Never leave a man behind: Veterans join forces to give British spy a proper send-off after fearing the lonely paratrooper, 70, who died with no known friends or family was set for a pauper’s funeral

This is the moment veterans join forces to give a British spy a proper send-off after fearing the lonely paratrooper was set for a pauper’s funeral.

Lance Corporal Terence ‘Paddy’ Purcell died aged 70 without any known family or friends, meaning his farewell was set to be held in a heartbreakingly empty room.

But after a fellow veteran put a call out on social media, soldiers who served with Paddy’s regiments – 2 Para and 3 Para – rushed to attend the service at Kingston-upon-Thames Crematorium.

Former SAS Sergeant Major Bob Craft, who now works as a funeral celebrant with Civil Ceremonies Ltd, told the Mirror: ‘It is sad that because Terence had no known family, or was estranged, he was going to get a pauper’s funeral.


Lance Corporal Terence ‘Paddy’ Purcell was buried at Kingston upon Thames Crematorium, in southwest London, yesterday

Paddy's funeral was originally only set to have two attendees, but after a social media call-out, servicemen from the Paras and other regiments descended on Kingston to pay their respects

Paddy’s funeral was originally only set to have two attendees, but after a social media call-out, servicemen from the Paras and other regiments descended on Kingston to pay their respects

Veterans in their distinctive maroon berets, many with the iconic paratrooper cap badge, gathered at the crematorium in honour of their fallen comrade

Veterans in their distinctive maroon berets, many with the iconic paratrooper cap badge, gathered at the crematorium in honour of their fallen comrade

‘I didn’t know Terence but I gather he was a good man, a good soldier who served his country well and deserved a decent funeral. 

‘Most of my work is for military veterans and sadly they often have no close friends or relatives.’

Paddy is believed to have become estranged from his family after a long clandestine career in Northern Ireland.

Hailing from South Armagh, he joined the Parachute Regiment in 1971, becoming a boxer and serving in Berlin.

He was with 2 Para, but when they were deployed to Northern Ireland he moved to 3 Para’s anti-tank platoon to prevent him being targeted in his own country for being a British soldier.

Later, he was recruited into a shadowy British Army unit where he was sent on secret missions and liaised with UK intelligence and IRA insiders. 

He worked undercover for many years, cut off from friends and family, before disappearing when the peace process began.

According to the Mirror, sources said much of Terence’s history was erased but that ‘his job was incredibly dangerous’.

Paddy served in Germany and Northern Ireland with the 2 Para and 3 Para and later worked for a specialist Army unit, working undercover

Paddy served in Germany and Northern Ireland with the 2 Para and 3 Para and later worked for a specialist Army unit, working undercover

Attendees at the funeral includes paratroopers, Welsh Guards and Royal Navy servicemen, including one submariner, as well as members of the SSAFA army charity and local branches of the Royal British Legion

Attendees at the funeral includes paratroopers, Welsh Guards and Royal Navy servicemen, including one submariner, as well as members of the SSAFA army charity and local branches of the Royal British Legion

There is no existing photograph of the late paratrooper.

He spent his final days in a care home in Worcester Park, Kingston, and was set to be buried without fuss.

Sgt Maj Craft, who also served in 1 Para, said: ‘Little is known about his life after he left the Paras. 

‘He faced a quiet funeral with just two witnesses. But he was not alone when he went on his final drop. It’s great we gave him a proper military goodbye.’ 

An online appeal by the SSAFA Armed Forces Charity on X, formerly Twitter, and Facebook, called on veterans to ‘attend the funeral of a veteran’, saying: ‘He has no family, no-one should take their final journey alone, please retweet. RIP Sir.’

This caught the attention of the Parachute Regimental Association and other soldiers and veterans groups.

In an incredible show of solidarity, dozens of paratroopers, as well as other veterans including from The Welsh Guards, the Royal Navy – including a submariner – and members of the SSAFA and local branches of the Royal British Legion from Surbiton and Croydon, joined to give him a full military send-off, despite most having never met him.

Despite the full pews, one attendee knew Paddy personally – Alan Crutchley from Shropshire, who recalled: ‘He was a good boxer and I remember fighting with him in Berlin in 1979.’

On the morning of the funeral, the coffin arrived in a hearse and was carried into the chapel by six ex-Paras wearing their distinctive maroon berets to the Paratroopers’ song Ride of Valk-yries.

A line of veterans stood respectfully to attention in the guard of honour near the chapel entrance.

As the flag was removed from the coffin the Standards of the Parachute Regiment and the Royal British Legion were slowly lowered and the Last Post was played. 

