Munchausen victim recalls listening to mom’s murder

Munchausen by Proxy victim Gypsy Blanchard has described listening as her boyfriend stabbed her mother to death at her request and how the pair had sex afterwards as the woman’s body lay in the next room.

Gypsy, now 26, is serving a 10-year sentence in prison for plotting her mother Clauddine ‘Dee Dee’ Blanchard’s murder in June 2015 at their home in Springfield, Missouri. 

For her entire life, Dee Dee told Gypsy that she suffered leukemia and forced her to undergo unnecessary surgeries and take medication that she did not need. 

She forced her daughter to use a wheelchair and fed her through a tube, pretending to the outside world that she was terminally ill when in fact her health was fine. 

Dee Dee’s condition is known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Unlike Munchausen Syndrome, where a person will fake their own illness for sympathy and attention, a by Proxy sufferer will fake their child’s illness for the same effect. 

For decades, Dee Dee accepted charity gifts and trips to Disneyland with Gypsy and relied on food stamps, Medicaid and disability benefits – along with her ex-husband’s child support – to keep up the pretense.  

In an interview from jail with ABC’s 20/20 which will air on Friday night, Gypsy explained how the condition, and the grip it had on her mother, drove her to plot her killing along with boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn.

She had met Godejohn on a Christian dating website and wanted to start a new life with him, far from Dee Dee and her control. 


Gypsy Blanchard, now 26, described in an interview due to air on Friday how she listened as her boyfriend stabbed her mother to death then had sex with him moments later in 2015. She is pictured in her prison uniform 

On June 14, 2015, Gypsy waited until her mother had fallen asleep then called her boyfriend to come over. 

She then listened as he attacked her in her sleep, sitting paralyzed as her mother called out for her help. 

‘I heard her scream once, and there was more screaming but not like the kind in a horror film. Just like a startled scream, and she asked, “Who was it that was in the bedroom?” 

‘And she called out to my name about three or four times. 

‘And at that point, I wanted to go help her so bad, but I was so afraid to get up. It’s like my body wouldn’t move. Then everything just went quiet,’ she said. 

Once her mother was dead, she and Godejohn had sex on her bed in the room next door. 

They then left the house for a motel where he was staying nearby. 

For the few days afterwards until she was arrested, Gypsy said she was hit by sudden pangs of guilt and relief. 

Gypsy's mother Clauddine 'Dee Dee' Blanchard told her and others that her daughter had leukemia, muscular dystrophy and other health impairments. She forced Gypsy to shave her head and fed her through a tube to keep up her lie 

Gypsy’s mother Clauddine ‘Dee Dee’ Blanchard told her and others that her daughter had leukemia, muscular dystrophy and other health impairments. She forced Gypsy to shave her head and fed her through a tube to keep up her lie 

On June 14, 2015, Gypsy enlisted the help of her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn (right) to kill her mother. Godejohn was charged with first degree murder but is still awaiting trial. Gypsy pleaded guilty to second degree murder in 2016 

On June 14, 2015, Gypsy enlisted the help of her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn (right) to kill her mother. Godejohn was charged with first degree murder but is still awaiting trial. Gypsy pleaded guilty to second degree murder in 2016 

‘It would come in times of happiness, little spurts of happiness, but I would have breakdowns or I’d start crying, feeling remorse, guilt, and at the same time, also missing her at the same time, worry about what, what I’d just done. She’s gone,’ she said. 

Godejohn claimed that she tried to subside his guilt by telling him the entire plot was her doing.   

‘I felt horrible about it. When me and her were in the hotel room … she kept on telling me, “Stop crying, stop crying. There’s no reason, reason to cry. It was my idea, it wasn’t yours,”” he said in his own interview from jail.  

‘[Gypsy] comforted me about it. I prayed once I got here. I tried to get her mother’s soul to forgive me,’ he added.

The pair went undetected for a few days until Gypsy alerted other relatives to the killing by writing: ‘That b***** is dead’ on the Facebook page she shared with her mother. 

It prompted them to search the house where the pair lived and find Dee Dee’s body. Gypsy was arrested at Godejohn’s home in Wisconsin that day. 

