Mother, 38, scarred in doorstep acid attack fears for her life as thugs ram her car with pick-up

Mother, 38, is scarred for life in doorstep acid attack before thugs ram her car with pick-up truck in second terrifying assault

  • Teresa Townsley scarred when acid was chucked at her in Edinburgh last year
  • The mother, 38, has said she feared for her life as thugs smashed her car in May
  • In the attack, her partner James Wilson was smashed over the head with a shovel
  • Alexander Burke, 48, and son, Alexander Burke Jnr, 28, were locked up last week

An acid attack victim has been targeted by thugs who rammed her car with their pick-up truck and battered the windows with a scythe.

Teresa Townsley was left with scars on her face and neck when acid was chucked at her in Edinburgh last November.

The 38-year-old mother has now revealed she feared for her life when the Ford Transit truck drove into her car in May.

Teresa Townsley was left with scars on her face and neck when acid was chucked at her in Edinburgh last November (pictured)

In the same terrifying assault, Ms Townsley’s partner James Wilson was smashed over the head with a shovel and needed 40 stitches, a court heard.

The attack followed a row over the £13,000 Ford, according to the Daily Record.

Alexander Burke, 48, and his son, Alexander Burke Jnr, 28, were locked up last week at Hamilton Sheriff Court for the Lanarkshire assault.

The 38-year-old mother (pictured after the acid attack) has now revealed she feared for her life when the Ford Transit truck drove into her car in May

The 38-year-old mother (pictured after the acid attack) has now revealed she feared for her life when the Ford Transit truck drove into her car in May

It is not suggested the incident was linked to the acid attack.

Ms Townsley said in court she and Mr Wilson had met Burke in Strathclyde Park because he owed them £13,000 for the truck.

But the crook brought his son and other men with him.

Ms Townsley, who has since moved out of Edinburgh, and her sister Mary Jean fled but the truck hit their car at a junction.

Burke Jnr got out and smashed her vehicle’s windows with the scythe.

The victim told the jury through tears: ‘He put the scythe through the passenger side window and tried to cut me.

‘He was saying ”You’re dead, you’re dead”. We thought we were going to die.

‘Burke Jnr smashed the rest of the windows then ran back to the pick-up.’

Burke Jnr was found guilty of assaulting Mr Wilson, Ms Townsley and Ms Jean and was caged for three years.

Burke was jailed for two years for attacking Ms Townsley and Ms Jean.

It came a year after Ms Townsley was scarred in the shocking doorstep acid attack in the Gracemount area of Edinburgh (pictured)

It came a year after Ms Townsley was scarred in the shocking doorstep acid attack in the Gracemount area of Edinburgh (pictured)

It came a year after Ms Townsley was scarred in the shocking doorstep acid attack in the Gracemount area of Edinburgh.

A hooded man launched the corrosive substance in her face before running off and and escaping in a getaway car at around 8.30pm.

A young boy suffered burns to his feet after standing in the liquid which had spilled on the floor.

No one has been prosecuted.