Moment Christian pastor’s shocking beliefs on women are exposed

A Christian pastor in Texas claims God does not want women to vote and Americans should be ruled by a religious dictator.

Joel Webbon, who leads the Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown and Right Response Ministries, is not shy about his conservative nationalist views, which he shares in his sermons and Theology Applied podcast.

When asked if he believes women should vote, he said he did not, before outlining his reasoning.

‘If we had a Christian nation and women could vote, then within 50 years we will no longer have a Christian nation,’ Webbon said. 

‘God has not designed women for warfare, and that’s part of what politics is. It’s really all that politics is; it’s war without the blood…. 

Joel Webbon, who leads the Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown and Right Response Ministries, claims that God does not want women to vote

‘I believe that the sword has been given to men. The sword is—without being crude, I think this is a fact—it is a phallus. It is assigned by God to men.’

Webbon compared women to five-year-old children, explaining that ‘She is like a child in the way that God has appointed men to protect them. 

‘Women are not supposed to be leading the way, they’re to be protected.’

Webbon has gone viral several times thanks to his particular views, which he calls Christian nationalism, but which critics have deemed misogynistic and retrograde. 

In one viral clip, Webbon explains that he needs to approve every book his wife reads.

In one clip, Webbon explains that he needs to approve every book his wife, pictured, reads

In one clip, Webbon explains that he needs to approve every book his wife, pictured, reads

According to Webbon, he is in charge of everything in his household, including when his children go to the bathroom

According to Webbon, he is in charge of everything in his household, including when his children go to the bathroom

Webbon says: ‘There are certain books that I’ve just had to say, ‘Hey, I don’t know if this is a bad book, but I don’t have time to read it, and so you’re not going to read it either. We’ll read it together,” he said.

‘I remember recently my wife had a book and I saw her reading it on the couch, and it was about paedobaptism (the practice of baptizing children or infants. And I said, ‘No, we’re not doing that yet. We will become paedobaptists when I’m ready.”

Webbon believes that wives should not have any knowledge that he does not yet have, because God forbids that wives teach their husbands anything.

The pastor continued: ‘But my wife’s not going to be a paedobaptist for three years before I am, and I don’t have time to read it right now. I know the arguments will be great. I will agree and disagree. 

‘I’m not sure which arguments are better, but for the time being, this is what I’m persuaded of and you’re not going to outpace me.’

According to Webbon, he is in charge of everything in his household, including when his children go to the bathroom.

Webbon has said: ‘I have four people in my life that I dictate the hours in their day. I dictate what time they go to the bathroom. When we eat, what we eat, what we wear. 

‘They are my children. Those are the people that I have almost limitless authority with,’ he continued. 

Webbon also believes the United States should be ruled by a ‘Caesar-type’ Christian dictator who ‘just rules with an iron fist’ and forces everyone to, at least, ‘pretend to be Christian,’ as he said in his podcast earlier this month.

He said: ‘I love the Constitution… I absolutely love it. If there was anything that I would do to the Constitution at all—if revival swept through the land, or we got an American Cesar and he was Christian … 

‘One of the first things that I would advocate for is not even changing the Constitution, but simply adopting to the Constitution a preamble of the Apostles’ Creed.’ has reached out to Webbon and the Bible Covenant Church for comment on this story. 

Covenant Bible Church claims it ‘exists to glorify God by making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all of the commandments of Jesus Christ.’
