‘My cracked skin left me housebound’: Woman shares ordeal after ditching dangerous eczema cream 

A woman has shared how her relationship broke down after she suffered from ‘oozing skin’ due to quitting steroid creams – with the pain leaving her housebound.

Ravenna den Houdijker, 23, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, began suffering with eczema when she was only three-months-old, with the condition affecting her whole body.

At five, she was prescribed topical steroid creams and, although her parents were informed it could cause her skin to thin, they trusted their dermatologist and applied the medication.

Ravenna den Houdijker, 23, from Netherlands, suffered from ‘oozing skin’ due to quitting steroid creams– with the pain leaving her housebound

Ravenna recalls feeling afraid about her skin ‘ripping open’ because it became so thin as she grew up, and she decided to finally stop her medication in October 2021 when she found it was no longer having an effect on her skin.

Ravenna said: ‘The doctor basically called me fat when I tried to point out that the steroids were causing weight gain.

‘I have a huge scar on my leg because my skin got so thin due to me growing a lot in a short period of time.

She began suffering with eczema when she was only three-months-old, with the condition affecting her whole body

She began suffering with eczema when she was only three-months-old, with the condition affecting her whole body

Going through withdrawal: Ravenna suffered painful tension due to the swelling that left her unable to move, on top of feeling burning and itching, which was bone deep

Going through withdrawal: Ravenna suffered painful tension due to the swelling that left her unable to move, on top of feeling burning and itching, which was bone deep 

Ravenna recalls feeling afraid about her skin 'ripping open' because it became so thin as she got older, but when she stopped her steroid medication, her skin became incredibly dry and flaky

Ravenna recalls feeling afraid about her skin ‘ripping open’ because it became so thin as she got older, but when she stopped her steroid medication, her skin became incredibly dry and flaky 

She decided to finally stop her medication in October 2021 when she found it was no longer having an effect on her skin. Pictured: Ravenna den Houdijker while suffering from topical steroid withdrawal

She decided to finally stop her medication in October 2021 when she found it was no longer having an effect on her skin. Pictured: Ravenna den Houdijker while suffering from topical steroid withdrawal

‘[At this point] I had little spots everywhere – on my thighs, lower legs and my stomach, but the worst was my neck, face and arms.

‘I had already tried “mesologie” which is an alternative healing method using natural supplements and herbs, which I did before quitting the steroids.’

For the first few months, she didn’t notice any significant side effects, but soon, she was unable to wear clothes as it was so uncomfortable.

She said she has 'a huge scar' on her leg because her skin got so thin due to a growth spirt in a short period of time

She said she has ‘a huge scar’ on her leg because her skin got so thin due to a growth spirt in a short period of time

For the first few months, she didn't notice any significant side effects, but soon, she was unable to wear clothes as it was so uncomfortable

For the first few months, she didn’t notice any significant side effects, but soon, she was unable to wear clothes as it was so uncomfortable

Ravenna recalls having dry, itchy skin which would burn, as well as severe hair loss and intense swelling from head-to-toe.

She said: ‘After [four months] it was awful. Five months in, hell began.

‘I had painful tension with my skin due to the swelling and I couldn’t move. I still had burning and itching, which would sometimes be bone deep.

‘I suffered insomnia, redness, shivering, [wrinkled] skin and weeping, as well as oozing.

Ravenna recalls having dry, itchy skin which would burn, as well as severe hair loss and intense swelling from head-to-toe

Ravenna recalls having dry, itchy skin which would burn, as well as severe hair loss and intense swelling from head-to-toe

Ravenna's ex-boyfriend tried getting her out of the house to go on dates or meet up with friends, but she refused

Ravenna’s ex-boyfriend tried getting her out of the house to go on dates or meet up with friends, but she refused

She had already tried 'mesologie' which is an alternative healing method using natural supplements and herbs

For the first few months, she didn't notice any significant side effects

She had already tried ‘mesologie’ which is an alternative healing method using natural supplements and herbs

She revealed she had painful tension in her skin due to the swelling and she couldn't move, saying she 'still had burning and itching, which would sometimes be bone deep'

She revealed she had painful tension in her skin due to the swelling and she couldn’t move, saying she ‘still had burning and itching, which would sometimes be bone deep’

‘I started having muscle loss and I became depressed, where I sat in my room literally staring at nothing – my parents didn’t know what to do.

‘It was exhausting, as I was too sore to do anything. I had only got a new job, which I had to quit after three days.

‘My world became very small and usually I would be outgoing, but my skin hurt and I was tired all the time, where meeting one friend would be too much for me.’

She suffered with insomnia, redness, shivering, painful [wrinkled] skin and weeping, as well as oozing

She had 'little spots everywhere' – on her thighs, lower legs and my stomach, but the worst was on her neck, face and arms

She suffered with insomnia, redness, shivering, painful [wrinkled] skin and weeping, as well as oozing

She said 'it was exhausting', as she was too sore to do anything and even got a new job but quit after three days

Ravenna's ex-boyfriend tried getting her out of the house to go on dates or meet up with friends, but she refused

She said ‘it was exhausting’, as she was too sore to do anything and even got a new job but quit after three days

Ravenna’s ex-boyfriend tried getting her out of the house to go on dates or meet up with friends, but she refused.

She said: ‘He was super sweet about it and took care of me but it was hard on him. We didn’t know what was going on with me – we were both desperate for answers.

‘He gave me space when I didn’t want to be touched, but it made it difficult to be loving towards each other.

