Never forget to take your pill again! Contraceptive EARRINGS will make it easier for women to remember to be protected ‘because putting on jewellery is part of day-to-day routine’
- The patches would fit onto a wide variety of earrings and need weekly changing
- Hormones like those in birth control pills would be absorbed by the ear skin
- Contraceptive patches already exist but they’re larger than this invention
Earrings containing contraceptive drugs could make it easier for women to keep on top of their birth control, scientists say.
Researchers have found a way to put drugs most often taken in a pill into the backs of earrings and be absorbed through the skin.
Remembering to pop the Pill every day could become a thing of the past, they claim, because the patches would have the same effect and only need changing weekly.
Although there are already numerous contraceptive options for women, and no long-lasting ones for men, the scientists said this could make birth control more ‘appealing’.
‘Making it more appealing should make it easier to remember to use it,’ they said.
The hormones would be contained in an adhesive patch on the back of the earring which, when put onto the skin, would release them into the bloodstream and prevent pregnancy
Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US developed the earrings, which would have the same hormonal effect as the Pill.
‘The more contraceptive options that are available, the more likely it is that the needs of individual women can be met,’ said Professor Mark Prausnitz.
‘Because putting on jewellery may already be part of a woman’s daily routine, this technique may facilitate compliance with the drug regimen.
‘This technique could more effectively empower some women to prevent unintended pregnancies.’
While the contraceptive pill – the most common type of hormonal birth control – is 99 per cent effective if taken perfectly, its effectiveness is reduced to 91 per cent or lower by it being taken wrongly.
This margin for error could be reduced with the earring patch, which wouldn’t need changing as often, its creators said.
A weekly contraceptive patch is already available on the NHS but it’s larger and usually stuck to a limb or the torso.
The earring backs are based on the same technology and release hormones in a way which allows the skin to absorb them.

The researchers, from Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, said the small patches (pictured) could be discreet and easy to use

The researchers suggested the patches could be suitable for developing countries where access to other contraceptives is limited, and also offer more choice for women in wealthier nations
The researchers suggested they could also be suitable for developing countries where access to other contraceptives, like the IUD, coil or injection, is limited.
In trials on mice the scientists used the hormone levonorgestrel, which is in the morning-after pill.
It successfully absorbed through the skin in high enough quantities to work as a contraceptive, they found.
But levels of the hormone would drop if the patches were removed for eight hours – a test done to simulate the earrings being taken out before bed.
The researchers said another benefit of the patches was that they could be attached to any earrings which had a back to them.
Professor Prausnitz added: ‘The advantage of incorporating contraceptive hormone into a universal earring back is that it can be paired with many different earrings.
‘A woman could acquire these drug-loaded earring backs and then use them with various earrings she might want to wear.’
The research was published in the Journal of Controlled Release.