Mini-human brains implanted in mice grow successfully for months

Miniature human brains have grown successfully for months in mice – a breakthrough that could help people with neurological diseases such as strokes.

The pin-sized brains were made from stem cells and placed inside the brain of the rodent.

Around 80 per cent of the 200 mice tested survived the operation and within two weeks their brain implants were spawning new neurons.

The host brains provided the mini brains with enough nutrients to keep them healthy for months.

Researchers hope these tiny implants could be used as cortical repair kits that could replace parts of the brain that have failed to develop normally.

Miniature human brains have grown successfully for months in mice – a breakthrough that could help people with neurological diseases such as strokes. Human organoid tissue (pictured in green) was grafted into mouse tissue. Neurons are pictured in red

Biologists have already had success growing tiny, stem-cell-based brain-like ‘organoids’ in dishes or test tubes.

However, now researchers can develop more sophisticated organoid models by transplanting them into rodents. 

This means they receive sufficient oxygen and other nutrients to grow and develop properly.

Researchers from the Salk Institute grafted human stem-cell-based organioids into a blood-vessel-rich area of the mouse brain.

They grew human stem cells, differentiated them into brain cells and let them grow to be just a few millimetres across – a process which took around five weeks.

When inside the mouse’s brain it gave them everything they needed to grow normally,

The organiods had been genetically engineered to produce a green protein so they could see them inside the mouse’s brain.

The team saw not only native blood vessels from the brain implant, but vessels with blood flowing into them – a first for organoids.

‘That was a big accomplishment,’ says Abed AlFattah Mansour, a Salk research associate and the paper’s first author.

‘We saw infiltration of blood vessels into the organoid and supplying it with blood, which was exciting because it’s perhaps the ticket for organoids’ long-term survival’, he said.

According to the report, this new development will help with stem cell research.

It’s ‘an important technical advance,’ said neuroscientist Michal Stachowiak of the State University of New York, Buffalo, who created human cerebral organoids to study schizophrenia.

It’s also ‘an important initial step toward using organoids in regenerative medicine’, he said, writes Stat news.

‘Brain organoids are powerful tools for investigating human brain development and disorders,’ said senior author Rusty Gage, professor of Salk’s Laboratory of Genetics.

‘This work brings us one step closer to a more faithful, functional representation of the human brain and could help us design better therapies for neurological and psychiatric diseases.’

This is not the only research lab growing miniature human brains. Earlier this month, scientists at the University of California at Davis grew miniature human brains with their own blood vessels in a lab for the first time. A stained cross-section of a brain organoid showing that blood vessels (in red) penetrated both the outer, more organised layers and the inner core

This is not the only research lab growing miniature human brains. Earlier this month, scientists at the University of California at Davis grew miniature human brains with their own blood vessels in a lab for the first time. A stained cross-section of a brain organoid showing that blood vessels (in red) penetrated both the outer, more organised layers and the inner core

Previously bioethicists raised questions about what the implants would do to mice intelligence and consciousness.

The paper, published in Nature Biotechnology, found that the mice with human brain organoids were no smarter or any different from standard mice in the lab.

The organoids also reveal how human brains develop – both normally and when things go wrong.

‘This work builds on a grafting technique I helped develop in 1984,’ said Dr Gage.

‘It is gratifying to see that it works so well with brain organoids, which have immense potential to elucidate brain function in neuropsychiatric disease.’

This is not the only research lab growing miniature human brains. 

Earlier this month, scientists at the University of California at Davis grew miniature human brains with their own blood vessels in a lab for the first time.

This image shows the shows the in vivo vascularisation of the organoid. In vivo means the organ was implanted into a living organism, in this case it was the brain of a lab mouse

This image shows the shows the in vivo vascularisation of the organoid. In vivo means the organ was implanted into a living organism, in this case it was the brain of a lab mouse

After implanting the mini-brain – which is only a millimetre long – into a mouse for two weeks, they found it had grown capillaries that penetrated all the way to its inner layers.  

In the future, researchers hope to use the artificial brain tissue to cure stroke victims. 

The study was inspired by research from Dr Ben Waldeu, a vascular neurosurgeon at UC Davis, that focused on a rare condition called Moyamoya disease.

This is when people have blocked arteries at the base of their brain, keeping blood from reaching the rest of the organ. 

