More floods and power cuts are on the way as torrential rain sweeps UK

Freezing rain hits Britain with two week’s worth falling in just 30 hours as 45 flood alerts stay in place after -7C cold snap

  • The Met Office is warning Brits to expect heavy rain and strong winds throughout Saturday and into Sunday
  • Weather warnings for widespread rain are currently in place for the south-west of England as of this morning 
  • Flooding of homes and businesses is ‘likely’, as are power cuts and disruption on the roads and the railways
  • Environmental Agency has issued 46 flood alerts spreading from Cornwall all the way up into Scarborough


Floods are set to batter Britain once again this weekend with torrential rain forecast to sweep through the country following a -7C cold snap.

The Met Office is expecting heavy rain and strong winds throughout Saturday and into Sunday, with 48-hour weather warnings currently in place for the south-west of England as of this morning.

Flooding of homes and businesses is ‘likely’, forecasters are warning, as are power cuts and disruption on the roads and railways.

The Environmental Agency has issued six flood warnings – calling for ‘immediate action’ to be taken – in the north-east of England, while there are also 46 flood alerts spreading from Cornwall all the way up to Scarborough. 

The Met Office has also issued a yellow weather warning for rain (pictured) due to be in force until 6pm tomorrow

The Environmental Agency has issued six flood warnings (left) – calling for ‘immediate action’ to be taken – in the north-east of England, while there are also 46 flood alerts spreading from Cornwall all the way up to Scarborough. The Met Office has also issued a yellow weather warning for rain (right) due to be in force until 6pm tomorrow

Temperatures are likely to rise into double digits for much of the UK this weekend, following a lengthy cold snap throughout the week. But wet weather will dominate over the coming days, especially in the south west of England (pictured, a three day weather forecast)

Temperatures are likely to rise into double digits for much of the UK this weekend, following a lengthy cold snap throughout the week. But wet weather will dominate over the coming days, especially in the south west of England (pictured, a three day weather forecast)

Temperatures are likely to rise into double digits for much of the UK this weekend, following a lengthy cold snap throughout the week – but conditions will be soggy and damp.

The Met Office weather warning states: ‘Showers on Friday morning will be replaced by more persistent rain during the afternoon and evening.

‘The rain will be heavy at times, lasting through much of Friday night and Saturday morning before slowly dying out during Saturday afternoon.

’20 to 30 mm is likely to fall quite widely, and 40 to 50 mm may accumulate in a few places, most likely across the higher ground of south Devon.’

The yellow weather warning for the south west of England is scheduled to be in place between 12pm today and 6pm tomorrow and will affect areas including Bath and North East Somerset, Cornwall, Devon and Somerset. 

Rainfall early on Saturday morning, as shown in a Met Office graphic

Rainfall early on Saturday afternoon, as shown in a Met Office graphic

How rain is expected to spread northwards on Saturday, starting in the south west of England and travelling towards Scotland

Aidan McGivern, a meteorologist for the Met Office, said of the weather on Friday: ‘We’re likely to see some heavy downpours and a storm or two around Channel coasts and then through the afternoon it turns drier in East Anglia and the south east. 

‘But it turns increasingly wet for the south west of England as well as Wales. There will be some heavy and prolonged rainfall for Devon and Cornwall in particular. 

And of the weather on Saturday, he said: ‘Rain will also affect south-west Scotland, and will push into central parts of Scotland during the early hours. 

‘As we move into the weekend it will feel unpleasant across Wales and much of the south west. That persistent wet weather lingers. For the likes of Dartmoor for example, rainfall amounts will be building up.’

The rain isn’t expected to relent as we move further into the weekend and into next week either, with the south west of England again forecast to endure downpours on Monday and Tuesday.   

Of the weather during this time, the Met Office states: ‘Further spells of rain or showers spreading from southwest to northeast across many areas. Driest in the northwest. Milder for many, especially by night.’