Mika Brzezinski slams Ivanka Trump for ‘tone deaf’ Instagram

As stories fill the headlines of babies being ripped from their breastfeeding mothers at the border, Mika Brzezinski has wasted no time in slamming Ivanka Trump. 

The Morning Joe co-host hit out at the president’s daughter on Friday for posting on Instagram about a ‘date night’ with her six-year-old daughter Arabella Kushner.

Ivanka’s Instagram picture featured her balancing on a log in a lake near her home in Washington DC. The caption noted that the photo was taken by Arabella.

Brzezinski was citing a recent report about parents waiting for months to be reunited with their babies when she took aim at Ivanka. 

Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski hit out at Ivanka Trump on Friday for posting on Instagram about a ‘date night’ with her six-year-old daughter Arabella Kushner

‘Not only is this a story about who we are and redefining who we are in the worst way, this is a story about women and their vital roles as mothers,’ Brzezinski said.  

‘When you have babies being taken away from their mothers, you have to ask why the counselor to the president – who was brought in to help the president create good policies surrounding women, parental leave, domestic policies that are important to women in this country – you have to ask why Ivanka Trump is so tone deaf to post a picture about her special day yesterday with her daughter.’ 

Brzezinski took further aim at Ivanka on Instagram, first commenting on the aforementioned picture before posting a screen grab of the comment on her own social media page. 

‘I wish you would speak for all mothers and take a stand for all mothers and children,’ she wrote to Ivanka. 

‘With respect, your posts make me so sad. I remember we spoke about them and all the hopeful goals you had for all women. There is still time.’ 

Ivanka's Instagram picture featured her balancing on a log in a creek near her home in Washington DC. The caption said 'date night' and gave the photo credit to Arabella

Ivanka’s Instagram picture featured her balancing on a log in a creek near her home in Washington DC. The caption said ‘date night’ and gave the photo credit to Arabella

Brzezinski took further aim at Ivanka on Instagram, first commenting on the aforementioned picture before posting a screen grab of the comment on her own page

Brzezinski took further aim at Ivanka on Instagram, first commenting on the aforementioned picture before posting a screen grab of the comment on her own page

‘Please speak up. Use your voice and your platform to help women, even if it is inconvenient for you. I know this will be deleted but I can only try.

‘These are sad times for women to hear them disparaged by the President’s attorney. And awful and horrifying to see what we are doing at the border.

‘As someone who works for the President – you told me you wanted to help women. Now is not too late.’  

Brzezinski’s plea to Ivanka comes just days after US Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed that victims of domestic abuse and gang violence would no longer qualify for asylum in the US. 

‘The mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes – such as domestic violence or gang violence – or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime, cannot itself establish an asylum claim,’ Sessions wrote in his ruling on Monday.   

Brzezinski pleaded with Ivanka to 'speak up' and use her voice and platform 'to help women, even if it is inconvenient for you'

Brzezinski pleaded with Ivanka to ‘speak up’ and use her voice and platform ‘to help women, even if it is inconvenient for you’

Ivanka frequently posts pictures of her children on social media. She is pictured here with Arabella in March 

Ivanka frequently posts pictures of her children on social media. She is pictured here with Arabella in March 

Sessions came under fire again later in the week when he quoted the Bible while defending the Trump administration’s decision to separate children from immigrant parents at the border. 

‘I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes,’ Sessions told a law enforcement group in Indiana on Thursday. 

‘Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. Consistent and fair application of the law is in itself a good and moral thing, and that protects the weak and protects the lawful.’ 

Brzezinski also hit out at Sessions on Friday, calling his citation of the Bible ‘more than tone deaf’.

Brzezinski's words come just weeks after Ivanka was slammed  for posting a picture with her son as news first began to spread of children being torn away from their parents

Brzezinski’s words come just weeks after Ivanka was slammed for posting a picture with her son as news first began to spread of children being torn away from their parents

‘We’re losing, every step here,’ Brzezinski said. ‘We’re losing a sense of who we are. And it’s wrong and we need people in there with stronger voices.’  

