Motorhead’s female tour manager reveals hectic tales from the road

Wrangling the world’s wildest rockstars is not a job that many could take on – but for one woman, it was a role that she fell into quite by chance. 

It was just two days before Christmas in 1988, a Saturday morning in Paris, when a 28-year-old Kim Hawes was unexpectedly thrust into the job of tour manager for Motorhead after her predecessor was nowhere to be found.

The remarkable circumstances that landed her in the job were – she later revealed – just a small taste of the wild things she would go on to witness, and deal with, in the role, much of which she is now laying bare in a candid interview with

And, as it turns out, sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll made up just one aspect of the crazy experiences she ended up facing – albeit a rather large one. 

Kim Hawes, who worked with Motorhead for 10 years and was their one-time tour manager, has revealed what it’s like to be on the road with some of the world’s biggest bands

Recalling the moment that she first took up her post as the band’s tour manager, Kim, who is now 63, explained that the rock group was in France and went to try and find their former manager to help them exchange money so they could buy gifts for their loved ones. 

However, when they tried to track him down, he had fled. Having been working with the band for 10 years at the time, Kim was the obvious person to fill in. 

‘We got the hotel to open his room because we all began to panic, thinking he was [hurt] or something, but he actually wasn’t there, he’d gone,’ Kim told from her home in northwest England.

‘Suddenly we are in the middle of Motorhead wanting all this money for Christmas shopping et cetera, one gig on the whole tour left to do two days before Christmas, and nobody could come out to tour manage it.

‘So the manager of Motorhead, at the time, just turned around and went, “Well Kim, you are just gonna have to do it. Just get on with it.”‘

And that was how Kim became the band’s one-time tour manager after starting out by selling T-shirts and posters in her teens, and then moving into tour accounting. 

She started selling T-shirts and posters in her teens for a number of bands before going into tour accounting. She's now 63

She started selling T-shirts and posters in her teens for a number of bands before going into tour accounting. She’s now 63

Kim worked with Motorhead for 10 years in multiple roles and eventually she went onto be tour manager for bands like Hawkwind, Black Sabbath, Rush and Concrete Blonde.

She’s now detailed her experiences in her new book, Lipstick and Leather: On the Road With The World’s Most Notorious Rock Stars.

In an interview with, the former tour manager has recalled some of the bizarre backstage demands and items that these music legends brought with them on tour.

She remembers she was on tour in the US with Concrete Blonde when a venue staff member came up to her and asked her about a rider – a list of talent demands – they had just received.

‘This guy came through to me, and he went, “I want you to have a look at this rider.” So I was like, “Okay, that’s fine, whose is it? It’s not ours.” And he went, “No, it’s Motorhead’s. But you’ve worked with Motorhead and is this true?”‘ Kim said.

‘So I took the the rider off him and it was 16 pages long, 15 pages of it was alcohol.

‘And I was like, “Yeah, that’s right.”‘

Concrete Blonde’s Jim Mankey used to take his gym equipment on tour, with Kim saying: ‘That used to take up the whole tour bus and it was like an obstacle course… let’s say an army assault course going down the tour bus from front to back.’

When she traveled with Hawkwind, Kim recalled Dave Brock used to take a flight case with ‘absolute loads’ of cheese with him.

‘[It would be] fine, providing you’re not in Europe for three months,’ she added.

‘As you can imagine, in the heat and everything on a tour bus and stuff in a flight case, and week after week, and you just putting stuff on top of it and stuff on top of it. I dread to think what that flight case was like when he got it home.

‘It would all be softened and smooshed altogether, and by [the end] the smell would creep out the outside of the flight case.’

Concrete Blonde’s Johnette Napolitano would travel with her animals and another musician brought his own bedding.

One of Kim’s worst days as a tour manager 

As for one of the wildest days she had as a tour manager, it happened with an Elvis impersonator who was ‘really big in Germany at the time.’

‘He didn’t sing Elvis Presley songs. He actually sang other songs, and it was realized by the record company that he sang only songs of people that were dead, which sounds quite morbid,’ Kim said.

‘This guy won an award and we were on tour in Germany somewhere… and again tour management was so different than because there wasn’t communication like there is now.

‘But to receive the award it’s 200 miles away. We also had a gig that night, so how can you get from where we are to collect this award and get back again?’

As for how many people hit the road with bands, Kim, who last toured in 2013, said she usually had about 75 crew members. One of Kim's photos from a Motorhead tour

As for how many people hit the road with bands, Kim, who last toured in 2013, said she usually had about 75 crew members. One of Kim’s photos from a Motorhead tour

Kim said a jet was hired to get to the ceremony for him to receive the award, but on the way back it started ‘snowing like crazy.’

‘Basically we were the last flight out at the airport where we were and we were only just allowed in to land,’ she explained.

‘It was really scary. The pilot came out, and his tie was around his waist, and his shirt was open.’

