Mystery surrounds the fate of a Rio Tinto ship worker who boarded a iron ore freighter destined for the Pilbara and vanished in international waters

Hope is slowly fading for a Rio Tinto deck-fitter who disappeared on a bulk carrier destined for Western Australia from China.

Rio Tinto on Thursday confirmed that Filipino national Gel Aguaviva, 44, went missing from the RTM Zheng He in international waters en route to the Pilbara about 9am on December 26.

An ‘extensive’ and ongoing search and rescue operation has been underway in the week since.

The ship’s crew is working with international authorities and the Philippine Coast Guard – who are leading the operation.

‘Our thoughts are with Gel’s family, friends and colleagues, and we stand with everyone affected by this distressing situation,’ Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm said.

‘We are focused on offering all possible support during this difficult time. 

‘We would like to thank everyone involved in the search for their tireless efforts.’

Authorities now believe Mr Aguaviva went overboard from the port side of the Singaporean flag ship.

Rio Tinto deck-fitter Gel Aguaviva, 44, went missing from a bulk carrier on Boxing Day, 2024

An extensive search and rescue mission is underway in the Sulu Sea in attempts to find Mr Aguaviva

An extensive search and rescue mission is underway in the Sulu Sea in attempts to find Mr Aguaviva

The vessel was in international waters in the Sulu Sea, west of the Philippines when Mr Aguaviva first went missing.

The Philippine coastguard said Gel Aguaviva was last seen on the port side main deck of the ship, wearing a blue reflective suit.

He was reportedly headed for the bosun’s store, typically containing materials used by the deckhands on the ship, at the time.

Crew mates did not realise Mr Aguaviva had disappeared until a little after 11am, the ABC reported.

The vessel is set to arrive at Dampier Port in WA on Saturday.

It is currently crossing the Timor Sea according to

The carrier is nearly 300m long and 50m wide. 

Bulk carrier RTM Zheng He is currently headed for the Pilbara after leaving China

Bulk carrier RTM Zheng He is currently headed for the Pilbara after leaving China
