Natalie Barr and Mel McLaughlin go head-to-head on Sunrise

Tensions were rife on Tuesday morning’s Sunrise program when long-time news presenter Natalie Barr and stand-in sports reporter, Mel McLaughlin, engaged in a heated debate over children’s sport. 

The feud begun when the discussion turned to which game was preferred among children out of cricket and basketball.

While Ms Barr was quick to the defend the rising popularity of basketball, Ms McLaughlin made no secret of her opposing opinions. 

‘Basketball, with the new generation coming up, basketball is absolutely more popular with kids,’ Ms Barr said as she twisted her mouth in preparation for her co-panelist’s response. 

A resounding ‘ohhhhh’ from co-host David Koch was a clear sign of rising tension between the two women. 

‘OK, cool, no, at grass roots level it (basketball) has fantastic numbers, they just need to convert it,’ Ms McLaughlin refuted.

‘Basketball, with the new generation coming up, basketball is absolutely more popular with kids,’ long-time Sunrise news reporter Natalie Barr (above) argued 

Ms Barr, who is a mother of two young boys, shook her head in disagreement, claiming: ‘kids aren’t interested in cricket like they were. Like previous generations.’ 

Her opponent attempted to explain how changes in game structure had encouraged children to get back into cricket.

‘I think different competitions have changed, I think the shorter form has got them back on board,’ she proposed.

Mr Barr remained skeptical; referring back to her own experiences as a mother.

Sports reporter Mel McLaughlin (above) disagreed, saying: 'I think different competitions have changed, I think the shorter from has got them back on board' 

Sports reporter Mel McLaughlin (above) disagreed, saying: ‘I think different competitions have changed, I think the shorter from has got them back on board’ 

‘Disagree,’ she said, before adding: ‘because I’m surrounded by kids who love basketball.’ 

‘But they gotta go to the games, they gotta wear the jerseys and they…OK,’ Ms McLaughlin relinquished as the conversation was cut short by the sounding of boxing bell. 

The awkward contest was laughed off by hosts Samantha Amytage and ‘Kochie’ with the entire panel showing signs of desperation for the segment to be over.  

Ms McLaughlin is filling in for sports reporter Mark Beretta who is currently recovering from a knee injury.

Yikes! There was nothing left for Kochie and Sam to do but laugh after the heated debate stirred up a hefty amount of awkwardness on the panel

Yikes! There was nothing left for Kochie and Sam to do but laugh after the heated debate stirred up a hefty amount of awkwardness on the panel