How embarrassing! Undercover cops force mum to show them her newly purchased UNDERWEAR outside Target after she made one simple mistake
- A woman was forced to hold up all her shopping to prove she wasn’t a thief
- The mortified mother said she had been mistaken for a shoplifter over mistake
- She had put all of her purchases in one trolley and hadn’t purchased store bags
A woman was forced to show police her new bra and knickers in a crowded shopping centre after she was mistakenly accused of shoplifting.
The woman had been shopping at North Lakes Shopping Centre, in Brisbane, on Wednesday when she was ambushed by undercover police in front of stunned shoppers.
She later said she was humiliated over a simple error and took to Facebook to warn other shoppers.
The woman had been shopping at North Lakes Shopping Centre in Brisbane on Wednesday when she was ambushed by undercover police as soon as she left Target (pictured)
The mortified woman said she had been pulled up because she was using one trolley to collect all her shopping and hadn’t purchased individual bags from previous shops such as Kmart and Big W.
She said she paid for all her purchases in Target and was leaving the store when she was intercepted by police.
‘By the time I left the third store after the lady at the checkout checked my stuff, I got around the corner and BAM I had undercover cops pull me up,’ the woman wrote in a post to a local community Facebook page.
‘So they ask to check everything, and I even had to pull out my new bra and undies for all to see, and show that I bought them on my online banking as well.’
Remarkably, the woman said her photo was even taken and that her conversation with police was put on record.
‘I didn’t care that they searched my stuff… I was only annoyed that they took my picture as I don’t like my picture taken any other time,’ she wrote.
‘Not happy about that as I did nothing bloody wrong. So people, be careful,’ she said.

The mortified woman said she had been pulled up because she was using one trolley to collect all her shopping and hadn’t purchased individual bags from previous shops such as Kmart and Big W (stock image)