More than 700 dogs are found living in horrific conditions in an ‘extreme hoarding puppy mill case’

Atlanta animal care workers were left horrified after they discovered that more than 700 dogs were living in ‘horrible conditions.’ 

Releash Atlanta, Atlanta Humane Society and other local groups shared shocking photos of the mangy dogs that were part of an ‘extreme hoarding puppy mill case.’ 

‘These dogs were living in filthy conditions and have had zero vetting. Many have medical issues and injuries,’ Releash Atlanta said in a Saturday post.  

Multiple animal care not-for-profit organizations rushed to a South Georgia property on Thursday to help more than 700 dogs

'These dogs were living in filthy conditions and have had zero vetting,' Releash Atlanta said in their Saturday post

They added: 'Many have medical issues and injuries'

‘These dogs were living in filthy conditions and have had zero vetting. Many have medical issues and injuries,’ Releash Atlanta said

The not-for-profit organization was only able to retrieve six of the pups from the South Georgia facility

The not-for-profit organization was only able to retrieve six of the pups from the South Georgia facility

The not-for-profit organization was only able to retrieve six of the pups from the South Georgia facility, adding that other rescues ‘came together to help.’ 

The Atlanta Humane Society added that a majority of the dogs had ‘been living in crates their whole lives- one tiny crate stacked on top of another. They’re matted, covered in feces and have never been held or walked.’

‘Thank you to USA Rescue Team for working tirelessly on site and to Humane Society of Valdosta Lowndes County for bringing these animals to Atlanta,’ the Society continued.

A majority of the dogs had 'been living in crates their whole lives- one tiny crate stacked on top of another. They’re matted, covered in feces and have never been held or walked.'

A majority of the dogs had ‘been living in crates their whole lives- one tiny crate stacked on top of another. They’re matted, covered in feces and have never been held or walked.’

Most of the dogs will need some fore of medical attention

Most of the dogs will need some fore of medical attention

The Humane Society of Valdosta Lowndes County partook in the largest part of the effort, moving around 250 animals to a staging area. 

‘Of the 250 dogs that we transported to the staging area, we were able to further transport ten of the 630 dogs found on the property,’ the organization said. ‘Many of the dogs were coated in feces, had extremely overgrown nails and damaged teeth. They have never known a quiet life of love outside of a cramped cage.’

They continued: ‘They were shockingly trusting and calm as if to say “thank you for saving me. I know you are here to help.” Please say a prayer for those pups as they set out to find a new life and for every person involved in this, for it was truly a team effort involving many people and many rescue organizations.’

According to USA Rescue Team, photos weren't allowed of the facility where the dogs were

According to USA Rescue Team, photos weren’t allowed of the facility where the dogs were

The group shared that the 'breeder' called authorities on Thursday asking for help to close his operation

The group shared that the 'breeder' called authorities on Thursday asking for help to close his operation

The group shared that the ‘breeder’ called authorities on Thursday asking for help to close his operation

USA Rescue said that their team was on the scene for 36 hours straight working with the dogs

USA Rescue said that their team was on the scene for 36 hours straight working with the dogs

According to USA Rescue Team, photos weren’t allowed of the facility but they shared that the ‘breeder’ called authorities on Thursday asking for help to close his operation.

‘We will not go into details of the operation or how the authorities are handling this because our focus was on removal, placement, and the care of the pets,’ they said in their Saturday post. ‘You will not see photos of the facility as we were instructed there would be no cell phones or cameras permitted on the premises and we complied!’

USA Rescue said that their team was on the scene for 36 hours straight working with the dogs. 

Releash Atlanta has managed to raise more than $3,200 for the dogs while the Atlanta Humane Society raised more than $7,682. The USA Rescue Team has raised more than $700

Releash Atlanta has managed to raise more than $3,200 for the dogs while the Atlanta Humane Society raised more than $7,682. The USA Rescue Team has raised more than $700

It is unknown what will happen to all of the dogs

It is unknown what will happen to all of the dogs

 It is unknown what will happen to all of the dogs

Many people have been asking how they can help send supplies to the shelters

Many people have been asking how they can help send supplies to the shelters

Pups wait in cages until they are seen by medical professionals

Pups wait in cages until they are seen by medical professionals

Pups wait in cages until they are seen by medical professionals

Some of the groups had sections on their posts that was dedicated to raising money for the dogs and their medical expenses. 

Releash Atlanta has managed to raise more than $3,200 for the dogs while the Atlanta Humane Society raised more than $7,682. The USA Rescue Team has raised more than $700

The groups have asserted that the dogs will be made available for adoption. 

Releash Atlanta posted another photos of the dogs in a separate post, instructing dog lovers to do their research when seeing where their new pooch was coming from. 

‘We know many of you support rescue, which is why you’re following this page, but many of you that read this today may not and you may be considering a new puppy,’ they said in the Sunday post. 

 ‘If you don’t take your time to make sure beyond sure, that your puppies didn’t come from parents that look like this – then YOU are responsible for this.’ 

They added: Take your time and DO YOUR RESEARCH. 

The groups have asserted that the dogs will be made available for adoption

The groups have asserted that the dogs will be made available for adoption

The USA Rescue Team shared photos of some of the dogs they've already helped find homes for

The USA Rescue Team shared photos of some of the dogs they've already helped find homes for

The USA Rescue Team shared photos of some of the dogs they’ve already helped find homes for

One dog enjoys a nice rub on their neck

One dog enjoys a nice rub on their neck