Mum’s disgusting warning after re cleaning her ‘professionally’ cleaned couch

Mum’s disgusting warning after re-doing her ‘professionally’ cleaned couch: ‘I will never feel safe on a dark-coloured lounge again’

  • A mum has shared disturbing pictures of ‘clean’ couch
  • She had her couch professionally cleaned weeks ago

A mum has shared disturbing pictures showing off how much dirt was hidden in her couch just weeks after she had it professionally cleaned.

The mum said she couldn’t shake the feeling the lounge still wasn’t clean after the professionals scrubbed it.

After a few weeks she decided to have a go at getting it clean herself – and admitted it was ‘disgustingly satisfying’.

Photos of the process show how the ‘supposedly clean’ covers turned clear water to a murky brown in mere hours.

‘I took the cushion covers off and strip wash them with no borax,’ she said.

A mum has decided to clean her couch, weeks after it was professionally clean, after feeling it was still grubby (pictured before she cleaned it herself)

The water shows how much dirt was trapped in the couch covers

The water shows how much dirt was trapped in the couch covers 

She filled her bath up with hot water, added some home brand Napisan, lectic washing soda and Biozet liquid then ‘stirred in’ the covers,

The water turned black, confirming her suspicions.

She then popped the covers in the washing machine and gave them an extra rinse before popping them ‘back on the cushions slightly damp’.

‘Half the couch done and the other half to go tomorrow,’ she said.

Her story impressed others who claimed they were ‘off to do their couches’ after reading it.

One mum said she throws her covers in the washer every three months to keep it clean.

But others said they have been to afraid to clean their couches, ever.

The covers were placed in the bath tub

They were soaked for a few hours before she put them in the washing machine

The covers were placed in the bath tub where they soaked for a few hours 

The mum's couch was spotless after her DIY cleaning job

The mum’s couch was spotless after her DIY cleaning job 

‘I am too scared to was the covers fearing I would ruin them,’ one mum said.

‘I have the same couch and I am too scared to take the covers off because I don’t think I would get them back on,’ admitted another.

Others questioned her decision to put the covers back on damp and asked if she was afraid they would become mouldy as a result.

‘No they don’t, my mum taught me that trick of the trade to get covers on when damp, makes it easier because the fabric stretches when wet and shrinks when dry,’ she said.

Others said thy prefer to do it themselves after having disappointing ‘professional’ cleans. 

How did she clean her lounge? 

The mother cleaned her own lounge when she decided it was still dirty after it had been professionally cleaned.

She used the steps below:

1- Remove the covers

2- Make a hot bath with 1/4 cup lectic washing soda, 1/4 home brand Napisan from Coles, 1 cup Biozet liquid

3- Add the covers and mix well

4- Stir the covers occasionally and let soak for a few hours

5- Put in the washing machine on a delicate cycle, with 500 spin speed and a cold water extra rinse cycle

6- Put the covers back on whilst damp 
