Moment Gaza protesters target Keir Starmer and his wife as they walk through north London at night amid security fears

Shocking footage has emerged showing Keir Starmer and his wife being targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters as they walked through north London at night.   

In a video posted by Camden Friends of Palestine on the X social media site, the Labour leader and Victoria were seen arm in arm crossing a road.

As security ushered the Starmers towards a car, the activists can be heard hurling insults such as ‘you’re not human’ and ‘you’re complicit in genocide’.

Although there is no sign that the protesters tried to approach the couple or were physically abusive, it underlines the pressure-cooker atmosphere being endured by MPs with violence raging in Gaza. The film was apparently taken last Wednesday.

It surfaced after ugly scenes in the Rochdale by-election campaign where George Galloway successfully ran on a pro-Palestinian ticket.

Shocking footage has emerged showing Keir Starmer and his wife being targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters as they walked through north London at night

In a video posted by Camden Friends of Palestine, the Labour leader and Victoria were seen arm in arm crossing a road

In a video posted by Camden Friends of Palestine, the Labour leader and Victoria were seen arm in arm crossing a road

The Camden Friends of Palestine account on the X social media site posted the footage on February 29

The Camden Friends of Palestine account on the X social media site posted the footage on February 29

MPs have spoken of increased levels of intimidation from pro-Palestinian supporters, including having their homes targeted by protesters.

Rishi Sunak gave a speech in Downing Street on Friday evening warning that the UK’s streets had been ‘hijacked’ by people ‘hostile’ to British values during protests in support of a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The Home Office announced a £31million security package to protect MPs from threats, including providing elected politicians with a dedicated police contact to liaise with over safety issues.

After meeting police officers earlier in the week, the PM voiced concerns that the UK is descending into ‘mob rule’ and urged police to use the powers they have to curb intimidation.

Sir Keir apologised for Labour not fielding a candidate in Rochdale, after they withdrew support for Azhar Ali over an anti-Semitism row. 

In a statement on Friday night, the Labour leader said: ‘The Prime Minister is right to advocate unity and to condemn the unacceptable and intimidatory behaviour that we have seen recently.

‘It is an important task of leadership to defend our values and the common bonds that hold us together.

Sir Keir and Victoria at the Labour Party conference last Autumn

Sir Keir and Victoria at the Labour Party conference last Autumn
