‘Morning Joe’ host Scarborough officially leaves GOP

MSNBC host and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough has made his departure from the GOP official.

The Morning Joe anchor said on Twitter on Thursday that he became an independent and he added a picture of himself with an elections official in New Canaan, Connecticut, smiling while holding a form.

‘I became an independent today,’ Scarborough tweeted on Thursday.

‘Here I am holding a copy of Donald Trump’s birth certificate, proving he was born in Nambia.’ 

The quip was a reference to Trump’s years-long public campaign questioning former President Barack Obama’s real place of birth.

MSNBC host and ex-Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough (above) has made his departure from the GOP official. He announced he became an independent and he added a picture of himself with an elections official in New Canaan, Connecticut, smiling while holding a form

In announcing his decision to register as an independent, Scarborough couldn't resist poking fun at President Donald Trump

In announcing his decision to register as an independent, Scarborough couldn’t resist poking fun at President Donald Trump

Last month, Trump drew ridicule after mispronouncing the country Namibia, instead calling it ‘Nambia’ during a meeting of African leaders at the United Nations in New York. 

Scarborough announced that he would leave the party in July and accused Republicans of abandoning their fiscal principles. 

Scarborough has been a fierce critic of Trump, who has targeted Scarborough and his fiancee and co-host Mika Brzezinski on Twitter.

Scarborough was elected to four US House terms from Florida starting in 1994. 

Scarborough announced that he would leave the party in July and accused Republicans of abandoning their fiscal principles. Scarborough has been a critic of President Donald Trump, who has targeted Scarborough and his fiancee and co-host Mika Brzezinski (right) on Twitter

Scarborough announced that he would leave the party in July and accused Republicans of abandoning their fiscal principles. Scarborough has been a critic of President Donald Trump, who has targeted Scarborough and his fiancee and co-host Mika Brzezinski (right) on Twitter

In June, Trump viciously tore into Scarborough and Brzezinski on Twitter for trash talking him on their show - prompting a huge backlash, with his own party speaking out against him. Trump is seen above in the East Room of the White House on Thursday

In June, Trump viciously tore into Scarborough and Brzezinski on Twitter for trash talking him on their show – prompting a huge backlash, with his own party speaking out against him. Trump is seen above in the East Room of the White House on Thursday

In June, Trump viciously tore into Scarborough and Brzezinski on Twitter for trash talking him on their show – prompting a huge backlash, with his own party speaking out against him.

On June 29, the president tweeted: ‘I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came…to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!’

The tweet appeared to be in reaction to the hosts calling him ‘a proven liar’, and came after a series of clashes between him and Scarborough and Brzezinski, to whom he had previously been close.

The twitter rant appeared to be prompted by the content of that days’s edition of Morning Joe.

During the first few minutes of the June 29 show, Scarborough had called out Trump for being a fake populist, and pointed a finger at Senate Republicans saying their health care bill gave tax cuts to their donors at the expense of robbing the poor.

Brzezinksi chimed in and said the president, ‘a proven liar,’ made House Republicans ‘look like fools,’ by making them celebrate their bill’s passage in a Rose Garden ceremony last month.

She also made fun of the size of his hands, calling them ‘teensy!’ with glee.

Trump sent the tweets minutes before the end of the engaged duo’s MSNBC program, cutting down on their ability to respond immediately on air.

After Trump’s tweets, Brzezinski hit back minutes later on the social media platform, sharing a ‘little hands’ picturein a throwback to Trump’s campaign argument with Sen. Marco Rubio that morphed into a debate about the size of their appendages.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders forcefully backed up her boss, saying he was in the right for calling the Morning Joe hosts ‘psycho’ and ‘crazy.’

‘This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by a liberal media and the liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anywhere else,’ Huckabee Sanders told Fox News Channel.

She commented an on-camera briefing later ‘it’s kind of like we’re living in the Twilight Zone.’

‘I think that the president is pushing back against people who attack him day after day after day. Where’s the outrage on that?’ she said in a lengthy defense of her boss. ‘You guys are constantly coming and asking if this OK? If he does it one time. This is day after day after day and it’s not just the president. The only person that I see a war on is this president and everybody who works for him.

Continuing she said, ‘I think I’ve been pretty clear that when the president gets hit he’s going to hit back harder, which is what he did today.’     

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk