Mother defends toddler’s online make up tutorial videos

A mother in the US has defended her three-year-old daughter’s love of make up after she faced backlash for her online tutorial videos.

Little make up guru Liriana has been amassing Instagram followers ever since footage of her applying cosmetics started going viral a few months back.

Her mother Suella often films the adorable little girl as she plays around in their home applying eye shadow, blush, concealer, mascara and lipstick.  

Little make up guru Liriana has been amassing Instagram followers ever since footage of her applying cosmetics started going viral a few months back

‘She does her own makeup from start to finish. I just sit there and record her while she does her own thing,’ Suella told Yahoo Beauty. 

‘She loves to copy everything that I do. Literally everything has to match with me: Our outfits, makeup, hair. It’s so funny and she’s been this way since she was like 1 and a half.’

One tutorial was picked up and shared by American make up artist Huda Kattan who wrote alongside the video: ‘OMG she’s such a cutie’. 

But it prompted outrage by some who are not impressed by Liriana’s talents given her age. 

‘Too young for this… poor kids… they don’t know what is real childhood,’ one person wrote on her Instagram video. 

Her mother Suella often films the adorable little girl as she plays around in their home applying eye shadow, blush, concealer, mascara and lipstick

Her mother Suella often films the adorable little girl as she plays around in their home applying eye shadow, blush, concealer, mascara and lipstick

Liriana’s mother said she has been playing around with make up since she was about two

‘Too young to be doing that. Toxic chemicals in that makeup that she’s rubbing directly into her eyes. Where the heck are her parents?!’ another user wrote. 

Another said: ‘She is so young to be interested in makeup to this extent. She needs to have another interest like drawing, swimming, or playing piano to take her mind of makeup. And when she becomes a teenager she can obsess about make up. However, for now let her live her childhood because it will never come back. Please stop encouraging their parent to give them makeup and video-shoot.’

Suella said she initially started filming the little girl just for family but was excited when others started showing an interest in her make up abilities. 

While she was shocked at first by the negativity of some, she Suella has learned to block it out. 

Suella said she initially started filming the little girl just for family but was excited when others started showing an interest in her make up abilities

Suella said she initially started filming the little girl just for family but was excited when others started showing an interest in her make up abilities

The footage of her applying cosmetics started going viral a few months back and was shared by American make up artist Huda Kattan

The footage of her applying cosmetics started going viral a few months back and was shared by American make up artist Huda Kattan

‘In the beginning it used to bother me. Especially when HudaBeauty reposted her video and we were all so excited,’ she said.

‘Then when I was reading some of the negative comments, I just wanted to explain myself, that nothing that they were saying was true.

‘My daughter does not wake up and put makeup on. She just loves to play with it from time to time and I have no problem allowing her to do it because we’ve all done it,’ she said. 

‘I started to record her doing her makeup for my family so when I was reading people’s comments saying I’m trying to sell her or taking away her innocence or that making her not love herself without makeup, I was baffled. 

‘I don’t think any mother would bring that negativity to their child; this is all for fun.’