exactly what Ivanka said, but that she communicated she was ‘making efforts’.   

‘She wrote me back off the record so I won’t mention what she wrote off the record, because that would be wrong. But it was kind of a just placating group of sentences, some that didn’t make sense, but basically saying, talk is cheap or that she was making efforts,’ Brzezinski said. 

Brzezinski has also been calling Ivanka out on Twitter over the past few days 

Brzezinski has also been calling Ivanka out on Twitter over the past few days 

Brzezsinki responded again, saying that if Ivanka can’t speak out on the record, publicly, for ‘mothers and women and babies’ then ‘no one is going to ever respect her again’. 

‘Because this whole thing has been a joke. This position that she holds is a joke,’ Brzezsinki said. 

Later on in the segment, Brzezinski called for Ivanka to go to the border and ‘wait until something is done’.

She also said she and co-host Joe Scarborough, who are engaged, wish to foster one of the children while they wait to be reunited with their families.  

‘Everybody who cares about this is doing what they can do. There are legal aid organizations doing what they can do. There are doctors stepping up. 

‘We want to foster one of these children as they wait, wherever they are. We just want to know here they are and we will use this platform to ask again and again and again where are the girls and where are the toddlers. 

‘What can you do? You can go to the border as the president’s counselor on women and families and children and you can stand there and wait until something is done. Step up! It’s not about you and it’s not about your dad – it’s about the country. Do what’s right,’ she said. 

Brzezinski's words come just weeks after Ivanka was slammed  for posting a picture with her son as news first began to spread of children being torn away from their parents

Brzezinski’s words come just weeks after Ivanka was slammed for posting a picture with her son as news first began to spread of children being torn away from their parents

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