Moment cops pepper-spray ‘aggressive cat’ after joking shooting it will upset girlfriends and PETA

Moment police officers pepper-spray ‘aggressive cat’ after joking that shooting it will get them in trouble with their girlfriends and PETA

  • A cat considered ‘aggressive and rabid’ by employees and customers in a Georgia parking lot prompted a security guard to call 911
  • When the Alpharetta Police Department responded, officers chose not to open fire on the cat but instead pepper sprayed the animal 
  • Officers on body camera footage openly worry that they wouldn’t want to upset animal rights activists, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 
  • And at least one girlfriend also would have been upset if the police had shot the cat, which was left ‘drooling’ by the spray.
  • The gray, short-hair tabby had left the scene when animal control officials arrived to remove it

An aggressive, rabid cat was confronted by cops and shot with pepper spray after law enforcement opted against shooting the animal because they didn’t want to upset animal rights activists and at least one girlfriend.

Body camera footage caught the sometimes silly moment a gray, short-hair tabby is hit with a red stream of pepper spray in the parking lot of a business in Alpharetta, Georgia last week, reports 11Alive.

Police responded after receiving a 911 call from a security guard who said the cat was menacing employees and customers in a parking lot in the Atlanta suburb.


Body camera footage caught the sometimes silly moment a gray, short-hair tabby is hit with a red stream of pepper spray in the parking lot of a business in Alpharetta, Georgia last week

Police responded after receiving a 911 call from a security guard who said the cat was menacing employees and customers in a parking lot in the Atlanta suburb

Police responded after receiving a 911 call from a security guard who said the cat was menacing employees and customers in a parking lot in the Atlanta suburb

When the cat is fired up on with pepper spray, footage shows a red stream of the mist hitting the animal

When the cat is fired up on with pepper spray, footage shows a red stream of the mist hitting the animal

Upon arriving, cops decided pulling out their guns would probably upset animal rights activists and name People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals specifically.

‘You’ve got some folks that will call PETA on us’, one officer says on the footage. 

‘I know one thing, if I kill a cat and tell my girlfriend about it, she’s going to be mad’, another cop says. 

The police joked that they weren’t sure killing the animal would work, since cats are supposed to have ‘nine lives’. 

When the cat is fired up on with pepper spray, footage shows a red stream of the mist hitting the animal. 

Some of the mist also overcomes an officer, but no one was believed injured.

The animal was left crying.

‘You hit him, because he’s drooling hard’, an officer is heard saying.

Animal control officials were called to recover the cat, but it did not stick around. 

Police said they chose their course of action after an officer previously was bitten and injured by a rabid cat. 

Stunning the animal was preferred while awaiting animal control, or for someone to arrive with a catch pole.