National Action ‘members attended terror-style training camps to learn MMA’

Members of the banned neo-Nazi group National Action carried out mixed martial arts training and practiced fighting with weapons to prepare themselves for a ‘race war’, a court heard.

The shocking revelations were revealed by whistleblower Robbie Mullen during the trial of a National Action member Jack Renshaw.

The 23-year-old admitted to preparing acts of terrorism after buying a large knife to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper as well as threatening to kill a police officer.

Giving evidence against his fellow comrades in court, Mullen described the six defendants involvement in the group.  

(From left to right) Garron Helm, Michal Trubini, Andrew Clarke, Matthew Hankinson, Christopher Lythgoe and Jack Renshaw at The Old Bailey, London

Mullen told the Old Bailey that despite the group being proscribed in December 2016, everything ‘stayed the same’ and the meetings continued with the ‘same place, same people, same purpose’.

Mr Mullen, 25, said: ‘The politics was still the same – free white man. The group had gone, the name had gone, but the people were still meeting.’ 

Christopher Lythgoe, 32, from Warrington, was the leader of National Action and is said to have organised the combat training for the group, which also included fighting with sticks, according to Mullen. 

He said: ‘Chris would do the basics and it would just be normal boxing, punching a bag and sparing.’

Mr Mullen said he also went to an MMA gym to practice stick fighting.  He would see Lythgoe every week and communicate on encrypted email, jurors heard.

Mr Mullen said Lythgoe ‘decided everything’, even instructing members to dress all in black at demonstrations.

Following the ban, Mullen said Lythgoe had taken the organisation ‘underground’ and remained in charge.

A court sketch of Robbie Mullen giving evidence at the Old Bailey against alleged former National Action members

A court sketch of Robbie Mullen giving evidence at the Old Bailey against alleged former National Action members

Jack Renshaw (pictured) admitted to preparing acts of terrorism after buying a large knife to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper as well as threatening to kill a police officer

Jack Renshaw (pictured) admitted to preparing acts of terrorism after buying a large knife to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper as well as threatening to kill a police officer

Garron Helm, 24, of Merseyside, was said to have planned training camps, which were communicated via Telegram and group emails. 

Mullen said he saw a video from a camp in the Lake District which featured Helm practicing with a rubber knife, wrestling, and showed someone trying to do a ‘pull up.

After the ban, Mullen said he attended a National Action Scotland demonstration in April last year.

Gym training and pub get-togethers continued, jurors heard. 

He revealed that Renshaw, from Skelmersdale, Lancashire, was the speech maker and spokesman. Mullen said the pair met during an organised demonstration in Liverpool in November 2015.

Renshaw was said to have a particular hatred of Jewish people and described them as ‘vermin’. Mullen and Renshaw met once a month, which happened less after the ban, but was communicating via Facebook and Telegram, jurors heard.

Matthew Hankinson 24, of Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, Andrew Clarke, 33, from Warrington, Michal Trubini, 35, also from Warrington, Garron Helm, 24, of Merseyside, and university students Alex Davies and Benjamin Raymond all deny membership of a proscribed organisation.

Lythgoe also denies giving Renshaw permission to kill Rosie Cooper MP in the name of National Action last July.  

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