Ravenna revealed her skin hurt and she was tired all the time, even meeting one friend would be too much for her

Ravenna revealed her skin hurt and she was tired all the time, even meeting one friend would be too much for her

She revealed she started having muscle loss and she became depressed, where she would sit in her 'room literally staring at nothing'

She revealed she started having muscle loss and she became depressed, where she would sit in her ‘room literally staring at nothing’

‘The relationship couldn’t last – it became too much for both of us.

‘It felt like my world was falling apart. I felt so angry too – why did my skin not only torment me in physical pain, but also take away the most important person to me?

‘It made me impossible to love and be loved.’

Her condition also took its toll on several friendships which broke down – though she was grateful for the support of her family.

Her condition also took its toll on several friendships which broke down – though she was grateful for the support of her family

Her condition also took its toll on several friendships which broke down – though she was grateful for the support of her family

She said: ‘I have amazing parents who did everything for me, as well as my sister and her boyfriend who always tried to make me laugh.

‘[Mentally] it was hard, because I didn’t know what I was going through. When you don’t have the joy for life left and you don’t know what’s wrong, you keep overthinking it. 

‘At some point, you get the one thought you know you shouldn’t get – such as choosing the ‘easy way’ out.’

As the doctors didn’t listen to her concerns, she decided to take matters into her own hands and used coconut oil to help ease the side effects.

She tried a no moisture treatment, which has helped lessen the itch and although she still has dry skin, as well as flaking, there is much less than before

She tried a no moisture treatment, which has helped lessen the itch and although she still has dry skin, as well as flaking, there is much less than before

As the doctors didn't listen to her concerns, she decided to take matters into her own hands and used coconut oil to help ease the side effects.

As the doctors didn’t listen to her concerns, she decided to take matters into her own hands and used coconut oil to help ease the side effects.

Ravenna also started having red light therapy for 20 minutes every day and has continued taking natural supplements

Ravenna also started having red light therapy for 20 minutes every day and has continued taking natural supplements

She tried a no moisture treatment, which has helped lessen the itch and although she still has dry skin, as well as flaking, there is much less than before. 

Ravenna also started having red light therapy for 20 minutes every day and has continued taking natural supplements. 

Her skin is currently improving and, while she feels irritation throughout her body, she is able to lead a more free life.

She said she 'cried a lot', but looking back, she know's she has done really well by listening to her body before taking each new step

She said she ‘cried a lot’, but looking back, she know’s she has done really well by listening to her body before taking each new step

Even the skin on her feet was dry with red blotches and flaking skin leaving it hard to wear shoes and socks with out pain

She said TSW resembles eczema but she revealed 'we all know too well that it isn't the same thing'

Even the skin on her feet was dry with red blotches and flaking skin leaving it hard to wear shoes and socks with out pain

She said she is still suffering from 'topical steroid withdrawal', but now that she is determined to beat it

Her skin is currently improving and, while she feels irritation throughout her body, she is able to lead a more free life

She said she is still suffering from ‘topical steroid withdrawal’, but now that she is determined to beat it

She added: ‘I’m still suffering from topical steroid withdrawal, but now that I’ve got this far, I know I can beat it.

‘I’ve cried a lot, but looking back, I know I’ve done really well as I listened to my body before taking each new step and sometimes, that meant taking a step back.

‘[Steroids] are prescribed too quickly and easily and I think better monitoring of the patient would really help.

‘Listening to what they feel instead of just looking at the skin too.

‘After all, TSW resembles eczema but we all know too well that it isn’t the same.’

She thinks [Steroids] are 'prescribed too quickly and easily' and she think's better monitoring of the patient would really help

She thinks [Steroids] are ‘prescribed too quickly and easily’ and she think’s better monitoring of the patient would really help

Now Ravenna is feeling more positive about her skin and is feeling more confident to venture outside

Now Ravenna is feeling more positive about her skin and is feeling more confident to venture outside 


Topical steroid addiction arises from the use of such creams to treat conditions like eczema. 

First described in 1979 in the International Journal of Dermatology, the theory is, over time, the skin becomes ‘addicted’ to the steroids. But it is not widely accepted among the medical community. 

Many have called the ‘condition’ a fad, however, it has been recognised by the National Eczema Association since 2013. 

Also known as red skin syndrome, the disorder does not have many statistics to show how common it is. One 2003 study from Japan, found that 12 per cent of adults who were taking steroids to treat dermatitis developed RSS. 

It occurs when steroids have been abruptly discontinued after a prolonged or inappropriate length of administration. Women who blush easily are thought to be most at risk. 

Topical steroid addiction has not been reported with correct drug use.

Symptoms include:

  • Redness, particularly on the face, genitals and area where the steroids were applied
  • Thickened skin
  • Swelling and puffiness  
  • Burning or stinging 
  • Dryness and cracked skin
  • Excessive wrinkling  
  • Skin sensitivity and intolerance to moisturisers 
  • Frequent skin infections  

Excessive sweating and itching is a sign of recovery.  Many sufferers also develop insomnia. 

Treatment focuses on anxiety support, sleep aids, itch management, infection prevention and immunosuppressants.

Doctors should advise patients to avoid long term or high dose steroid use. Long term is considered to be one-to-two years of regular use.

Patients are also advised to cut down on steroids slowly but using a lower dose and gradually cutting back to, for example, every other day or a few times a week. 

Source: DermNet NZ

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