Muslim-majority Indonesia braces for Christmas terror attacks by radical Islamists

Muslim-majority Indonesia braces for Christmas terror attacks, with 192,000 security personnel deployed to protect Christians and other faiths from radical Islamists

  • Police and military will be deployed in particularly Christian areas across country
  • Around 10 percent or 24 million Indonesians are Christians, mainly Protestant
  • There have been a recent spate of attacks by groups linked to Islamic State
  • In October, the security minister was stabbed by two  jihadists – he survived 

Muslim-majority Indonesia will deploy 192,000 security personnel ahead of Christmas to guard Christians and those of other faiths against jihadists. 

The Southeast Asian archipelago of 260 million has significant numbers of Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who have been targeted by radical Islamist groups.

On Tuesday, authorities said the police and military personnel would be deployed to secure Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations across the country – including in easternmost Papua, a predominantly Christian region.

The deployment, which comes after a recent spate of attacks, is more than the 167,000 personnel deployed last year.

Despite being a Muslim-majority nation, many Indonesians are happy to take part in Christmas festivities regardless of their religion

Police guard the location of a suicide bombing at Medan Police Headquarter in South Sumatera province, Indonesia, on November 13, 2019

Police guard the location of a suicide bombing at Medan Police Headquarter in South Sumatera province, Indonesia, on November 13, 2019

‘As many as 10,000 personnel will be deployed in Jakarta’ alone, said National Police spokesman Argo Yuwono.

‘Based on intelligence data, there are potential risks… so we’re taking preventive measures but we are also ready to take proactive action,’ he added. 

Many past attacks in Indonesia, which has dozens of groups loyal to Islamic State’s violent ideology, have been against police and other state symbols.

Authorities routinely arrest suspected IS-linked militants ahead of alleged planned attacks.

A child holds a candle during a Christmas celebration held by Tiberias Church at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 7

A child holds a candle during a Christmas celebration held by Tiberias Church at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 7

In October Indonesian President Joko Widodo ordered beefed-up security after two militants from an IS-linked terror group stabbed his chief security minister. He survived the assassination attempt.

Last month a suicide bomber blew himself up at a police station in Sumatra, killing himself and wounding six civilians.

Hundreds of suspects were rounded up after the attacks, which came more than a year after a suicide bomber family killed a dozen congregants in attacks at churches in Indonesia’s second-biggest city, Surabaya.

Thousands of Indonesians taking part in a Christmas service earlier this month - police are to be deployed to regions with particularly dense populations of Christians, such as Papua

Thousands of Indonesians taking part in a Christmas service earlier this month – police are to be deployed to regions with particularly dense populations of Christians, such as Papua

On Tuesday the country’s new chief security minister Mahfud said high security was also meant to ensure Christian communities could celebrate Christmas without being targeted by groups keen to disrupt the festivities.

‘We need to anticipate as early as possible things like intolerant incidents and burning down houses of worship,’ the minister, who goes by one name, told reporters.

Conservative Muslim groups frequently raid shopping malls and other public places to protest against Christmas displays or seasonal attire worn by Muslim employees.