Motorcycle rider involved in a horrific crash uses social media to find woman who stayed by his side

A motorcycle rider who was sent flying off his bike and left stranded after colliding with a car in front of him has tracked down the woman who stayed with him until paramedics arrived.

Nathan Gütt-Stafford was left lying in agony on Annerley Road in Brisbane, but he didn’t suffer alone with a Good Samaritan stopped to help him until paramedics arrived, reported The Canberra Times. 

Mr Gütt-Stafford was sent flying over his handlebars on Tuesday, May 29 on his way to work after being distracted by a car that had appeared to have had something caught underneath.

Mr Gütt-Stafford was sent flying over his handlebars and left lying in pain whilst Ms Heard (far left) kept him calm until paramedics arrived

After being distracted for only a few seconds, he looked up and saw that traffic had stopped, colliding with the car in front of him.

Mr Gütt-Stafford managed to fling himself forward on impact, before bouncing off the car’s boot before landing on the road.

He remained still, not wanting to move due to the pain in his back. 

‘The first person who came to me was Rachael who called the ambulance and the second person was Kylie who stayed with me from the start,’ Mr Gütt-Stafford said.

Kylie Heard, who works as a nurse, stayed next to him for about 15 minutes of the ‘painful and upsetting period’, doing anything she could to distract him.

 Mr Gütt-Stafford suffered minor injuries, including a sprained lower back, whiplash on his neck and a cut on his eyebrow due to his sunglasses

 Mr Gütt-Stafford suffered minor injuries, including a sprained lower back, whiplash on his neck and a cut on his eyebrow due to his sunglasses

She ensured he remained calm and felt safe before the ambulance arrived and transferred him to Prince Alexandra Hospital. 

Mr Gütt-Stafford was treated for a sprained back and whiplash.

Upon his release from hospital, he appealed on Facebook to find Ms Heard, wanting to thank her face-to-face.

Mr Gütt-Stafford posted to Facebook, wanting to find the woman who helped kept him calm and thank her face-to-face

Mr Gütt-Stafford posted to Facebook, wanting to find the woman who helped kept him calm and thank her face-to-face

The post was shared over 450 times, and eventually paid off, as Ms Heard was alerted to the post by a friend who recognised her instantly due to the red hair.

She instantly messaged Mr Gütt-Stafford, bewildered that he managed to find her. 

‘I ran across to him and my partner directed traffic. My main priority was to keep him distracted because he was quite distressed, so I talked his ear off and waited for the ambulance,’ she said. 

Ms Heard, who works as a nurse, pulled over immediately, running over while her partner directed traffic

Ms Heard, who works as a nurse, pulled over immediately, running over while her partner directed traffic

Once Mr Gütt-Stafford had been assisted by paramedics, Ms Heard continued on her way, yet considered searching for him in hospital in the following days.

The two plan to meet in person next Saturday, June 16.