Mystery illness that has left girl, three, unable to move

The heartbroken parents of a three-year-old girl say that they would do anything for the diagnosis of their little girl’s mystery illness that renders her unable to walk, talk or play on her own.   

Aubree Reid-Moore, from Eyres Monsell, has had severe disabilities since birth but professionals are still unable to understand exactly what is wrong with her.  

Melissa Barry, 27, has expressed the endless pain of watching her daughter struggle with tasks such as feeding herself or chattering away whilst playing with her toys.

Doctors have been working to find a diagnosis and despite the problems she faces, Aubree’s tests keep coming back normal. 

Aubree’s mum Melissa Barry, 27, said: ‘There have been genetic tests that have been done and she has had an MRI, brain and heart scans, and EEGs.

Melissa Barry, 27 with Aubree (right) and her little sister (left). Melissa says that she has really struggled with her daughter’s unknown illness

Melissa said: ‘She has just had an unbelievable amounts of tests, I cannot even remember them all.

‘The doctor will always say Aubree is baffling because everything that comes back is normal. The brain scan came back that her brain is slightly smaller than normal but there’s been nothing significant.

‘She cannot sit up by herself, she cannot talk. Me and my partner, her stepdad, can understand the noises she is making but no one else can. She cannot talk properly. She cannot play independently and she cannot feed herself.’

She added: ‘I have had counselling, I find it really difficult. I cannot accept it. I don’t feel like we are ever going to get an answer.

‘It’s the not knowing for me. I am not a doctor, it’s difficult, you think if something is wrong how can you not find what it is.

‘I would love a diagnosis, I would love to know what the future holds going forward rather than just taking every day as it comes.’

Aubree (pictured) is unable to walk, talk, feed herself or sit up unaided. Her mum first had suspicions that something wasn't right when she was around six months old

Aubree (pictured) is unable to walk, talk, feed herself or sit up unaided. Her mum first had suspicions that something wasn’t right when she was around six months old

Aubree had difficulty feeding when she was born and therefore struggled to gain weight.

Miss Barry said: ‘I have photos of her as a baby but she looks so small and hungry because she wasn’t eating.

‘She wasn’t gaining weight and we went back into hospital when she was three-weeks old.

‘She was having tests to see if her liver was working and all that sort of thing, they kept changing the feeds to see if she would take different bottles or different amounts.

‘We went home when she was about three months old and they had trained me up to feed her at home through the drips.’

That then distracted the family from other problems that were appearing. Miss Barry added: ‘Because we were so focused on her gaining weight no one even thought about the milestones.

‘It wasn’t until she was six-months-old we realised she wasn’t sitting, she wasn’t rolling, she wasn’t doing anything. She wouldn’t even reach out for a toy if it was next to her, she would just lie there.’

Aubree and Melissa pictured with her step-dad and younger sister. The little girl has epilepsy and a slightly smaller brain than normal, but that still doesn't explain her symptoms

Aubree and Melissa pictured with her step-dad and younger sister. The little girl has epilepsy and a slightly smaller brain than normal, but that still doesn’t explain her symptoms

 It was then discovered that Aubree had epilepsy. She had been having fits since she was two-weeks-old and was put on medication around a year ago.

Miss Barry says she had a feeling something wasn’t right during her pregnancy and ended up having a difficult birth, which ended in an emergency C section.

Elaine Broughton, head of midwifery at Leicester’s Hospitals said: ‘It is disappointing to hear that Ms Barry did not have the pregnancy/ birth experience she was expecting when she had her daughter Aubree in 2014.

‘I would welcome the opportunity to talk to Ms Barry and look into her medical notes to address the concerns she has now raised.’

Miss Barry is full of gratitude to the hospital team and one doctor in particular who have been involved with trying to help out Aubree since her birth.

Aubree goes to a special needs nursery twice a week and her mum is hoping she will be able to go to a school for disabled children 

Aubree goes to a special needs nursery twice a week and her mum is hoping she will be able to go to a school for disabled children 

She added: ‘I cannot praise her enough, she has been absolutely amazing, she will do anything I ask her to do. The team that have been looking into it I cannot find fault with them.’

Aubree goes to a special needs nursery twice a week and will hopefully go to Ash Field Academy, a school for disabled children. Aubree now has a 9-month-old sister who is starting to reach some milestones that she missed.

She said: ‘We see other children walking and playing and it’s sad to see. She has a little sister now and I feel sorry for Aubree.

‘Her sister is starting to do the things that Aubree can’t do and I wonder if she is watching her and wondering why she can’t do them too.’