Mom stabs boyfriend who was naked on top of daughter

A Cleveland mother flew into a fit of rage after finding her boyfriend naked on top of her 12-year-old daughter and stabbed him with a pocketknife a half-dozen time, according to police.

The incident took place at an home on West 58th Street in the Stockyards neighborhood at 2.30am on Tuesday, police records indicate.

As of Thursday morning, neither the mother nor have boyfriend have been charged with any crime, or publicly identified, but police are investigating the matter as a potential rape case.

A Cleveland mother stabbed her boyfriend with a knife six times after finding the 31-year-old man naked on top of her 12-year-old daughter (stock image)

Police officers responded to the scene of the crime after getting a call from the mother saying that she had found her boyfriend trying to touch her daughter and stabbed him, according to the records, first cited by

The woman allegedly knifed the man five times in the chest and once in the back of the head, but he survived and was taken to a hospital for treatment.

When detectives interviewed the mother, she recounted how she was heading to bed early Tuesday morning when she saw her boyfriend lying on top of her daughter without any clothes on.

In a fit of rage, according to the police report, she grabbed her pocketknife and lunged at him.

The couple wrestled over the knife, and at one point the man grabbed his girlfriend by the throat and hurled her against the wall.

Both the mother and daughter sustained cuts to their hands as a result of the fight.

The incident took place at an home on West 58th Street  (pictured) in Cleveland's Stockyards neighborhood

The incident took place at an home on West 58th Street  (pictured) in Cleveland’s Stockyards neighborhood

The 12-year-old girl told police her mother’s boyfriend fondled her under her clothes, removed her pants and stripped off his own clothes. 

He then told her, ‘this is what it is like in the real world when you have a boyfriend,’ before he sexually assaulted her, according to police.

The victim of the stabbing offered a different version of events, suggesting that his girlfriend may have attacked him out of jealousy, because she thought her young daughter has developed feelings for him.