Mom of hospital patient dumped on street speaks out

The mother of a 22-year-old woman who was filmed being unceremoniously discharged from a Baltimore hospital and left alone in the street on Tuesday says her daughter is mentally ill and was in need of help. 

The woman, who identified herself as Cheryl and her daughter as Rebecca, spoke to CBS News on Friday, accusing the University of Maryland Medical Center of treating her vulnerable child in a ‘callous and heartless’ manner.

‘My daughter was disposed of,’ the outraged mother said. ‘It’s disgusting, heartbreaking, horrifying…. She was on the street with her body exposed. There was no human dignity at all.’

Passerby Imamu Baraka was leaving his office when he saw staff from The University of Maryland Medical Center walking away from the woman after escorting her to a bus stop. The patient was wearing just a paper-thin hospital gown and a pair of socks, despite the frigid temperatures.


The woman, who has not been named, was left wandering around in the freezing night wearing nothing but the gown and some socks

The woman, who was named by her mother as Rebecca, was left wandering around in the freezing Baltimore night wearing nothing but the gown and some socks

Baraka filmed her walking around, confused and crying, in a video that has been viewed more than 2million times on Facebook. 

The hospital would not say what they treated the woman for, or how long she had been there, leading to speculations that the woman was possibly a drug addict or a sex worker.

But according to her mother, Rebecca is neither one of those things.

Cheryl told CBS that at age 16, Rebecca was diagnosed with bipolar schizoaffective disorder and Asperger’s syndrome. For the past four years, she had been living  at a residential youth program, but on Christmas Eve she was ejected from the facility for failing to take her medication. 

A short time later, Rebecca stopped communicating with her family. When Cheryl went to file a missing persons report with police, she learned that the 22-year-old had been admitted into the hospital in Baltimore.

As she was scrolling through Facebook this week, Cheryl came across Baraka’s disturbing video of the hospital patient in the street, but she initially did not recognize her child. 

Enraged: Imamu Baraka filmed the video on Tuesday night

Enraged: Imamu Baraka filmed the video on Tuesday night

‘As he got close enough, I saw it was her and I got hysterical because in that moment, it was sheer fear that my daughter was going to die,’ Cheryl said. ‘I still haven’t watched all of the video.’

When Cheryl contacted the hospital about the incident, she says she was referred to its media relations department. She then reached out to the security office to ask about her daughter and claims she was met with laughter. 

According to Baraka, one of the security guards suggested she had been ‘unruly’ inside and that this was why they discharged her.  

When they discharged her, it was 37 degrees, she was wearing just a hospital gown and socks, had blood smeared on her forehead and could not speak. 

‘A blind person, Hellen Keller, could see that my daughter was in need of medical attention,’ the mother said on Friday. 

Cheryl marveled that staff at the University of Maryland Medical Center, which has a psychiatric ward, had failed to recognized that her daughter was in the midst of a mental health crisis and treat her accordingly, instead of ‘dumping’ her in the street.  

In his video, Imamu can be heard begging hospital staff to do more to help her. 

He called 911 when they ignored his demands and when police arrived, they took her back into the hospital. 

On Wednesday, the hospital’s CEO apologized for the disturbing footage and vowed to get to the bottom of why the woman had been released.

They maintained that its doctors and nurses gave her adequate care but said they had ‘failed’ to demonstrate ‘compassion’.  

Baraka, a psychotherapist, lamented the hospital’s treatment of her. 

‘She’s in the heart of downtown Baltimore, with no clothing on. Vulnerable, fully exposed. I became enraged,’ he told CBS Baltimore. 

The woman was struggling to walk and could not speak. She cried out several times and said once: 'Lord help me' 

The woman was struggling to walk and could not speak. She cried out several times and said once: ‘Lord help me’ 

The hospital workers are seen at the start of the video, walking away from the woman (who is to the right of this frame) after escorting her to the bus stop in a wheelchair

The hospital workers are seen at the start of the video, walking away from the woman (who is to the right of this frame) after escorting her to the bus stop in a wheelchair

Baraka explained in a separate interview with The Baltimore Sun that he decided to film the video to have proof of what he witnessed. 

‘No one would have believed me. The reason I did this is to protect her and to protect me,’ he said. 

At a press conference on Wednesday, Dr. Mohan Suntha, the hospital’s CEO and President, apologized unreservedly. 

‘We believe firmly that we provided appropriate medical care to a patient who came to us in need but where we absolutely failed and where we own that failure is in the demonstration of basic humanity and compassion. 

‘I share the community’s shock and anger at what occurred… we are conducting an in-depth analysis,’ he said.

The hospital workers who were filmed leaving the woman by the bus stop have not been identified. 

Dr. Mohan Suntha, the hospital's CEO, apologized on Wednesday and said the hospital failed to demonstrate 'basic humanity and compassion' 

Dr. Mohan Suntha, the hospital’s CEO, apologized on Wednesday and said the hospital failed to demonstrate ‘basic humanity and compassion’ 

It is not yet clear what kind of disciplinary action they will face but Dr. Suntha said everyone responsible would be held accountable. 

When he uploaded his video on Tuesday night, Baraka pleaded with friends to spread it to bring the issue to light. 

‘I just witnessed this with my own eyes. I had no choice but to give this young lady a voice in this moment,’ he wrote. 

Baraka then told hospital: ‘You can do better. You must do better.’ 

In a follow-up video, he said he was ‘disgusted by the lack of empathy’ shown. 

‘Clearly there are some mental health issues that appear to be going on with this individual.

‘The idea that they’re discharging her, if she’s unruly which appears to be what one of the gentleman suggested, that’s reason to involuntarily commit her to the behavioral health, psych ward, until they’re clear on what’s happening.

‘You can’t expect people with mental health issues to be pleasant because they are ill,’ he said.  

It is not known how long the woman was in the hospital or what she was receiving treatment for. The University of Maryland Medical Center is still investigating why she was left alone 

It is not known how long the woman was in the hospital or what she was receiving treatment for. The University of Maryland Medical Center is still investigating why she was left alone