Music teacher sexually abused schoolgirls during lessons

Nicholas Fisher (pictured) sexually assaulted two schoolgirls and  police later found indecent images of children at his home

A music teacher who sexually abused schoolgirls before trying to cover his tracks using ‘truly horrifying’ paedophile manuals has been jailed for two and a half years.

Nicholas Fisher, 43, sexually assaulted two youngsters and police later seized his computers and found indecent images of children.

Officers also discovered he had four online manuals – including one called ‘How To Practise Child Love’ – at his home in Bartestree, Herefordshire.    

Another document was entitled ‘Child Love Levels’ and was described as a ‘guide to sexual activity with children graded by risk of detection levels 1-5’.

But Fisher claimed he downloaded the file from the ‘dark web’ thinking that it was music related.

He was convicted of sexually assaulting two girls and possessing four paedophile manuals following a two and a half week trial. 

The pervert was also found guilty of five counts of making indecent images of children at Worcester Crown Court and was jailed for two and a half-years.

Speaking after the case, Detective Constable Paul Cowmeadow, from West Mercia Police, said: ‘These were offences committed against vulnerable young people by a person in a position of trust, whose duty was supposed to be to protect and safeguard those in his care.

‘Anyone who possesses a guide on how to groom or abuse children is clearly a risk to our community and this is demonstrated in Fisher’s case by the offences he committed.’

Fisher previously pleaded guilty to downloading indecent images of a child, of which 29 were of the highest category A, 29 category B and 48 category C.

He also accepted possessing paedophilic material in a computer folder called ‘Jazz Guide’, containing advice of how to sexually abuse children.

Nicholas Fisher has been jailed for two-and-a-half years

He had four online manuals - including one called 'How To Practise Child Love'

Fisher (pictured) said he ‘enjoyed playing around and having fun’ with the girls and said he tickled them 

However, he was found not guilty of five counts of sexually assaulting five girls under the age of 13.

The court heard he had worked in primary and secondary schools for the past 20 years and would also run one-on-one sessions at his own music school.

John O’Higgins, prosecuting, said: ‘The four paedophile manuals found were described as truly horrifying.’

Fisher told officers he had the images on his computer as he was making music CDs from the recording of his pupils.

He also told a jury he ‘enjoyed playing around and having fun’ with the girls and tickled them but denied it was sexually motivated.

He said: ‘I was being a big kid. It would be a quick tickle under their arms and on top of the ribs. I got absolutely no sexual gratification.’

Fisher was found guilty of five counts of making indecent images of children at Worcester Crown Court and was jailed for two and a half years

Fisher was found guilty of five counts of making indecent images of children at Worcester Crown Court and was jailed for two and a half years

Fisher added that ‘from time to time’ he would have the younger pupils sat on his lap but it was never something he instigated.

He added that this would be while he was playing the keyboard and demonstrating how to play something.

Fisher admitted that he used to hug pupils at the beginning and end of lessons for a couple of seconds, but that there was no sexual reason for it.

Lucie Stoker, defending, said: ‘Fisher pleaded guilty on a basis to possessing the Jazz Guide and the indecent images inside it.

‘He looked through the content to try and understand sexual abuse.

‘He deleted the file, he denies the remaining counts and denies any knowledge or intention of downloading the files.’