Moment thief pops back in to shop steal a CHOCOLATE BAR

A masked thug ran back into a newsagents he had just robbed – to grab a chocolate bar.

Thieves targeted a store in Liverpool, knocking over the chewing gum display and snatching hundreds of pounds in bank notes from the till.

As stunned shopkeeper Vinod Piumal walked towards the gang, one shouted: ‘Stop!’ 

The masked gang burst into the shop in Walton, Liverpool, on Friday night

Two of the raiders, one wearing a grey coat and the other a black on, sprint menacingly up through the shop before one rushes to the till

Two of the raiders, one wearing a grey coat and the other a black on, sprint menacingly up through the shop before one rushes to the till

The suspect in a grey coat, his hood up and face obscured, reaches over and takes more money from the till as his accomplices flee

The suspect in a grey coat, his hood up and face obscured, reaches over and takes more money from the till as his accomplices flee

Mr Piumal, 42, said he felt lucky to have escaped unhurt after the raid at around 9.40pm on Friday night – but was still shaking the next day.

He said it was the third incident in the three weeks he had been covering at the store for a friend.

The shopfront was still damaged and the door was missing in a failed ram-raid the previous Tuesday.

Mr Piumal said one of the robbers raised his arms as though he had a gun, though he could not see one and CCTV suggested another man actually had a knife.

He said he fell on the stairs as he fled a man rushing towards him – and lowered his head as he expected the robber to pull the trigger.

He also said they had not even told the owner about the robbery yet, as he was getting married this week in India and they did not want to break the bad news.

Meanwhile, another of the raiders runs back into the shop and steals a twirl chocolate bar before sprinting away

Meanwhile, another of the raiders runs back into the shop and steals a twirl chocolate bar before sprinting away

He said: ‘The doorbell rang as someone came in – I looked up and someone came in with his hands like a pistol.

‘I thought it was a joke at first but then he started screaming ‘stop’ and chasing me. It was lucky I was at the back and got away.

‘Then three more came in with masks and hoods. It scared the life out of me. All yesterday I was shaking. I’ve got high blood pressure already. I’ve been in troubled countries in the world, I’ve worked in shipping in Somalia, but I’ve never been scared like this.

Vinod Piumal, 42, said he felt lucky to have escaped unhurt after the raid at around 9.40pm on Friday night - but was still shaking the next day

Vinod Piumal, 42, said he felt lucky to have escaped unhurt after the raid at around 9.40pm on Friday night – but was still shaking the next day

Mr Piumal said: 'It's the third incident in three weeks - our CCTV showed a car reverse into our shutters at 3am on November 7, but they left as the alarm went off'

Mr Piumal said: ‘It’s the third incident in three weeks – our CCTV showed a car reverse into our shutters at 3am on November 7, but they left as the alarm went off’

‘It’s the third incident in three weeks – our CCTV showed a car reverse into our shutters at 3am on November 7, but they left as the alarm went off.

‘Then, the week before, I heard a girl screaming – her bag had just been grabbed outside.’ 

The gang fled on foot and detectives said no arrests had been made.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101.