Moment a bus launches into a car at a toll gate in Turkey

  • Bus goes careering into two cars after its brakes fail to activate
  • One car was crushed and another was sent flying forward in the sudden collision
  • Passengers were forced to escape out of the window to escape further injury 

A group of bus passengers have narrowly escaped serious injury after the bus they were traveling on went careering into two parked cars at a tollbooth.

The public bus became wedged at an angle and almost upended after the brakes failed to work as it approached the payment booth near Istanbul, Turkey.

The passengers were forced to escape through windows, while shocked passengers in the two struck vehicles quickly clambered out to assess the damage. 

About twelve people presented mild bruising from the collision but the authorities said that no one was seriously injured.

The incident was captured on video by a surveillance camera at the tollbooth located on the Cali-Palmira straight in Valle del Cauca.

It shows the public bus drive at full speed into one car, almost crushing it, while sending another one flying forward in the foreground. 

Surveillance footage at a tollbooth in Istanbul, Turkey shows the moment a bus went careering into two cars

The bus almost upended when the brakes failed to activate, causing it to tip into one car and send another flying forward 

The bus almost upended when the brakes failed to activate, causing it to tip into one car and send another flying forward 

Passengers were forced to clamber out of the bus window to escape further injury as tollbooth attendants rushed to assist them

Passengers were forced to clamber out of the bus window to escape further injury as tollbooth attendants rushed to assist them

The driver in the foreground is then seen pulling forward to escape further damage as bus passengers escape through a window.  

The other affected car remains stationary in the background, apparently wedged under the weight of the bus. 

Several tollbooth attendants and other drivers are seen rushing to the scene to help.

Police have said that accident was likely the result of a mechanical failure in the bus’ brakes.