Neurologist faces sex allegations in three states

Dr. Ricardo Cruciani, a Philadelphia neurologist, 63, is being accused by at least 17 women of unwanted touching, kissing and overall sexual misconduct

A Philadelphia neurologist, 63, is being accused of sexual misconduct by 17 women.

Dr. Ricardo Cruciani, who has already been charged with groping patients at a Philadelphia clinic, is being accused of preying on vulnerable female patients and taking advantage of their mental state.

The women from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey who have stepped forward to accuse the doctor claim this dates back to at least a dozen years.

The women said they felt they had no choice but to continue to see the specialized neurologist who is qualified in rare, complicated syndromes that produce debilitating pain.

They admitted they knew Cruciani, the former chairman of the neurology department at Philadelphia’s Drexel University, was taking advantage of their desperation.

Former patient Hillary Tullin, a former network news producer for ABC and CBS, said: ‘These hospitals created this perfect storm of opportunity for him to victimize so many patients. The system failed.’

A Philadelphia police affidavit said Cruciani, assaulted seven patients in 2016. The women, ages 31 to 55, described unwanted touching and kissing. 

One patient in particular said Cruciani tried to force her to touch his genitals and then masturbated in front of her.

Drexel fired him in March after an internal investigation and now Cruciani is scheduled to appear in court Tuesday for a preliminary hearing on misdemeanor charges that include indecent assault.

Pictured here is Drexel University where Cruciani was fired from in March after an internal investigation

Pictured here is Drexel University where Cruciani was fired from in March after an internal investigation

‘Given that these are ongoing matters, we cannot comment because it could prejudice the proceedings. We will do our talking in court,’ his lawyer, Linda Dale Hoffa said. 

A 55-year-old former patient says Cruciani sexually abused her for years when he worked at Capital Health Medical Center from 2014 to 2016. 

Hopewell police and the Mercer County prosecutor’s office did in fact confirm Cruciani is under investigation there but refused to give any more details.

Cruciani, who has been charged with groping patients at a Philadelphia clinic, is pictured here in a profile photo on

Cruciani, who has been charged with groping patients at a Philadelphia clinic, is pictured here in a profile photo on

However, Dennis Dooley, vice president at Capital Health, said Capital received no complaints of sexual misconduct by Cruciani while he worked there. 

Tullin, 45, began seeing Cruciani in 2002 at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan as she was suffering from chronic pain that made it feel like her body was on fire.

She said three years later at an appointment in 2005 Cruciani grabbed her face and jammed his tongue down her throat, who recalled uttering an expletive and fleeing.

She avoided going back for a couple weeks. Eventually, though, she returned, feeling she had no choice because Cruciani was one of the very few doctors who could treat her.

‘You have nowhere else to go, and you know that and he knows that,’ said Tullin. 

She says Cruciani apologized, however she recalled at least a dozen later instances of escalating abuse while she was his patient at Beth Israel, Capital and Drexel. 

Tullin said that Cruciani touched her breasts and genitals, and that she performed oral sex on him at his request and he performed it on her.

‘There was nothing consensual about it,’ Tullin said. ‘When you’re being held in a locked office with someone for three hours, and you know that that person holds your health in his hands, you make a decision.’

Cruciani was the former chairman of the neurology department at Philadelphia’s Drexel University, pictured above 

Cruciani was the former chairman of the neurology department at Philadelphia’s Drexel University, pictured above 

‘And my decision was that I wanted to be able to walk again, I wanted to be able to use my arms and legs.’

A 55-year-old patient of his also revealed she was subjected to sexual advnaces during long appointments. 

She said he put his fingers in her vagina and asked her for oral sex, which she said she felt obliged to provide.

‘I felt so trapped,’ said the woman, who lives in Dutchess County, New York.

‘This was a man who really knew about a rare condition that I had. I couldn’t find anyone else with his level of knowledge or understanding, and he had my health and my medications over my head. I did what I did to survive.’

Authorities in New York were aware of an allegation against Cruciani at least as far back as 2013, when a 37-year-old woman told police he tried to kiss and grope her and get her to touch his genitals.

New York City police closed the case without charging Cruciani. The report did not say why.