As The Last Post sounded, the celebrant added: ‘Terence’s time is now over, a veteran whose battles have come to an end.

‘With hearts heavy with sorrow, yet light with gratitude.

‘May his spirit soar with the Valkyries as he joins the noble ranks of warriors who have gone before him.

‘We commit the body of Terence Purcell to its end with nature and to be cremated.

‘Rest peacefully and enjoy being welcomed into the halls of heroes.’

The celebrant was former SAS Sergeant Major Bob Craft, who paid tribute to the 'outpouring of support' for Paddy

The celebrant was former SAS Sergeant Major Bob Craft, who paid tribute to the ‘outpouring of support’ for Paddy

Paddy was given a send-off that included the paratrooper's tune The Ride of the Valkyries and The Last Post

Paddy was given a send-off that included the paratrooper’s tune The Ride of the Valkyries and The Last Post

The celebrant paid tribute to Paddy’s ‘last drop’ as the haunting sound of a C130 troop carrier aircraft was played over the sound system along with The Last Post, The Ride of the Valkyries, Pomp and Circumstance 4 and the theme tune from the 1977 Richard Attenborough film A Bridge Too Far.

The celebrant added: ‘The response today has demonstrated the unwavering compassion and love for a fellow veteran like Terence Purcell.’

He also read the Airborne Forces Collect: ‘May the defence of the Most High be above and beneath, around and within us, in our going out and in our coming in, in our rising up and in our going down, through all our days and all our nights, until dawn when the Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings for the peoples of the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.’

Sgt Maj Craft, 66, has acted as celebrant at 78 funerals, mostly military, making sure the dead are not buried or cremated alone.

He told the ceremony: ‘I felt sad that we could not pinpoint your life story. Maybe you were lonely, maybe sad, hopefully you were happy. 

‘Either way, your final journey is well under way and everyone here can visualise that journey that we all expect to take one day.’

He added: ‘The outpouring of support and energy from the veteran community has demonstrated the unwavering brotherhood, comradeship, compassion and love that exists among us, especially for a fellow veteran like Terence Purcell.

The coffin arrived in a hearse (pictured) and was carried into the chapel by six ex-Paras wearing their distinctive maroon berets

The coffin arrived in a hearse (pictured) and was carried into the chapel by six ex-Paras wearing their distinctive maroon berets

Soldiers and veterans responded en masse to a post on X, formerly Twitter, and Facebook, saying: 'No-one should take their final journey alone.'

Soldiers and veterans responded en masse to a post on X, formerly Twitter, and Facebook, saying: ‘No-one should take their final journey alone.’

Paddy’s ashes will be scattered under a parachute at Peterlee airfield in Hampshire and a scattering service atop scattering service atop Pen y Fan in the Brecon Beacons in May.

‘Although many of you may not be acquainted with each other, you are all connected through the service for our Queen, now King and Country.

‘Regardless of your cap badge, you have chosen to pause your usual routines today to honour the emotions that accompany us when we experience the loss of a veteran.’

Sgt Maj Craft said on social media that three similar funerals of veterans with no relatives were due to take place later this week.

He said: ‘This is a growing problem and we want to make all those people who work in care homes and hospitals where veterans may be living or receiving end of life treatment to contact regimental associations to ensure that we can give these veterans and heroes the send-off they truly deserve.’

Last week Sgt Maj Craft posted on Facebook to say: ‘I am confirmed and conducting the council funeral for 24234675 L/Cpl Terence Purcell next Tuesday the 9th April at the Kingston Crematorium, KT1 3EZ at 0940hrs.

‘I know Vic Morrell (local welfare officer) is attending with the standard and a few chaps, but if we can rally more then that would be great. We have a 8×5’ Regimental flag to dress him for entry.

As the flag was removed from the coffin, the Standards of the Parachute Regiment and the Royal British Legion were slowly lowered

As the flag was removed from the coffin, the Standards of the Parachute Regiment and the Royal British Legion were slowly lowered

‘There is little firm news on his history so if anyone has any comments please send as I will include them in the service to hopefully add a personal touch.

‘Please pass and share or cut and paste as much as possible.’

‘Never the less he will get an airborne send off, which will be far better than the original council funeral plan of being slipped away unknown if Vikki hadn’t flagged it out to us.

‘It would be super if we can have a pall bearer party to march him in to The Ride of the Valkyries..

‘There is no planned wake but I am sure we can slip to a local after to wet his passing.

‘I will be in Kingston upon Thames Premier Inn on Monday evening if anyone is going to be around.’
