‘Mom, Kevin Spacey tried to rape me’ How boy escaped actor

The mother of the young man, who claims he was sexually assaulted by Kevin Spacey in a Nantucket restaurant last year, has detailed the alleged attack in an interview on Today. 

Heather Unruh said that Spacey repeatedly stuck his hand down the pants of her 18-year-old son. The boy was eventually able to get away when a woman walked over to him while the actor was in the bathroom and said: ‘Run!’

At the time, Spacey was trying to convince the boy to join him at a party said Unruh, who now hopes to find the mystery woman who she believes saved her son from a far worse fate.

When the boy eventually got to his grandmother’s home, he told his younger sister what had happened and then called his mother.

Unruh had tears in her eyes as she recalled the conversation, which began with her son stating: ‘Mom, Kevin Spacey tried to rape me.’ 

Meanwhile, DailyMail.com has uncovered two photos of Spacey from that week in Nantucket back in 2016, including one taken with a co-worker of the victim at The Club Car, where the alleged assault took place.

The other shows the Oscar winner, 58, with his constant companion, manager and former pop star Evan Lowenstein.

Reps for Spacey have not responded to multiple requests for comment.


Tearful admission: Heather Unruh (above) spoke about how Kevin Spacey allegedly stuck his hand down her son’s pants repeatedly one night during the summer of 2016 in Nantucket

Posing: DailyMail.com has uncovered two photos of Spacey taken during that week in 2016, including one at The Club Car where the alleged assault took place (above) 

Posing: DailyMail.com has uncovered two photos of Spacey taken during that week in 2016, including one at The Club Car where the alleged assault took place (above) 

The summer wind: Another photo shows Spacey (left) with his constant companion and manager Evan Lowenstein (center in flowered cap), who was formerly one-half of the pop group Evan and Jarron

The summer wind: Another photo shows Spacey (left) with his constant companion and manager Evan Lowenstein (center in flowered cap), who was formerly one-half of the pop group Evan and Jarron

‘It is more than a sex addiction. He’s a predator,’ said Unruh of her son’s alleged attacker on Thursday.

The former television anchor also admitted that her son did lie about his age, saying he was 21 when he first met Spacey.

Then, after the actor had bought him a number of drinks, he began to repeatedly stick his hand down the teenager’s pants claims Unruh.

‘He was frozen. He just – he just panicked,’ said Unruh of her son, who was then aided by an unknown woman who urged him to run home when Spacey went to the bathroom.

The teenager then called his mother.

‘That’s the hardest phone call I’ve ever taken,’ said Unruh.

She was then asked if she had wanted to report Spacey to the police at that time, and admitted that she did but could not for the sake of her son.

‘He wasn’t ready,’ said Unruh. ‘He was definitely very embarrassed about it.’ 

That has all changed now though, with the college sophomore filing a report with police who Unruh claims are investigating the claims.

‘We want Kevin Spacey to be stopped, especially my son,’ said Unruh.

‘He doesn’t want another young man to be injured.’

Spacey is already facing some very swift repercussions.

He is being cut from Ridley Scott’s finished film ‘All the Money in the World’ and replaced by Christopher Plummer, just six weeks before it hits theaters.

People close to the production who were not authorized to speak publicly said Wednesday that Plummer is commencing re-shoots immediately in the role of J. Paul Getty. 

All of Spacey’s scenes will be reshot and co-stars Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams are expected to participate.

Scott, who is known to be an efficient director, is intending to keep the film’s December 22 release date. 

87-year-old Plummer was reportedly Scott’s first choice for the role of Getty, but the director was pressured into casting a bigger name. 

Plummer, who is best known for his work in ‘The Sound of Music,’ won his first Oscar in 2012 for playing a man who comes out late in life in the film ‘Beginners.’

One of the people close to the production said that Scott’s plan caught Sony by surprise, but the studio is supporting the switch. 

Tears: Unruh (above at a press conference on Wednesday) said her son was able to escape after a woman urged him to run home, and he called and said: 'Mom, Kevin Spacey tried to rape me'

Tears: Unruh (above at a press conference on Wednesday) said her son was able to escape after a woman urged him to run home, and he called and said: ‘Mom, Kevin Spacey tried to rape me’

The alleged scene of the attack was The Club Car, pictured 

The alleged scene of the attack was The Club Car, pictured 

It was revealed just last week that Spacey was the focus of a 2012 investigation on the set of House of Cards.

Media Rights Capital told CNN on Thursday that during the filming of the show’s first season there was a complaint made about ‘a specific remark and gesture’ made by Spacey.

