Model wife of jailed Dani Alves is slammed for saying she would ‘love’ to have her hair pulled and have sex ‘against a wall’ a week after footballer was convicted of rape

Dani Alves’ model wife has been slammed for claiming she would love to have her hair pulled and have sex against a wall just over a week after the footballer was convicted of rape.

Joana Sanz, 31, was accused of an extraordinary lack of judgement after taking to social media to say the rough treatment would give her an energy boost.

She wrote on Threads, an Instagram app where social media users can view and share public conversations: ‘Right now I would love to have my hair pulled and be ‘f**ked’ against a wall. It would renew my energy.’

Alves’ female accuser accused the disgraced Barcelona star of doing just that when she reported him to police for raping her in a VIP toilet at upmarket Barcelona nightclub Sutton on December 30 2022.

On February 22 the 40-year-old dad-of-two was jailed for four and a half years after being convicted over the rape following a three-day trial at the start of last month.

The three trial judges concluded it had been proven Alves had thrown his 23-year-old victim on the floor, causing her ‘anguish and terror’, before bending her over a toilet and penetrating her despite her making it clear she wanted to leave.

Joana Sanz, 31, was accused of an extraordinary lack of judgement after taking to social media to say she would love to have her hair pulled and have sex against a wall

Sanz, pictured with her husband Dani Alves, said the rough treatment would give her an energy boost

Sanz, pictured with her husband Dani Alves, said the rough treatment would give her an energy boost

Alves, pictured in court last month, was jailed for four and a half years after being convicted of rape following a three-day trial. He was accused of raping a woman in a bathroom of an upscale Spanish nightclub early in the morning of December 31, 2022

Alves, pictured in court last month, was jailed for four and a half years after being convicted of rape following a three-day trial. He was accused of raping a woman in a bathroom of an upscale Spanish nightclub early in the morning of December 31, 2022

Sanz, who admitted last year she wanted to divorce her husband of seven years but gave evidence on his behalf at his trial, doubled down on her ‘bad taste’ weekend message by claiming overnight: ‘More than one needs a “good seeing to”.’

Spanish media and social media users have reacted with incredulity and anger at her comments. The word she used to express what she’d like in Spanish was the verb ’empotrar’ which is generally used in slang in the context of a man penetrating a woman with vigour and often not bothering to ask her if she actually wants sex before acting on his impulses.

The expression is seen as vulgar in Spain and conjures up an image of a man doing what he wants to a woman and using her as an object.

One critic said: ‘You would renew your energy if you stopped publishing such unfortunate comments. What a lack of empathy!’

Another added: ‘What a disgraceful comment after what your husband did.’

Spanish TV presenter Emma Garcia said: ‘Joana Sanz’s comments are unbelievable.

‘We’re talking about something the wife of Dani Alves has said just over a week after his rape conviction, using similar words to the ones the victim used in her police statement.

Sanz, (pictured) who admitted last year she wanted to divorce her husband of seven years but gave evidence on his behalf at his trial, doubled down on her 'bad taste' weekend message by claiming overnight: 'More than one needs a "good seeing to"'

Sanz, (pictured) who admitted last year she wanted to divorce her husband of seven years but gave evidence on his behalf at his trial, doubled down on her ‘bad taste’ weekend message by claiming overnight: ‘More than one needs a “good seeing to”‘

Joana Sanz (second left), holding hands with her husband's mother Lucia Alves (right), and his brothers (back) leave on the second day of the footballer's trial at the High Court of Justice of Catalonia in Barcelona, on February 6, 2024

Joana Sanz (second left), holding hands with her husband’s mother Lucia Alves (right), and his brothers (back) leave on the second day of the footballer’s trial at the High Court of Justice of Catalonia in Barcelona, on February 6, 2024

Brazilian player Dani Alves (second-left) sits on the dock during his trial for alleged sexual assault at Barcelona's Court in Barcelona, Spain, 05 February 2024

Brazilian player Dani Alves (second-left) sits on the dock during his trial for alleged sexual assault at Barcelona’s Court in Barcelona, Spain, 05 February 2024

‘Inopportune is the softest thing I could say. Nobody can believe Joana using such inappropriate phrases.

‘What she’s said doesn’t seem appropriate to me and it does a disservice to all victims.’

Tenerife-born Sanz, who yesterday was treating her 949.000 Instagram fans to photos of the sumptuous breakfast she was tucking into in Paris, is remaining defiant in the face of the overwhelming criticism she is receiving.

She said in an Instagram Live: ‘It seems incredible to me that I have to be justifying everything I say or do.

‘People take everything out of context and then the same few as always go and repeat it.

‘I can’t believe what’s being said.

‘The threads I publish are spontaneous things that arise from thoughts.

‘Stop linking things to the court case or Dani or anything else. They’re things relating to my life. I have a life as well parallel to all that.’