Visibility on the roads weren’t good, but they had to travel from the airport to the gig, so they hired ‘these drivers that drove for Mercedes… basically the racing team.’ 

I’m on my hands trying to find this wedding ring along with a record company rep between all these ladies who are screaming and taking their clothes off 

‘We had three cars waiting for us with a police escort, and each of the drivers in the normal cars were these racing drivers. So then they took us through the streets of Germany to get us to this venue, so that there wasn’t a riot there.

‘Obviously people have been waiting now for about an hour and a half, so they were getting crazy, and the police decided to leave. They just told us to go ahead because they couldn’t keep up.

‘When we sat in the car, the driver said, “Right, put your seat belts on.” The guy who is the singer, he hated wearing a seat belt… and [the driver] was like, “No, I’m serious. I’m not moving till you put it on.” And thank God he did because we were going around corners sideways.’

But their horror night wasn’t over.

When they arrived at the venue, Kim said the singer’s wife was furious, and she hated that he was on tour and the attention he got from other women.

‘She threatened then that if he played that night she would divorce him,’ the former tour manager told

Kim has shared some photos of her life on tour with Motorhead from her personal collection

Kim has shared some photos of her life on tour with Motorhead from her personal collection

Kim worked with Motorhead for 10 years in multiple roles and eventually she went onto be tour manager for bands like Hawkwind, Black Sabbath, Rush and Concrete Blonde

Kim worked with Motorhead for 10 years in multiple roles and eventually she went onto be tour manager for bands like Hawkwind, Black Sabbath, Rush and Concrete Blonde

‘I managed to calm her down and it’s like, “Look, just ignore them… He’s not going to go off with these women.” He was madly in love with his wife. He loved his wife, he loved his children.

‘So we get on stage, we’d made it, we were there. He goes on stage, she’s screaming at him, going: “If you go on stage, that’s it.”

‘These confetti cannons went off as soon as he got on stage, with a big huge bang, and she got took her wedding ring off, and she threw it at him. It went into the audience at the front of the stage. So then I’m on my hands trying to find this wedding ring along with a record company rep between all these ladies who are screaming and taking their clothes off.’

Kim said it was a ‘night to remember,’ adding: ‘You would have days like that at least once a week… I remember the good things too… I always said that if you remember the bad things on tour, it’s like childbirth, you’d never do it again.’ 

Kim remembers Motorhead’s Lemmy as a mentor and ‘like a big brother’

Despite his public rock persona, Kim recalled he was like a big brother to her.

She said on her first night on the Motorhead tour bus she was intimidated to be on the same vehicle with the band as she had traveled separately before.

‘Lemmy just came up to me and was like, “Do you know what you do?” And I was like, “No, I don’t know where to go. I don’t know anything about it.” So he literally said, “Come on, let’s find you a bunk,”‘ Kim told

‘He started me… on the bottom bunk, and I would always say to any women that are out there that are on tour buses, always take the bottom bunk, because there’s no eyeline to connect with somebody’s eyes. If you fall out of bed or sheets come off in the middle of the night or the curtains move, nobody can peep in.

‘You don’t have to climb up onto a bunk… and you just sit on the floor and roll in.

‘I always say the worst part was the smell of people’s shoes… when you’ve had trainers on for like 18 hours… so I used to spray the bunk curtain with perfume, so that when it moved, it smelled a lot better.’

She called Lemmy her 'friend' and 'mentor' in a birthday post to him on Instagram

She called Lemmy her ‘friend’ and ‘mentor’ in a birthday post to him on Instagram

Lemmy pictured with Motorhead bandmates Eddie Clarke and Phil Taylor in 1980

Lemmy pictured with Motorhead bandmates Eddie Clarke and Phil Taylor in 1980 

Lemmy also shared his wisdom about living on a tour by showing her around, educating her about what she could and couldn’t put down the toilet, and where she could find food and beverages to make sure she didn’t go hungry or thirsty.

‘He was genuinely a nice guy because you can imagine my fear. First of all, I was like am I going to be okay? Is anybody gonna try anything on with me? Is anything gonna happen to me? And he would not have stood for any of that whatsoever,’ Kim said.

‘I mean yes, there were girls all over the place, but there were only girls that wanted to be there.

‘So he looked after me, I remember saying how I loved it, being on tour, and he just said: “It’s in your blood, kid.” And even now, when I say it, I choke up slightly.’

During their down time on the tour bus, Kim said she would play chess with Lemmy and he used to read a lot.

‘He was really well educated. We had similarities in the fact that we both had stepfathers, they were both vicars,’ she added.

Kim also recalls one time she wandered to the back of the tour bus to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and she found Lemmy standing there in a black T-shirt, cowboy boots and his underpants fixing himself some cheese and crackers. 

‘It was just like being with your big brother,’ she said.

Her book, Lipstick and Leather: On the Road With The World’s Most Notorious Rock Stars, is out now. 
