Mothers share their ingenious life hacks

Juggling a high-pressured job with a family and a social life is no mean feat.

But some mothers believe they’ve  cracked the formula to ‘having it all’, and have shared their best tips for staying ‘ahead of the pack’.

Taking to Mumsnet, one mother asked fellow women to share the best life hacks they’ve learned along the way, and the responses quickly came flooding in, with mums sharing everything from beauty shortcuts to ingenious ways of persuading children to help out around the house.

Mothers have shared their ingenious life hacks that they swear by for keeping them ‘ahead of the pack’ 

The tips ranged from culinary hacks to the beauty secrets women swear by for making the most of their day and balancing work, children and their social lives.

One mother revealed that she pays her children 10p a time to take their clean, folded laundry upstairs and gets a takeaway once a week to keep everyone happy.

One mother shared her best beauty hack, which involved popping her locks into a messy bob, wearing a towel dry turban while she gets ready for work then shaking it out, salt spraying all over and blow drying her fringe.


Pay children 10p a time to take their clean, folded laundry upstairs

Get a takeaway once a week to keep everyone happy

Get up an hour before everyone else in the house 

Create a list with three sections: ‘absolutely musts, would be nice to get done, and dream on’

Use a slow cooker on a Sunday

Draw up a meal plan

Separate money for the week into three envelopes  

A mother shared her very detailed hacks for juggling her time, including getting up half an hour before everyone else in the house, having a coffee and looking at her ‘control file’ – a week to a page diary where she writes her lists for the day. 

‘My list has three sections – absolutely musts, would be nice to get done, and dream on,’ she explained. ‘Eventually the dream on section (like shaving my legs) works its way up into the absolutely must section and so the family wanders on and things get done.

‘School letters to be dealt with go into the control file and are put into the Absolute Musts and dates added to the calendar. If they include details on clothing or lunch, they are put into a clear wallet at the back of the control file and Ltr in File added to the calendar note.

‘Sunday evening, while Countryfile is on, we all get together at the table and say “what we’ve got on this week” and look at the diary.’

Other tips included using a slow cooker on a Sunday to prepare meals for the week, doing a meal plan, setting out three envelopes every week with money for lunches, travel and milk and bread.