Mother-of-two, 30, was diagnosed with a golf-ball sized brain tumour after crashing her car

A mother-of-two was diagnosed with a golf-ball sized brain tumour after ploughing her car into a tree. 

Lauren Neville, 30, whose 10 daily seizures were initially dismissed as depression and panic attacks, discovered she had a 6cm glioblastoma after having a fit behind the wheel last January.

Speaking of the incident, the mental-health nurse, from Burnley, Lancashire, said: ‘I don’t think I would be here right now if it wasn’t for the accident. It was a blessing in disguise.’

Despite undergoing gruelling six-hour surgery to remove 80 per cent of her tumour, Miss Neville’s future is uncertain, with her struggling to remember events that happened just half-an-hour ago.

Her 30cm scar also means her one-year-old son Ollie Burns is unable to look at his mother without bursting in to tears.

Miss Neville is expected to require surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and is speaking out to raise money towards her and her father James’, who has lung and throat cancer, treatment.

Mother-of-two Lauren Neville (pictured after undergoing surgery last week) was diagnosed with a golf-ball sized brain tumour after ploughing her car into a tree

An MRI scan last month revealed Miss Neville had a 6cm tumour, known as a glioblastoma

An MRI scan last month revealed Miss Neville had a 6cm tumour, known as a glioblastoma

Miss Neville is 'frustrated and angry' it took her writing off her car to be diagnosed 

Miss Neville is ‘frustrated and angry’ it took her writing off her car to be diagnosed 

‘Seizures should have set off alarm bells’

After suffering tunnel vision, sickness and dizziness for two years, Miss Neville was prescribed antidepressants. 

She said: ‘Being a mental-health nurse I knew the difference between hyperventilating during a panic attack and having a seizure.

‘I saw three doctors and was diagnosed with anxiety. I knew it was something more serious.’

After the crash, Miss Neville was referred to a specialist in February, before having an MRI scan at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, Lancashire, in May.

Speaking of her diagnosis, Miss Neville said: ‘I felt really frustrated and angry. I was told I had emotional trauma and then depression and I kept going from diagnosis to diagnosis. 

‘The fact a 30-year-old woman was having focal seizures down one side of her body should have set off alarm bells, that’s not normal.’

Miss Neville (pictured before) suffered 10 seizures a day, which was dismissed as depression

Miss Neville had surgery to remove 80 per cent of the tumour, which required 90 staples

Miss Neville (pictured left before) had 10 seizures a day, which was dismissed as depression

Her 30cm scar means her one-year-old son Ollie cannot look at his mother without crying 

Miss Neville (pictured after surgery) is still expected to require chemo and radiotherapy

Her 30cm scar means her one-year-old son Ollie cannot look at his mother without crying 


Glioblastomas are the most common cancerous brain tumours in adults.

They are fast growing and likely to spread. 

Glioblastomas’ cause is unknown but may be related to a sufferer’s genes if mutations result in cells growing uncontrollably, forming a tumour.

Treatment is usually surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible, followed by a combination of radio- and chemotherapy (chemoradiation).

It can be difficult to remove all of the growth as glioblastomas have tendrils that extend to other regions of the brain. These are targeted via chemoradiation. 

Glioblastomas are often resistant to treatment as they are usually made up of different types of cells. Therefore, medication will kill off some cells and not others. 

The average survival time is between 12 and 18 months.

Only 20 per cent of patients live longer than a year and just three per cent survive over three years.

Source: The Brain Tumour Charity

‘It breaks my heart I could die from this’

Although angry, Miss Neville’s main concern is for her children.

She said: ‘I could only think of my kids as they are my first priority and my whole world, only them. 

‘It breaks my heart that I could die from this.

‘My little boy Ollie is extremely sensitive at the moment and can’t look at me without crying.

‘His fun mum who does everything for him day in, day out now can’t climb the stairs without getting out of breath all of a sudden.’ 

‘Tumours can affect so much of you’ 

After undergoing surgery last week, Miss Neville is waiting to find out how advanced her cancer is.

She said: ‘I’m waiting for some more scans to find out what stage my cancer is at and what treatment I need to have next.

‘It’s most likely I’ll need further surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

‘My long-term memory is brilliant but ask me what I did half an hour ago and I’ll struggle to remember.’

Although the ordeal has been difficult, Miss Neville credits the support of her family for helping her get through it. 

She said: ‘Having the tumour is very traumatic but my family are amazing. It’s nice that I’ve got people to lean on.

‘Knowing tumours can affect so much of you – your personality, your health and can even leave you braindead – that’s scary.’

Unable to climb the stairs without getting out of breath, Miss Neville says she is no longer a 'fun mum' for her children (pictured before the crash, nine-year-old Lucy Dunn-Grimshaw and one-year-old Ollie Burns with Miss Neville's partner Daniel Burns, 31)

Unable to climb the stairs without getting out of breath, Miss Neville says she is no longer a ‘fun mum’ for her children (pictured before the crash, nine-year-old Lucy Dunn-Grimshaw and one-year-old Ollie Burns with Miss Neville’s partner Daniel Burns, 31)

Miss Neville says it 'breaks her heart' she could die young, leaving her children behind 

Miss Neville says it ‘breaks her heart’ she could die young, leaving her children behind 

Miss Neville says her family's support has been 'amazing' and given her something to 'lean on'

Miss Neville says her family’s support has been ‘amazing’ and given her something to ‘lean on’

While Miss Neville (pictured second from right) was battling cancer, her father James (pictured centre with his relatives) was diagnosed with tumours in his lungs and throat 

While Miss Neville (pictured second from right) was battling cancer, her father James (pictured centre with his relatives) was diagnosed with tumours in his lungs and throat 

‘I’ve never felt so alone’ 

While fighting her own tumour battle, Miss Neville’s father was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer, as well as throat cancer. 

She said: ‘This has been very, very difficult. My dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and had one of his lungs removed.

‘We also just found out he has it in his throat too.’

Her family are hoping to raise £5,000 towards the pair’s treatment. 

Miss Neville said: ‘The kids are throwing themselves into everything and Lucy has been fundraising with her Brownies group.

‘I think because of that it’s made them realise it’s not all doom and gloom.

‘It helps me to see them happy. If they’re happy I’m happy. That helps me get through another day.’

Miss Neville also hopes her story will help raise awareness of brain tumours and encourage others to seek help sooner.

She said: ‘It has been very emotional and I’ve never felt so alone and frightened in my life.

‘I decided I wanted to do something to help other people in this situation. I want to raise awareness of what I’ve been through in the hope it will encourage others to catch their tumour sooner.’