Nat Kringoudis on what to do if you want to get pregnant

While for some people, getting pregnant is an uncomplicated affair, for others fertility is a minefield – and some couples spend months trying to conceive a baby.

But, according to one Melbourne-based fertility expert, Nat Kringoudis, there are a few things you can do to ‘pave the way towards your more fertile self’.

From letting your hair down to pretending you’re already there, here FEMAIL takes a look at Ms Kringoudis’s five things to do if you want to get pregnant.

‘Thing is, you can have the best diet on the planet, eat like a goddess, sleep like a queen, have your supplement regime down pat but if your emotional and mental health aren’t in check, you may as well be peeing your supplements down the drain,’ she explained on her blog. 

According to one Melbourne-based fertility expert, Nat Kringoudis (pictured), there are a few things you can do to ‘pave the way towards your more fertile self’

Top of Ms Kringoudis's list for getting pregnant is the idea that you should quit trying to calm down - 'take a step back and hang out at the edges of your life for a minute' (stock image)

Top of Ms Kringoudis’s list for getting pregnant is the idea that you should quit trying to calm down – ‘take a step back and hang out at the edges of your life for a minute’ (stock image)


While the common wisdom passed around is that if you want to get pregnant, you need to calm down, in fact Ms Kringoudis said the opposite is true:

‘Never in the history of all mankind has telling yourself or anybody else for that matter to calm down actually had a calming effect,’ she said.

Not only this, but the fertility expert added that the cells in your body ‘respond to every single little noise your mind makes’ – meaning you feel worse as a result.

Ms Kringoudis explained that she has a technique for her patients, where she asks couples who want to get pregnant to ‘take a step back and hang out on the edges of their life for a minute’.

‘It’s difficult when we are in the mix of drama or crisis to have the awareness to take a step back and ask ourselves, does my reaction really warrant my precious cortisol being released – aka does this actually warrant a stress response.’

Ms Kringoudis said when you analyse a situation, you can choose a different response – this will also keep your hormones ‘happier’ too.

'When it comes to a bun in the oven, beginning to act as if you are already pregnant can have a huge impact on the choices and decisions you make in your  life,' Ms Kringoudis (pictured) said

'When it comes to a bun in the oven, beginning to act as if you are already pregnant can have a huge impact on the choices and decisions you make in your  life,' Ms Kringoudis (pictured) said

‘When it comes to a bun in the oven, beginning to act as if you are already pregnant can have a huge impact on the choices and decisions you make in your life,’ Ms Kringoudis (pictured) said


The ‘fake it till you make it’ technique is a classic means for people looking to achieve all sorts of goals.

‘When it comes to a precious bun in the oven, beginning to act as if you are already pregnant can have a huge impact on the choices and decisions you make in your day to day life,’ Ms Kringoudis said.

Pretend you’re pregnant and imagine how you’d feel and treat your body if you were.

‘By behaving in this way, you instantly create space for what you want rather than cramming into your day all that you don’t actually desire in an attempt to fill the void,’ she said. 

‘Stick a cushion up your top if you need to or rub your belly as often as you need. There’s a little magic in this one that works very well.’

Ms Kringoudis said you should have sex when you feel like it, not just mechanical 'baby making' sex - you don't know when you are most fertile (stock image)

Ms Kringoudis said you should have sex when you feel like it, not just mechanical ‘baby making’ sex – you don’t know when you are most fertile (stock image)


According to Ms Kringoudis, in the fertility world there are a lot of rules.

From your regime to your timing, supplements and don’ts there is a lot to think about. 

Ms Kringoudis said, therefore, as a result it’s a good idea to let your hair down, ‘dance into the early hours of the morning and just have the night of your life’.

‘Have a night out, drink that glass of wine, break all the rules, go to bed late, eat the food that you’ve been holding back on… whatever floats your boat, I give you permission,’ she said. 

It might just help you to relax. 

'You are the average of the five people you spend your time with - choose wisely!,' Ms Kringoudis said - you need to spend time with good people (stock image)

‘You are the average of the five people you spend your time with – choose wisely!,’ Ms Kringoudis said – you need to spend time with good people (stock image)


Ms Kringoudis asks: When was the last time you really had sex?

‘Not the mechanical, “time to make a baby” type sex, but the real deal, the stuff when you were newly-loved up and had no inhibitions,’ she said.

‘During sex, you release feel good hormones serotonin and dopamine, these help to balance out other hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which both may be having their way with your more fertile self.’

The expert added that the biggest mistake she sees couples make is that they only have sex in what ‘they believe to be their fertile window’:

‘It may mean they are missing the boat altogether because there is no 100 per cent sure way to know in what moment you’ve ovulated.

‘Plus, exercising the uterus makes it all the more ready for the pending arrival of that freshly fertilised embryo,’ she added. ‘It’s a winner.’ 


Last but not least, Ms Kringoudis said you need to spend time with the right people.

‘If your cheer squad are all full of doom and gloom and constantly reinforcing your fears, it might be time to find some new people to hang out with,’ she said.

‘You are the average of the five people you spend your time with – choose wisely!’.

To read more from Nat Kringoudis, visit her website here.