Mueller investigators seek documents from the White House

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team of investigators is seeking information from the White House related to Michael Flynn’s stint as national security adviser and about the response to a meeting with a Russian lawyer that was attended by President Donald Trump’s oldest son, The Associated Press has learned.

Mueller’s office has requested a large batch of documents from the White House and is expected to interview at least a half dozen current and former aides in the coming weeks.

Though the full scope of the investigation is not clear, the information requests make clear at least some of the areas that Mueller and his team of prosecutors intend to probe surrounding White House actions in the early months of the administration.

A person familiar with the investigation who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity said investigators want information on, among other topics, a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower that Donald Trump Jr. attended with a Russian lawyer and the administration’s response to it. 

Focus: Mueller's office has requested a large batch of documents from the White House - including about the response to Donald Trump Jr's meeting with Russians

Focus: Mueller’s office has requested a large batch of documents from the White House – including about the response to Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with Russians

Meeting: Donald Trump Jr met Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower and said it was to vet Hillary Clinton's fitness for office

Meeting: Donald Trump Jr met Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower and said it was to vet Hillary Clinton’s fitness for office

Disgraced: Michael Flynn was fired as national security adviser. Now Mueller's prosecutors want White House documents on his time there

Disgraced: Michael Flynn was fired as national security adviser. Now Mueller’s prosecutors want White House documents on his time there

A statement provided to journalists in July that the White House has said Trump played a role in drafting said the meeting was primarily to discuss adoptions of Russian children, but emails released days later by Trump Jr. show that he arranged the encounter with the expectation of receiving damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

The person also said investigators want to know what White House officials including Trump knew about the Justice Department’s investigation into Flynn, who was forced out as national security adviser in February after White House officials concluded that he had misled them about the nature of his Russian contacts.

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates has said she warned White House counsel Don McGahn that that deception left Flynn and the White House in a compromised position, and that she expected him to take action. Flynn was not asked to resign until several weeks later. 

And former FBI Director James Comey has said that Trump, in a private Oval Office encounter, told him that he hoped he would end an FBI investigation into Flynn.

Comey’s own firing in May is also under investigation, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller as special counsel and oversees his work, has been questioned by investigators, according to people familiar with the matter.

A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Mueller was appointed in May to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign, and potential crimes arising from that probe. 

Investigators in July raided the home of Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, in a search of tax and banking records and have served subpoenas related both to his business dealings and those of Flynn.

Mueller’s team of investigators includes prosecutors with experience in organized crime, national security and complex financial fraud cases. 

The primary prosecutor on the White House investigation is James Quarles, who came with Mueller from the WilmerHale law firm and was involved in Watergate prosecutions.

Among the aides expected to be interviewed, perhaps by October, are McGahn, former press secretary Sean Spicer and former chief of staff Reince Priebus.