‘The whole idea with these organoids is to one day be able to develop a brain structure the patient has lost made with the patient’s own cells,’ says Dr Waldau.

‘We see the injuries still there on the CT scans, but there’s nothing we can do. So many of them are left behind with permanent neural deficits—paralysis, numbness, weakness—even after surgery and physical therapy.’

‘We sometimes lay a patient’s own artery on top of the brain to get the blood vessels to start growing in,’ says Waldau. ‘When we replicated that process on a miniaturised scale we saw these vessels self-assemble.’ 

This budding field of growing human organs has expanded rapidly, starting with groups of immature stem cells, to more complex arrangements.

A major stumbling block has been replicating the blood-flow throughout the lab-grown brains. At a certain point and size, the organoid becomes too large and it dies at the centre. The vascularisation (pictured) should allow scientists to develop much larger organs in the future

A major stumbling block has been replicating the blood-flow throughout the lab-grown brains. At a certain point and size, the organoid becomes too large and it dies at the centre. The vascularisation (pictured) should allow scientists to develop much larger organs in the future

This budding field of growing human organs has expanded rapidly, starting with groups of immature stem cells, to more complex arrangements. Now, the organs have their own blood supply 

This budding field of growing human organs has expanded rapidly, starting with groups of immature stem cells, to more complex arrangements. Now, the organs have their own blood supply 

As the field develops, so do the organs themselves and a major stumbling block has been replicating the blood-flow throughout the complex organ. 

At a certain point and size, the organoid becomes too large and it dies at the centre. 

To overcome this, Dr Waldau and his colleagues combined stem cells with other human body cells to encourage the formation of blood vessels.

By using endothelial cells and stem cells from the same patient who was undergoing a routine operation, it ensured their would be no rejection.

As the stem cells grew into a small ball it was incubated in a specialist gel and was already coated with the endothelial cells. 

After a short period of incubation and growth, it was transferred from the gel to the brain of a mouse.

Researchers carved out a small cavity in the brain of a mouse and the organoid was then implanted here.

Two small organoids (pictured) are made from stem cells and implanted into a mouse brain. The mouse, still alive despite the brain operation, played host to the tiny human brain for two weeks

Two small organoids (pictured) are made from stem cells and implanted into a mouse brain. The mouse, still alive despite the brain operation, played host to the tiny human brain for two weeks

The mouse, still alive despite the brain operation, then played host to the tiny human brain for two further weeks. 

After this ‘in vitro’ period was completed, the small brain had become successfully infiltrated by blood vessels. 

It had even created its own capillaries, which extended throughout the brain and all the way to the centre. 

This discovery will allow future research to be conducted on bigger organoids and therefore understand more about higher functions of the human brain.   

‘It’s a big deal,’ said Christof Koch, president of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, ‘but it’s still early days.’

‘The next problem will be getting these cells wired into circuits that can receive and process information.’

‘The fact that I can look out at the world and see it as spatially organised—left, right, near, far— is all due to the organisation of my cortex that reflects the regularity of the world,’ says Koch. ‘There’s nothing like that in these organoids yet.’  

The research was published in the journal NeuroReport.  


Human transplants traditionally require the donated organ of a living or deceased owner.

The recipient and the donor must have very similar tissue types as to ensure the organ is not rejected. 

Whilst experts try to minimise this risk, organs can fail post-operation for a variety of reasons. 

However, certain operations that move a person’s tissue to another part of their body in a process called a muscoskeletal graft rarely ever fail.

For example, in a knee reconstruction ligaments and tendons can be taken from other areas of the same patients body without fear of rejection.

For entire organs this is obviously impossible, but researchers are applying the same principle. 

By using stem cells taken directly from the patient, scientists can develop these cells into cultures that are genetically identical to the patient. 

Currently, the technology is in its infancy and the cell cultures remain simple.

However, as the field progresses there have been a number of notable moments. 

Scientists first succeeded in culturing human embryonic stem cells in 1998.

A young boy was cured of his skin condition with artificial skin that was grown in a lab and then applied to his body. 

Mice with excess cartilage have been grown to produce human ears and scientists have succeeded in growing cruelty-free meat from lab cultures.  

Experts predict that using scaffolds or 3D printing foundations could allow macro-scale development of complex organs 

Whilst still developing, the technology show promise for future treatments.