In her recent interview, Gypsy claimed she left the Facebook post to prompt the discovery of her mother’s body. 

Gypsy (left in prison) has grown her hair . She is pictured right as a child when her mother had her wear wigs to cover her shaved head which she said was to preempt hair loss that would be brought on by chemotherapy

Gypsy (left in prison) has grown her hair . She is pictured right as a child when her mother had her wear wigs to cover her shaved head which she said was to preempt hair loss that would be brought on by chemotherapy

Gypsy (left in prison) has grown her hair . She is pictured right as a child when her mother had her wear wigs to cover her shaved head which she said was to preempt hair loss that would be brought on by chemotherapy 

Dee Dee rubbed numbing agents on her daughter's gums to make her drool in order to convince doctors that she needed her salivary glands removed 

Dee Dee rubbed numbing agents on her daughter’s gums to make her drool in order to convince doctors that she needed her salivary glands removed 

During doctors visits, Dee Dee told Gypsy not to speak and to just play with her dolls . She is pictured in hospital after one operation 

During doctors visits, Dee Dee told Gypsy not to speak and to just play with her dolls . She is pictured in hospital after one operation 

‘I couldn’t stand the thought of her just there because what happens if it would have taken months to find her, so I wanted her found so she could have a proper burial,’ she said. 

She however did not expect to be arrested for the death.

Since their arrests, Gypsy and Godejohn have turned on one another. She called him remorseless in her interview, whereas he says she is to blame for the entire plot.

Gypsy pleaded guilty to second degree murder in 2016. Godejohn is still awaiting trial on a single charge of first degree murder.  

‘All the planning she did, every bit of it. She pretty much willed the knife in my hand to commit the deed herself. She is the mastermind behind the entire thing,’ Godejohn said.

Gypsy said she regrets plotting the murder but claimed that Godejohn led her into it in some way. 

‘I don’t hate him. I feel sorry for him, and just that somebody could do something so heartless and not express remorse and not feel like he’s responsible for it.

‘He was very much like my mother in certain ways. And I feel like I was trained my whole life to do as I was told,’ she said. 

Of her regret, she said: ‘All I could hope is that wherever she is, that she still loves me in some small way. And I want her to know that I am sorry. I am so sorry.’  

She does not regret taking steps to escape the ‘prison’ she was forced to live in by feigning illness, however.  

‘The prison that I was living in before, with my mom, it’s, like, I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t have friends. I couldn’t go outside, you know, and play with friends or anything. 

The pair lived in a house in Springfield, Missouri, that was built by Habitat for Humanity. It had a ramp for Gypsy to use her wheelchair on. Dee Dee claimed they had lost their first home in Louisiana in Hurricane Katrina 

The pair lived in a house in Springfield, Missouri, that was built by Habitat for Humanity. It had a ramp for Gypsy to use her wheelchair on. Dee Dee claimed they had lost their first home in Louisiana in Hurricane Katrina 

On June 14, Dee Dee was asleep in her bed when Godejohn attacked her with a knife, stabbing her to death 

On June 14, Dee Dee was asleep in her bed when Godejohn attacked her with a knife, stabbing her to death 

‘Over here, I feel like I’m freer in prison, than with living with my mom. Because now, I’m allowed to … just live like a normal woman,’ she said. 

Some of the drastic steps Dee Dee took to convince outsiders of her daughter’s illness included shaving her head and rubbing numbing creams on her gums to make her drool. 

She insisted that Gypsy suffered leukemia, muscular dystrophy and said she had a mental age of a child much younger than she was.

Dozens of doctors were fooled and prescribed medication for her. She even underwent surgery to have her salivary glands removed. Any physicians who were not convinced were talked down by Dee Dee. 

One said he suspected the mother suffered Munchausen by Proxy but did not believe he had enough information to inform authorities. 

Dee Dee had brought Gypsy to him in 2009 for treatment, claiming she had muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. 

