Most Americans disapprove of Trump and few like tax plan

  • Trump’s approval rating is a dismal 35 per cent in a new CNN poll
  • The same number of Americans like the Republican tax cut plan
  • Two-thirds say the tax plan will benefit the wealthy more than the middle class
  • Very few believe tax reform should be the top issue for Congress 

Donald Trump’s approval ratings are in the tank as most Americans say a landmark tax cut will mostly benefit the wealthy.

A CNN poll released Tuesday found just 35 per cent believe the president is doing a good job in the Oval Office, compared with 59 per cent who disapprove.

Similar numbers, a 55-35 split, say they don’t like a Republican plan to cut taxes that could become law by tomorrow.

Just 35 per cent of Americans approve of a Donald Trump-backed plan to reform the U.S. tacx code that could become law by tomorrow

Two-thirds say the bill will do more to save money for the wealthy than the middle class, and 37 per cent believe they will be worse off under a new tax code.

Just 21 per cent say their financial situations will improve.

The Republican-controlled U.S. Congress will begin voting Tuesday on the biggest overhaul of the U.S. tax system in more than 30 years. 

Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that ‘[s]tocks and the economy have a long way to go after the Tax Cut Bill is totally understood and appreciated in scope and size.’

Few Americans see tax reform as a top-of-mind concern, with larger numbers telling pollsters that fixing America’s health care system and preventing a government shutdown this month as higher priorities.

Just 17 per cent say reforming the tax code should be the top priority for Congress. 

The CNN poll sampled 1,001 adults with a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.

Among the entire sample, 33 per cent described themselves as Democrats. Just 23 per cent said they are Republicans,

An unrelated poll question found that 83 of those surveyed want to see Congress reinforce a policy that allows immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to remain in the country.