Mom-of-two reveals how she transformed her body

A mom-of-two is sharing how she has transformed her body with at-home workouts she came up with herself.

Heather Bernard, 28, from Rockford, Michigan, gave birth to her first daughter Hazel in March 2014 and second daughter, Mia, in April 2016.

However, the health and fitness coach also revealed that before she had her children, she didn’t feel comfortable in her body and was 20 pounds heavier than she is now. 

Fit: Heather, pictured in December, says getting pregnant encouraged her to get fit

Transformation: Mom-of-two Heather Bernard, pictured left one week postpartum and right, in December, transformed her body with at-home workouts she came up with herself

Mom on duty: Heather gave birth to her first daughter Hazel in March 2014 and second daughter, Mia, in April 2016 and is now 20 pounds lighter than before she got pregnant 

Mom on duty: Heather gave birth to her first daughter Hazel in March 2014 and second daughter, Mia, in April 2016 and is now 20 pounds lighter than before she got pregnant 

Community: Now trained as a health and fitness coach, Heather organizes 21 and 80 day bootcamp, pictured in 2017

Committed: Heather started her at-home program four years ago, pictured in 2017

Community: Now trained as a health and fitness coach, Heather organizes 21 and 80 day bootcamps and started her at-home program four years ago, pictured left and right in 2017

She ‘rarely exercised’ and also didn’t like getting her picture taken.  

However, after deciding to overhaul her body following the birth of her first daughter, Heather says she’s now confident in her own skin.

‘I promised myself that I’d make my health & happiness a priority when I found out I was going to become a mommy,’ she revealed. 

Heather admitted that while getting fit and healthy wasn’t easy, especially on the days she was tired and drained, and her workout schedule had to take a back seat to being a mom, she also kept her mantra that her kids deserved a ‘healthy, happy mom’ as her main motivation.

She started her at-home program four years ago when her eldest daughter was six months old, and says she wishes she had started sooner. 

‘It’s been a lifesaver as a busy mom of two and I have the BEST support system ever!’ she explained. 

She now works out for 30 minutes or less 5-6 days a week, fitting in her workouts around doing laundry and looking after her kids. 

Dedicated: Heather works out for 30 minutes five to six times per day, from her home, fitting in HIIT workouts and weight training around doing chores like laundry 

Dedicated: Heather works out for 30 minutes five to six times per day, from her home, fitting in HIIT workouts and weight training around doing chores like laundry 

Changes: Before having kids, pictured, Heather says she rarely exercised and didn't feel comfortable in her own skin

Priorities: When Heather found out she was pregnant she made decided to make health and happiness a priority

Changes: Before having kids, left, Heather says she rarely exercised and didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin, unlike today, right 

Moderation: Heather still eats her favorite foods like pizza but does so in modertaion 

Moderation: Heather still eats her favorite foods like pizza but does so in modertaion 

Number one: Heather pictured pregnant ultimately believes making health and fitness a priority is not selfish

Results: Heather, pictured one week postpartum, says she never again wants to feel like she did before she got fit

Number one: Heather pictured pregnant (left) and one week postpartum (right) ultimately believes making health and fitness a priority is not selfish 

Her workouts consist of HIIT and weight training. 

And while her diet focuses on whole foods, aided by weekly meal prepping, she says she enjoys her favorite foods like pizza in moderation.

Heather has also devised an 80-day boot camp series for other women who want to achieve the same results from the comfort of their own homes.

Her program consists of 80 days of workouts where no workout is ever repeated, a detailed nutrition plan to take the uncertainty out of eating, 80 days of a community to provide encouragement and support and 80 days of ‘accountability’.  

Heather also has a 21 day bootcamp program, available online, and a three-day detox that can be accessed online.  

‘How do we teach our kiddos to take care of their bodies if we don’t even take care of ours? It’s NOT selfish to make your health & fitness a priority ladies,’ she shared.  

‘I never want to feel the way I did before EVER again,’ she added.