Brzezinski’s words come just two weeks after Ivanka was slammed on social media for posting a picture with her son as news first began to spread of children being torn away from their parents at the border.  

Ivanka’s picture showed her affectionately hugging her youngest son Theodore, with the mother-of-three captioning the post: ‘My [love]’.   

She shared the image with her followers just weeks after the Trump administration authorized border agents to take away children from any immigrants unlawfully crossing the border as part of its new ‘zero tolerance policy.’ 

She shared the image with her followers just weeks after the Trump administration enacted a new policy authorizing border agents to take away children from immigrants at the border

She shared the image with her followers just weeks after the Trump administration enacted a new policy authorizing border agents to take away children from immigrants at the border

'Isn't it the just the best to snuggle your little one - knowing exactly where they are, safe in your arms? It's the best. The BEST. Right, Ivanka?' wrote comedian Patton Oswalt

‘Isn’t it the just the best to snuggle your little one – knowing exactly where they are, safe in your arms? It’s the best. The BEST. Right, Ivanka?’ wrote comedian Patton Oswalt

The outcry was prompted by the Trump administration's new 'zero tolerance' immigration policy and news that thousands of separated children were now unaccounted for 

The outcry was prompted by the Trump administration’s new ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy and news that thousands of separated children were now unaccounted for 

The backlash to Ivanka’s post was swift, with actor Patton Oswalt tweeting: ‘Isn’t it the just the best to snuggle your little one – knowing exactly where they are, safe in your arms? It’s the best. The BEST. Right, Ivanka? Right?’

Chelsea Handler, a frequent detractor of the Trump administration, wrote: ‘What in the world is wrong with this family? Is this picture supposed to remind Mexican asylum seekers what they’ve lost?’ 

And singer Halsey, 23, tweeted: ‘I wonder what #SundayMorning is like for the parents of 1500 lost children your father is responsible for. F—k your #SundayMorning.’  

Emmy-winning writer and producer Nadine van der Velde did not hold back either, exclaiming: ‘What a nasty souless little Troll sending this deliberately inflammatory tweet. Ivanka is fully cognizant of the headlines today and here she preens and poses and gloats while Brown Mothers’ have their babies taken from their arms…’ 

That comment prompted one person to state that Ivanka is a ‘modern day Marie Antoinette,’ a sentiment shared by a number of people in the wake of her post.

Van der Velde also posted at the end of her tweet ‘#WhereAreTheChildren.’ 

‘@IvankaTrump, you are lucky to hold your son while 1500 mothers cannot, because your father ripped their children away under a vicious policy that he created. Ivanka, #WhereAreTheChildren?’ wrote director Paola Mendoza. 

And Niacarguan-born Republican pundit Ana Navaro stated: ‘@IvankaTrump, lovely picture. How nice that you get to hold your child in your arms and not face the anguish of having him torn from you and left to God knows what fate. #WhereAreTheChidren.’ 

Niacarguan-born Republican pundit Ana Navaro stated: '@IvankaTrump, lovely picture. How nice that you get to hold your child in your arms and not face the anguish of having him torn from you and left to God knows what fate. #WhereAreTheChidren'

Niacarguan-born Republican pundit Ana Navaro stated: ‘@IvankaTrump, lovely picture. How nice that you get to hold your child in your arms and not face the anguish of having him torn from you and left to God knows what fate. #WhereAreTheChidren’

Ivanka was previously criticized when she shared a photo of herself in a $5,000 gown hours after her father announced his immigration ban in January 2017

Ivanka was previously criticized when she shared a photo of herself in a $5,000 gown hours after her father announced his immigration ban in January 2017

President Trump meanwhile declared that it is the Democrats fault he has been forced to carry out this policy, which he has falsely declared on multiple occasions is a law. 

Sessions first announced the administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy in a memo to federal prosecutors in early April.

He then followed that up a month later by announcing that the Department of Homeland Security would now refer all persons illegally crossing the border for prosecution in federal court.

As a further deterrent he added: ‘If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child may be separated from you as required by law.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk