My father is the Salt Creek monster who abducted two backpackers in one of Australia’s most disturbing crimes. I’m conflicted… but here’s why I’ll always love him

The daughter of the Salt Creek monster has spoken out for the first time, revealing that she will always love him despite his terrifying crimes.

Beatriz, from Brazil, and Lena from Germany, were both 24 in 2016, when they accepted a ride from Roman Heinze.

But hours into the road trip from Adelaide to Melbourne, the group set up camp in the isolated dunes at Salt Creek in South Australia’s Coorong National Park, and the women’s nightmare began.

Heinze tied up Beatriz with rope and sexually assaulted her before hitting Lena in the head with a hammer several times and repeatedly ramming her with his 4WD.

He was sentenced to 22 years in prison with the disturbing case shocking Australia and drawing comparisons with the 2005 Australian horror film Wolf Creek.

Heinze’s daughter Kendehl, 36, spoke about her mixed feelings towards her dad when she appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday night.

‘Yes, I love my dad, but I hate the fact that he’s in there (jail),’ she said.

‘That he’s not here for my kids. He’s missing so much.’

Kendehl (pictured middle) with her dad Roman Heinze (above right) has mixed feelings about her father

Kendehl (pictured) told 60 Minutes Sunday evening despite her mixed emotions she wants no further contact with her dad

Kendehl (pictured) told 60 Minutes Sunday evening despite her mixed emotions she wants no further contact with her dad

When asked if she hates her dad for what he did to the two women, she responded with an emphatic ‘yes’ but went on to explain why she still loves him.

‘He’s my dad. I learnt so much from him. Everyone, yes, deserves a second chance,’ she said.

‘So I’ve learnt to forgive him for what he’s done and I don’t forgive that easy.’

Despite Kendehl’s complicated feelings, she has vowed to cut off contact with him because he has made threats to her from prison.

‘I’m really scared Dad’s going to come after me when he gets out,’ she said. 

‘Yes, I love my dad. But sadly, I don’t feel that I want anything to do with him again because he’s scared me too much.’ 

Forensic psychologist Dr Kim Dilati said it is ‘natural’ for children to want to believe the best in their parents.

‘Most children want to believe their parents are good people, regardless of what they’ve done,’ she said.

‘I think for her to hold onto this belief, that she loves her father, there’s parts of him which are still redeemable, is only natural for children and for adults.’ 

Roman Heinze (pictured), tricked two backpackers into sand dunes, where he attacked them

Roman Heinze (pictured), tricked two backpackers into sand dunes, where he attacked them

The two backpackers were lucky to escape with their lives (pictured above)

The two backpackers were lucky to escape with their lives (pictured above)

The two young women only narrowly survived the horrific ordeal.

Lena screamed for Heinze to release her friend in the midst of the attack and made a mad dash for his car to phone for help.

He followed, telling Lena she could get her bag – but when the woman reached into his car, he beat her over the head with a hammer, causing blood to pour out of her skull.

‘I was like ‘oh my god, that’s it, he’s going to bury me in the sand’,’ she said in 2017.

‘I thought “that’s the end” because the smash was so hard.’

Lena was hit three more times before she managed to escape, beginning a frantic dash for her life that would last hours.

Managing to find Beatriz in the sand before Heinze reached the pair, she untied her friend, and the pair went their separate ways.

Petrified by the thought of her attacker returning, Beatriz then sat in thick bushes as Lena ran from Heinze, who pursued her in his 4WD.

As she tired, Heinze began to hit her with his bumper bar, causing her to fall – but every time, she would get back up and continue to run.

‘I was so determined that I didn’t want to die. Not here, not now,’ she said.

Eventually tiring, Lena made a drastic decision that saved her life. She ran at the car, launching herself on to the bonnet before climbing on to the roof.

After the flagging down a car, police were called to the scene at Salt Creek and arrested Roman Heinze (pictured)

After the flagging down a car, police were called to the scene at Salt Creek and arrested Roman Heinze (pictured)

‘I thought, I’m safe on the roof, he can’t get on the roof,’ she said.

‘I felt a bit like, in a movie – it felt like James Bond.’

Heinze tried desperately to get Lena off the roof of his car. She kicked towards his face as he tried to hit her with the hammer again and again.

Heinze then returned to his car and started driving erratically in an attempt to throw her off as she clings on for dear life.

Meanwhile, a car approached Beatriz, who took the opportunity to repay her friend’s favour, and save Lena from their attacker.

She ran towards the car, stark naked, screaming for help. Inside the car, a group of men called a nearby roadhouse, who notified police.

Beatriz begged the men not to take her back to the entrance of the isolated beach, instead she asked they help find Lena, who was still on the roof of Heinze’s car.

The man eventually lured her down, throwing away his weapons in the process. Now barely conscious, Lena got into the front seat, and the pair began to travel down the beach – straight past Beatriz and the men who rescued her.

Salt creek camp where the attack unfolded

Salt creek camp where the attack unfolded

Though she was on the brink of consciousness, Lena jumped out of Heinze’s car and ran for the men – who later revealed they could not tell if she was a man or a woman, such were the extent of her injuries.

Police, alongside the roadhouse owner, began to search for an escaping Heinze.

They found him bogged in the sand of the dunes, with his hands on the wheel of the car.

He was arrested, and did not put up a fight.

Heinze later confessed to assaulting another female backpacker in September 2014, had contacted another 13 backpackers and had pornographic videos found on his phone. 

He was jailed for 22 years. 