The studio said that they launched an investigation into the incident soon after the unidentified worker complained, and were ‘confident the issue was resolved promptly to the satisfaction of all involved’ after Spacey went through a ‘training process.’  

What the studio did not do however is tell higher-ups like the creator of the Emmy-winning series.

‘Mr. Spacey willingly participated in a training process and since that time MRC has not been made aware of any other complaints involving Mr. Spacey,’ said the studio.

That remark came off a bit odd seeing as it was issued in response to a story that detailed the sexual harassment or assault that eight crew members claimed to have suffered at the hands of Spacey on the ‘House of Cards’ set. 

Things then took another bizarre turn when the show’s creator Beau Willimon said that he was hearing about this complaint for the first time on Thursday.

It is unclear why producers made the decision not to tell the man who put the show together about the incident.

Spacey is an executive producer on the series, as is his co-star Robin Wright. 

‘We are deeply troubled to learn about these new allegations that are being made to the press concerning Kevin Spacey’s interaction with members of the crew of House of Cards,’ said MRC in their statement. 

‘As the producer of the show, creating and maintaining a safe working environment for our cast and crew has always been our top priority. We have consistently reinforced the importance of employees reporting any incident without fear of retaliation and we have investigated and taken appropriate actions following any complaints.’

Then came the news of the incident five years ago of the set of the show. 

‘For example, during our first year of production in 2012, someone on the crew shared a complaint about a specific remark and gesture made by Kevin Spacey,’ read the statement. 

‘Immediate action was taken following our review of the situation and we are confident the issue was resolved promptly to the satisfaction of all involved.’

Fired: It was announced on Wednesday night that Kevin Spacey (above) was being cut from his upcoming film 'All the Money In the World' six weeks before its premiere

Fired: It was announced on Wednesday night that Kevin Spacey (above) was being cut from his upcoming film ‘All the Money In the World’ six weeks before its premiere

Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer

Stepping in: He will be replaced by Oscar-winner Christopher Plummer (left) in the role of J. Paul Getty (left)

Back to work: The film's stars Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg (above) are returning for re-shoots

Back to work: The film’s stars Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg (above) are returning for re-shoots

NBC News spoke with someone who worked on the set for two years and got a much different story, however, than the one being told by MRC.

That person, whose identity was not revealed, said that their colleagues felt uncomfortable with Spacey’s behavior and did in fact complain to superiors.

‘Spacey routinely gave special attention to men, especially the lower level production assistants,’ said the former crew member. 

‘There weren’t any secrets about that behavior.’ 

Netflix also fired back with their own response, which seemed to hint at a possible split between the companies.

‘Netflix was just made aware of one incident, five years ago, that we were informed was resolved swiftly,’ said the company. 

‘On Tuesday, in collaboration with MRC, we suspended production, knowing that Kevin Spacey wasn’t scheduled to work until Wednesday. Netflix is not aware of any other incidents involving Kevin Spacey on-set. 

‘We continue to collaborate with MRC and other production partners to maintain a safe and respectful working environment. 

‘We will continue to work with MRC during this hiatus time to evaluate our path forward as it relates to the production, and have nothing further to share at this time.’

Once friends: 'I am heartsick that anyone on the crew had to endure this sort of behavior,' said House of Cards creator Beau Willimon (above honoring Spacey in 2014 at the Moving Image)

Once friends: ‘I am heartsick that anyone on the crew had to endure this sort of behavior,’ said House of Cards creator Beau Willimon (above honoring Spacey in 2014 at the Moving Image)

The statement from MRC caused additional issues because it came just a few days after Beau Willimon, who created the program, commented on the allegations made by Rent star Anthony Rapp.

 ‘Anthony Rapp’s story is deeply troubling,’ wrote Willimon on Twitter.

‘During the time I worked with Kevin Spacey on House of Cards, I neither witnessed nor was aware of any inappropriate behavior on set or off.’ 

He went on to state: ‘That said, I take reports of such behavior seriously and this is no exception. I feel for Mr. Rapp and I support his courage.’ 

The fact that the studio knew made many assume Willimon did as well, and was possibly not telling the whole truth on Twitter.

That was not the case however he explained to Deadline, saying: ‘The production did not inform me of the incident that occurred in season one regarding Kevin Spacey or of any action taken as a result.’

He went on to say: ‘I am heartsick that anyone on the crew had to endure this sort of behavior. Clearly we as an industry, particularly those in a position of power, myself included, need to be more perceptive and proactive.

‘We also need to do a better job at empowering and supporting our colleagues who come forward.’

Spacey meanwhile is currently receiving treatment after being dumped by his agent and publicist in the wake of multiple claims that he assaulted minors.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk