Mother who gave birth on the side of busy highway opens up

A Queensland mother who had her daughter on the side of a busy highway has revealed that she had been sent home from hospital three times before giving birth.

Lydia Kirk’s fiancé Chris Broucek, 29, had been taking her to Prosperpine Hospital on October 6 when she realised her baby was crowning.

Moments later, Layla Maree arrived and Mr Broucek – unable to recline the car seat back enough – fashioned a makeshift bed for Ms Kirk, 26, and the newborn on the side of the Bruce Highway.

But Ms Kirk has said that she actually first went into labour two days earlier – with contractions every 12 minutes.


Lydia Kirk gave birth on the side of the Bruce Highway on October 6

A Queensland mother who had her daughter on the side of a busy highway has revealed that she had been sent home from hospital three times before giving birth

After arriving at Bowen Hospital that afternoon for an assessment with her midwife, Ms Kirk was told to go home to rest.

‘I was told I was in the early stages of labour and to try and rest as much as possible,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.

When the contractions continued, she returned to Bowen Hospital and was told to head to Proserpine.

‘My contractions started coming extremely quick, but labour had stalled at 2am on Thursday,’ she said.

‘I was sent home again to rest as much as I could before active labour began.’

Lydia Kirk's fiancé had been taking her Prosperpine Hospital on October 6 when she realised her baby was crowning

Lydia Kirk’s fiancé had been taking her Prosperpine Hospital on October 6 when she realised her baby was crowning

By Friday morning, her contractions were so painful that she returned to Bowen Hospital again – but given a painkiller and a sleeping tablet and sent home.

‘At 3pm that day, I said to my fiancé that I couldn’t handle the pain anymore and to take me back to my midwife,’ Ms Kirk said.

‘She assessed me once I got to hospital and said that we needed to make our way to Proserpine Hospital as soon as possible.

‘We headed straight there, but about three-quarters of the way into our trip, I said to Chris, ‘I have to push! I have to push!’

‘He replied, ‘Oh no, you don’t!’

But she explained that her body appeared to take over and after a couple of pushes, she could feel her daughter’s head.

The couple, who have been together seven years, also have a two-year-old son (above, with Layla Maree)

The couple, who have been together seven years, also have a two-year-old son (above, with Layla Maree)

Ms Kirk (pictured with her fiance) said she remained calm throughout the whole thing because of him

Ms Kirk (pictured with her fiance) said she remained calm throughout the whole thing because of him

‘Within seconds of him calling Triple-Zero, I had given birth to Layla and pulled her onto my chest.

‘Chris pulled the car over as quickly and safely as he could and following the operator’s instructions, which were to lay me down as soon as possible.

‘He laid a blanket and baby swaddles down, making a makeshift bed.

‘We had a lovely lady stop and bring us towels and wet washers while we waited for the ambulance to arrive.’

And with such an unusual delivery, Ms Kirk said her first thought was about her baby’s health.

‘The relief I felt when she let out her first cry is something I won’t ever forget,’ she said.

With such an unusual delivery, Ms Kirk said her first thought was about her baby girl's health

With such an unusual delivery, Ms Kirk said her first thought was about her baby girl’s health

‘I was rather exhausted after this, so I just followed what Chris told me to do.

‘He was so calm and collected when Layla came out and that in turn kept me from stressing too much.

‘He took hold of the situation and for that I have a deeper love for him.’

The couple have been together for seven years and have a two-year-old son Bohdan together.

‘Bohdan is now a very doting big brother,’ Ms Kirk added.

‘He absolutely adores Layla, if she cries he immediately races to try and soothe her and always wants to cuddle her on the couch.

‘He says goodnight to her every night since she came home.’