Muslim protester hit police officer in the face with walking stick during Tommy Robinson event

Omar Mohamad, 62, attended Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park to vent his anger at the former EDL leader during the free speech event

A Muslim protester smashed a police officer in the face with his walking stick during a rally led by Tommy Robinson.  

Omar Mohamad, 62, attended Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park to vent his anger at the former EDL leader during the free speech event. 

He was in a crowd of hundreds ‘chanting and cheering’ during a speech delivered by Robinson — who was jailed last month for contempt of court.

Mohamad, from Reading, Berkshire, was convicted of causing actual bodily harm.

City of London Magistrate Richard Blake said: ‘The case I have to consider is an allegation of assault causing actual bodily harm. 

‘This was alleged to have occurred on March 18 2018.

‘The events leading up to your arrest and the background- is an incident at what is called Speaker’s Corner, Hyde Park.

‘That weekend Mr Robinson, who I am informed was a senior member of the English Defence League, who was speaking there.

‘His reason for being there was a speech written by a right-wing Hungarian who was not there because he had been banned from the United Kingdom.

‘It was a clash of opposing views. You, Mr Mohamad, accept you are a Muslim man and say that you understood some of the views were threatening to your community.

‘I have had the advantage of seeing what took place.

Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson at Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park on March 18 this year 

Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner in London’s Hyde Park on March 18 this year 

The court heard Mohamad was in a crowd of hundreds ‘chanting and cheering’ during a speech delivered by Robinson — who was jailed last month for contempt of court 

The court heard Mohamad was in a crowd of hundreds ‘chanting and cheering’ during a speech delivered by Robinson — who was jailed last month for contempt of court 

‘There is no dispute that Sergeant Guy Rooney did receive this injury and he gave a graphic and moving account of what happened that day and the effect it continues to have on him.

‘The question is whether you are acting in self-defence.

‘When you lashed out with that stick it was with the intention to cause harm and injury to the person there. I find you guilty of the offence.’

Mohamad was bailed ahead of sentence at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday June 15.