She added: ‘Yes, people, let’s not act puritanical now. It fascinates me. I am fascinated by that passion, that fieriness when they grab your hair, kiss you and eat you whole.

‘And that’s fine, too. I’m talking about me personally, about what I like and, well, each person in their privacy and with mutual respect, let them do what they like.

‘And what bothers me most is that people are taking this out of context and associating it with a judicial issue that has nothing at all to do with this.’

Alves’ lawyer has indicated he will appeal the rape sentence and conviction. Alves is behind bars at Brians 2 Prison near Barcelona where he was held on remand for more than a year before being found guilty of sexually attacking his victim.

The Brazilian international, widely considered to be one of the greatest full-back of all time, initially claimed he had never met his female accuser before admitting he had sex with her but insisted it was consensual. Pictured: Dani Alves during the Qatar 2022 World Cup round of 16 football match between Brazil and South Korea

The Brazilian international, widely considered to be one of the greatest full-back of all time, initially claimed he had never met his female accuser before admitting he had sex with her but insisted it was consensual. Pictured: Dani Alves during the Qatar 2022 World Cup round of 16 football match between Brazil and South Korea

Tenerife-born Sanz (pictured) is remaining defiant in the face of the overwhelming criticism she is receiving. She said in an Instagram Live: 'It seems incredible to me that I have to be justifying everything I say or do. People take everything out of context and then the same few as always go and repeat it'

Tenerife-born Sanz (pictured) is remaining defiant in the face of the overwhelming criticism she is receiving. She said in an Instagram Live: ‘It seems incredible to me that I have to be justifying everything I say or do. People take everything out of context and then the same few as always go and repeat it’

The Brazilian international, widely considered to be one of the greatest full-back of all time, initially claimed he had never met his female accuser before admitting he had sex with her but insisted it was consensual.

Outlining what they ruled had been proven and had contributed to them convicting Alves, the trial judges said in a 61-page written ruling: ‘He tried to penetrate his victim by making use of his greater strength and throwing her on the floor and making her bang her knee.

‘The victim asked Dani Alves to let her leave, making it clear she wanted to get out of there, but he didn’t let her.

‘Finding herself in that situation, in that small toilet without any option of being able to leave because Mr Alves was preventing her with the violent attitude he was demonstrating, she felt shocked and unable to react or breathe properly given the situation of anguish and terror she was experiencing.’

They added of the toilet rape: ‘Using his physical strength and overcoming his victim’s opposition, Alves bent her over the toilet and raped his victim until he ejaculated inside her, without using a condom and without her consent.’

In a withering attack on the footballer’s actions they said that even if she had got intimate with Alves on a VIP dance floor before accompanying him voluntarily to the toilet, it didn’t mean she was saying ‘yes’ to sex.

‘It didn’t give him carte blanche to carry out the sex attack that occurred afterwards’, they insisted.

‘Consent during sex should always be given before or even during the practice of sex, in such a way that a person can agree to sexual relations up until a certain point and express their opposition to continue.’

As well as prison and a EUROS 150,000 (POUNDS 128,000) damages payment, Alves was given a further five years parole and a nine-and-a-half year restraining order preventing him from contacting his victim or going near her .

Joana said before Alves was arrested just over 13 months ago following her mother-in-law’s funeral: ‘I know who my husband is, I know how I met him, I know how respectful he is and he’s never shown me a lack of respect.’

Joana said before Alves was arrested just over 13 months ago following her mother-in-law's funeral: 'I know who my husband is, I know how I met him, I know how respectful he is and he's never shown me a lack of respect.' Pictured: Dani Alves (left) and Joana Sanz (right) during the Best FIFA Football Awards 2018

Joana said before Alves was arrested just over 13 months ago following her mother-in-law’s funeral: ‘I know who my husband is, I know how I met him, I know how respectful he is and he’s never shown me a lack of respect.’ Pictured: Dani Alves (left) and Joana Sanz (right) during the Best FIFA Football Awards 2018

At the time the model pointed the finger at his female accuser, claiming: ‘I have seen women approaching him many times in a VIP area, trying something on with him in my face.

‘If they do that sort of thing when I’m there, I don’t even want to begin to imagine what they’d try when I’m not.’.

She confirmed at the end of April last year after Alves admitted to ‘consensual sex’ with the woman he was convicted of raping that she had begun divorce proceedings.

She went on to muddy the waters about her future with the footballer last November by revealing on Spanish TV: ‘We’re still married. At one point we talked about divorce, he didn’t want to give me one and I’m not going to talk about that now.

‘We’re the same, we’re not going to get divorced for the moment. That’s where we’re at and we’ll stay married for the moment.’

Sanz also raised eyebrows by posting a glowing selfie the same day he was convicted at a court in Barcelona, showing herself holding a coffee next to a make-up set.