Dee Dee's body was found after relatives saw these two Facebook posts and became concerned. Police traced the posts back to Godejohn's home in Wisconsin and arrested Gypsy and her boyfriend 

Dee Dee’s body was found after relatives saw these two Facebook posts and became concerned. Police traced the posts back to Godejohn’s home in Wisconsin and arrested Gypsy and her boyfriend 

‘There was nothing there to support either. That kind of made me very suspicious,’ the doctor Dr. Bernardo Flasterstein said. 

He wrote a letter to Gypsy’s primary care physician saying he believed Dee Dee suffered Munchausen by Proxy but nothing further was done. 


Munchausen by proxy is a condition where an adult will invent medical conditions for his or her child so that they can get attention or sympathy.

A dangerous facet of this is how they will often induce symptoms in the child to better illustrate the lie. 

Munchausen by proxy is typically considered a severe form of child abuse.

Dee Dee took Gypsy to Missouri from Louisiana, where they had been living, not long afterwards. She would later tell people their home was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and that all of her daughter’s medical records were swept away by the floods.  

In 2009, another doctor alerted authorities to the family but when care workers visited the home, they found nothing of concern.  

None of the child’s relatives or friends ever saw her walk and were stunned when she arrived in court after her mother’s death on her own two feet as opposed to in a wheelchair. 

Even Gypsy’s father Rod, who divorced Dee Dee when she was young, was convinced of her illness. 

‘I told Dee Dee she was the best mother. There’s no way I can do what she [was] doing. You have a sick child. It’s constantly 24/7 taking care of her and everything. I mean, I always praised her and told her, “Good job,”‘ he said. 

At doctors appointments, Gypsy was never allowed to speak. 

‘Mom would say, “Don’t talk. Just play with your stuffed animal, and we’ll do something fun after,” she recalled. 

Gypsy was arrested days later with her boyfriend. When she made her first court appearance, her relatives and friends were stunned to see her walk 

Gypsy was arrested days later with her boyfriend. When she made her first court appearance, her relatives and friends were stunned to see her walk 

Mike Stanfield, Gypsy’s lawyer, reiterated her claim.

‘The one thing that is absolutely common across every single medical record is that Gypsy never spoke. 

‘Every single medical record says, “Mother reported.” “Mother states.” “History by mother,”‘ he said. 

As she grew up, Gypsy said her mother became increasingly controlling. Once, when she tried to run away, she said her mother chained her up to her bed.

‘She physically chained me to the bed and put bells on the doors and told anybody that I probably would’ve trusted that I was going through a phase and to tell her if I was doing anything behind her back,’ she said. 

Gypsy in jail last year during another interview where she said she did not deserve her 10 year prison sentence 

Gypsy in jail last year during another interview where she said she did not deserve her 10 year prison sentence 

Dee Dee cut off her contact with friends and took her phone and computer away from her to limit her exposure to the outside world, she said. She was however able to gain access to the dating website where she met Godejohn. 

For a year, the pair exchanged messages before meeting for the first time at a movie theater. 

Gypsy dressed up as Cinderella and Godejohn wore a Prince Charming costume. 

In her interview, Gypsy said she wanted her mother to get along with her new boyfriend and was disheartened when she tried to stop them from seeing each other. 

‘She got jealous because I was spending a little too much attention on him, and she had ordered me to stay away from him. And needless to say, that was a very long argument that lasted a couple weeks. 

‘Yelling, throwing things, calling me names: b****, slut, whore.’

That was when she decided to plot the murder, to ‘escape’ her.   ‘It was not because I hated her. It was because I wanted to escape her,’ she said.   

Gypsy previously told Dr Phil that she believed her 10 year prison sentence was too harsh. 

‘I believe firmly that, no matter what, murder is not okay. But at the same time I don’t believe I deserve as many years as I got,’ she said.

‘I do believe that I do deserve to spend some time in prison for that crime. But I also understand why it happened, and I don’t believe that I’m in the right place to get the help that I need,’ she said. 

When asked if she is glad her mother is dead, Gypsy said: ‘No sir. I’m glad that I’m out of that situation, but I’m not happy she’s dead.’ 

Gypsy’s interview with ABC’s 20/20 will air in full on Friday January 5 at 10pm ET.